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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. But then the police wouldn't make a fortune turning a blind eye to it. Same as after hours drinking, prostitution etc. Make laws that are bound to be broken, then take payment for overlooking said laws. Thailand 101.
  2. Pitchfork bearers? ???? Get a grip... There was always insults on Twitter (if that's what you mean by hate speech, I'm not sure as I am not fluent in Woke). It was directed at the right. You obviously wouldn't mind that though...
  3. Personally I am spending much more time on there, and much less time on other platforms. Some of it is absolutely hilarious. I never get posts removed because my political opinion doesn't align with the mods, Lots of different opinions, memes, videos etc. If something offends me, I am free to not look at it. What's not to like?
  4. I'm not surprised. Unrealistic expectations placed on them by social media. Limited job prospects. Bullying online and offline. The expectation of financially supporting their parents. No real social support system. Ruled by an elite that treats them like trash. Doomsday "green" cults telling them the world is about to end. I'd be depressed as well.
  5. That would be incredibly bad form to reduce/eliminate the tax free limits for expats. It would affect me on property I rent out in the UK, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. But for OAP's relying on meagre pensions, to be taxed on that would be a disaster. It would see many return home and cost the government a lot of money, so for the negligible sum it would raise I don't believe it would be worth it. However, with Sunak and Hunt in charge and the economy in the toilet due to ridiculous lockdown policies, it could happen. I'd put this in the 'possible but unlikely' box.
  6. The Lefties have spat the dummy. No biggie, they'll be back.
  7. Over in a day or 2... How long has it been already? Incredible how long it takes to get the results in US elections. Surely it can't be that complicated. The drawn out process just adds fuel to the fire of those who suggest something shady is afoot. Reminds me of boxing when it takes 15 minutes for the judges to hand in their scorecards. It's not necessarily corruption, but the optics are terrible.
  8. Interesting. I wonder if we'll get another "victory" dance from Biden if he loses the Senate as well?
  9. Well he's just lost the ability to push through his agenda. So I am not quite sure why he's so happy. His expectations must have been through the floor. I agree that the Republicans need to sort themselves out. To continue the football analogy, the GOP are playing against a team full of "has beens" and "never was" but can't quite finish them off due to silly in-fighting. Trump should step aside now, he had his day in the sun and it's time to let someone else have a go. For every Trump loving MAGA supporter, there is probably a floating voter who can see what a bad job Biden is doing but just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Trump. Remove Trump with someone more palatable and the Republicans would hit it out of the park IMO.
  10. So almost certainly losing control of the house (and possibly the senate), meaning he can no longer push through his agenda for the rest of his term is a good day for Democracy according to Joe? A bit like a football manager claiming a 3-0 defeat was a great result for the league because he was expecting to lose 6-0.
  11. As others have alluded to, many of us are tired of this Doomsday cult, complete with their child deity (Thunberg) as leader and the usual band of oddball, fanatical followers. It's just another tool to keep the population scared and handing their money over to the political elite in the form of green taxes - for 'protection' from the "threat". Meanwhile, these same elites fly around the world on private jets and being chauffered in Range Rover laden motorcades to attend conferences where they lecture the plebs about reducing their carbon footprint. https://nypost.com/2021/10/29/joe-biden-sees-rome-with-85-car-motorcade-before-climate-summit/ Good work if you can get it.
  12. And therein lies the problem. Parties (on both sides!) should select candidates that can run the country effectively, not simply 'beat the other side'. That's how you end up with a president who is barely in control of his own cognitive functions. It's a sad state of affairs when politicians (and their fanatical supporters) care only about retaining power and beating/belittling the opposition, and little for the state of the nation.
  13. I didn't predict any such thing. I am merely commenting on what happened, and the reaction to it.
  14. Seems to me like the Democrats are trying to spin this into some kind of victory. So the senate race is going down to the wire and it looks like they will lose control of the House of Representatives, allowing Republicans to block Biden's agenda. If that is hailed as a victory, they must have set the bar pretty low.
  15. Untrue. You interpret anything that is not a glowing endorsement of Biden as somehow being Pro Republican. That reflects your poor interpretation rather than my actual position. It is very typical of the nature of American politics right now. The two party system, the partisan nature, the "If you're not with me you must be against me" attitude. You embody it perfectly and creating a strawman regarding my position is just one example of that, albeit an excellent example. Progozhin is using this situation to whip you Dems up into another anti-Trump frenzy. To further divide the nation. He is playing you like a fiddle and you are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Him and Putin must be laughing their <deleted> off.
  16. Well that's ruined my plans for a 2 bedroom bungalow in the centre of the universe. I guess I'll have to send the 100 Million back to my country now.
  17. Correct. I see it's finally starting to sink in. That's progress. The fact that you used my post to imply that I was somehow "supporting the Republicans over the Democrats" re-inforces my point about the partisan, virtriolic and often antagonistic nature of the 2 party system in the US right now.
  18. Sounds like he is trying to create even more vitriol and animosity in US politics, if that is even possible. We all know how the current state of US politics is harming the country. Releasing this statement is obviously designed to create even more division, and it looks to have worked. I wouldn't believe a Russian oligarch (who just happens to be Putin's best mate) talking about the US any more than I'd believe a Thai bargirl talking about her sick buffalo.
  19. He actually fought quite well. He's got some skills and made the Thai guy quit with a lovely uppercut. He's not my cup of tea but he's doing well, credit to him.
  20. They are only objecting because now both sides get freedom of speech are the same rules apply to all. They were fine with the previous owners suppressing the right while allowing the radical left to post whatever they liked. "Go set up your own platform" they cried. Musk's point about shared power is a valid one. Obviously it won't be liked by the far left progressives. By the by, I really don't think Elon Musk needs business advice from retired expats living in Thailand. He seems to be doing OK.
  21. He's not proposing you only get the land for 3 years. He's saying they will increase the period that you have to invest the money from 3 years, up to 10 years i.e. you have to invest the money longer than originally proposed. if you were to put brackets around "to be allowed to purchase land" in the sentence below it would be clearer. But it's still a terrible offer, and the fact they say the policy will be reviewed after x amount of years is the icing on the cake. Who would really invest 100 Million Baht for 10 years for 1 rai? You'd have to be mad. I'm afraid they really do believe that Thailand is the most desirable place on earth. Much better to buy property overseas where you can really own it, rent it out and use the rent from that property to rent something here.
  22. I see Biden's foreign policy is reaping dividends.
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