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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Jonathan Pie is brilliant. If he ever gets bored of satire, he could do the same act and get a job at Channel 4 ????.
  2. Ginge and Cringe trying to stay relevant. They should be grateful for the column inches. Declining rapidly. Thankfully.
  3. Maybe he needs the cash to pay off his baby Momma Amber Heard’s defamation charges to Johnny Depp? Musk is a basket case IMO. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him end up like Elizabeth Holmes.
  4. Yes leave means leave. It took over 3 years after the Brexit vote before we left. Settle in. Read his speech again. He won’t be going anywhere soon.????
  5. Thanks for the hard work Boris. Great job on Brexit and the vaccine rollout. Whose next? For me it has to Truss, Mogg or Raab. I'd like to see The Moggster get it. A true Conservative.
  6. May resigned out of shame for her treasonous acts of colluding with the EU against her own country during BRINO negotiations. She should have been removed from the Conservative party.
  7. You obviously missed my post yesterday where I favoured Liz Truss as Boris' replacement ????. Sorry to disappoint - but your mates over in the trans lobby used up all the misogyny, there's none left for straight white males like me.
  8. Votes of no confidence don't really work like that. Re-running a vote because you didn't like result didn't wash for Brexit, Indyref or Boris' no confidence vote.
  9. He's certainly made some errors of judgement. I would support him resigning now. He's been listening to Carrie too much about the green nonsense, we need a true blue Tory, not a green/red one.
  10. A minority. Proved by the fact that he won the vote of confidence a couple of weeks ago.
  11. Actually, sacking someone that you appointed is indeed a sign of strength. I have personal experience of people refusing to sack people since they appointed them and don't wish to admit they were wrong. That's weak. As for embarrassing the country, just be glad we don't have Starmer, Rayner, Abbott, Lammy representing us. Now THAT would be embarrassing.
  12. Well done Boris. Gove is a snake and has stitched him up in the past. A sign of strong leadership to remove him. I thought Boris would be gone by now, seems he's really digging his heels in. Must be annoying a few people ????.
  13. Coming to a 711 near you. Jack the prices up 50%. Then offer a 50% discount for anyone with a Thai ID card. Claim it's not dual pricing, it's a local discount. The apologists on here will no doubt support it, quoting DisneyWorld, poor Thai people (arriving in their Benz) etc. ????
  14. You might want to check those trade deals. Btw a weak pound is good for exports, tourism etc. It's not as simple as strong = good.
  15. Yep, threatening to mutilate someone with Acid is so much nicer than hosting an after works drinks party.
  16. The proof of the pudding arrives at General Elections. Remind me. When was the last time Labour won one?
  17. Like Claudia Webbe's acid throwing threats? Or Dawn Butler's race baiting? Or Fiona Onasanya's perverting the course of justice and subsequent jail sentence. Those 'be kind' Labour politicians are so pure by comparison ???? .
  18. Still more than 200 to choose from. That's what happens when you get a massive majority. Thanks Labour, keep up the Wokery, it's a real vote winner.
  19. Javid and Sunak won't be missed, especially Sunak. They've been replaced already. Laura Trott is insignificant. Any other 'also rans' gone yet? Like I said, if Boris goes he goes. He was starting to lean too far to the left with some of his policies anyway.
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