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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. We have around 10 lemon trees on our farm in Korat. 2 of them I bought. The others I grew from seed. They are pretty hardy, easy to grow and give lots of fruit.
  2. For how long? How long before an abrupt policy shift and a swift pullout as attention is diverted elsewhere, leaving loads of military equipment in the hands of the 'bad guys' ala Afghanistan? I wouldn't be getting too excited if I were Taiwanese.
  3. I see how you are trying to divert the thread into a whinge about losing the Brexit referendum over 6 years ago, yes.
  4. This thread is about Sweden voting in a right wing government to replace the failed policies of the Left. Why are you babbling on about Brexit and Hungary?
  5. I don't claim to speak for you. The majority who cared enough to vote, voted to leave the failing federalist project. Attempts to overturn the democratic vote failed. That's Democracy in action. UK style.
  6. The UK has a completely different, democratic system, thankfully.
  7. Actually, she was approved by a very slim majority of MEP's. She scraped though after a secret ballot (how transparent!!) after being nominated by the European council. No citizens of the EU directly voted for the failed politician, Von Der Leyen to be President. Thank goodness we've left the failing, undemocratic federalist project.
  8. The electorate know who they are voting for. Nobody voted for Von De Leyen. She was "selected" by technocrats about 3 layers above the votes of the people.
  9. The Conservatives were elected by the British people. The electorate voted to leave the EU. Democracy. I know it's annoying for the vocal, extreme minority but that's how it works.
  10. The EU criticising Hungary for a lack of democracy? ???? Pot meet kettle. More headaches for the failing federalist project after the Swedish election results.
  11. Maybe you could have a "people's vote" to try to reverse the Democratic will of the Swedish people?
  12. Come budget time, funds will no doubt be diverted to countries with a more “appropriate” government.
  13. Indeed, sniping at the UK while too ashamed to admit what country she is from. Andrew, a man convicted of no crime was heckled at his own mother's funeral. A shameful act. Yet the 'be kind' people are lauding the heckler because they have decided that Andrew is guilty. As I said before, they'd fit in better in 1692 than 2022. They don't care about due process, they've already made up their minds and support any action against him.
  14. Meanhwhile, popping sounds are being reported in the industrial zones of Vietnam.
  15. Incredible scenes. So fitting for a fantastic Monarch.
  16. I'm pretty close to putting down a deposit on one of these. Just one issue is bothering me, these issues with the 10 speed transmission. A colleague had a Ford Everest (2020?) that left him stranded on the Chalong Rat highway due to a gearbox issue that the Thai technicians told him was apparently a known fault, and when I googled it there seems to be a lot of issues with that gearbox. So does anyone know if this transmission issue has been resolved for the new Raptor?
  17. One doesn't have to break the law for one's actions to be considered inappropriate for that of a member of the Royal family. His behaviour at times has been ill judged and unbecoming for a Prince. But there is no evidence that it was illegal.
  18. Going over old ground here. I believe he paid out to avoid weeks of exaggerated, sordid headlines that would have no doubt caused his parents a great deal of grief in their final months. Criticizing everyone else's nationality and their government, Royal Family, populace etc. while trying to keep your own nationality hidden seems a bit lily livered to me. But if that's your nature, carry on...
  19. Just as the words of a self confessed procurer of girls for sex trafficking does not constitute the guilt of a man who may have had a photo taken with her. I don't know why you Americans are so obsessed with the British Royal family. Jealousy?
  20. You'd think if she was really a victim then she'd want justice. The offer of a cash payout to see her abuser go free would have been an insult. But no, little Miss "it's not about the money" couldn't drop the charges fast enough once a few million quid was waved in her face. Tells you everything you need to know about the woman and her false accusations. That's before you consider that she herself is a self confessed sex trafficker.
  21. No facts there, just your biased opinions based on a dislike of the Royal family. A man is innocent until proven guilty. What we have here are people acting like it's 1692. What is it with you guys? Wishing to bring back racial discrimination (rebranded as positive discrimination), wishing to shut down freedom of expression (rebranded as outlawing hate speech), and now declaring people guilty without even having a trial. Doesn't sound too progressive to me.
  22. Covid is old news. I was in the UK last week for a holiday and there were no masks, no talk of Covid, no concerns of catching it, life back to normal. Coming back to Thailand and having to mask up was a real pain. It feels like they're about a year behind and they look quite foolish to be honest having spent a week over there. It seems they just can't let it go.
  23. No evidence to suggest she was trafficked. Or that he had sex with her. Maybe better you stick to the facts rather than indulging in celebrity gossip and conspiracy theories.
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