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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. This would be very worrying for Biden, if he was capable of understanding it.
  2. Allow me to help. Listen carefully as I won't explain it for a third time. It is possible to think that Joe Biden is an incompetent, senile old man and simultaneously think that Trump is an egotistical idiot. Especially for a non American like myself who doesn't have a horse in the race. I can only shake my head and feel pity that these are the offerings put forward to the American people. It's a sad state of affairs for a once great country.
  3. ???? If I was a fan of Trump, I would not have said they are both woeful, would I? You are obviously extremely partisan. You also clearly lack the insight to acknowledge that not everyone falls on one side of the fence or the other. Ackowledging that Joe Biden is an incompetent old man unfit to be President does not make me a fan of Trump, or a "right wing nutter". Please do not assume that everyone shares your lack of intellect or extreme views.
  4. Fascist countries are available if it's not authoritarian enough for you here. Teachers in Thailand seem to have massive egos. There is no place for humiliating a child due to a parent not (or being unable to) complying with all the silly fancy dress days.
  5. Nice attempt to blame Trump. I'm no fan of Trump as I have already stated, but withdrawal would have been fine had it been managed properly. Biden completely screwed it up, but then what do you expect from someone who can barely string a coherent sentence together?
  6. I can see why you'd say that. However for me, I look at it like at least Thaksin gave something back to the poor with the healthcare scheme etc. Prayut gives nothing. It's take take take. And let's face it, he doesn't need the money either. Pure greed. Also, Thailand was a lot more fun under Thaksin. Prayut's puritanical side has really taken a lot of the joy out of the place so on a tangible level, I prefer Thaksin. Thaksin was aso a smart businessman so while he stole, he also drove the country forward. Prayut on the other hand is taking the place back to the dark ages. He'd quite happily revert the place back 200 years if given the chance.
  7. I'm pleased to hear that. I have also made a significant investment in a massive bong (medicinal use only of course - I suffer occasional appetite loss) ????.
  8. Thaksin had a wonderful opportunity to do something positive for Thailand, and himself. Unfortunately, he squandered it due to his greed and will live out his days in exile. He ruined it all, for money he didn't even need. The parable of the frog and the scorpion describes the situation perfectly. He's still 100x better than Prayut though.
  9. The French have pretty much no control of their borders. Which is why they have such a massive problem with illegal immigrants coming into France from other EU countries (illegal immigrants entering Greece, Italy, Turkey from non EU countries then easily moving across borders into France) that they then shamefully facilitate putting onto unseaworthy boats bound for Britain, many of whom die during the crossing. Playing childish games by making it difficult and time consuming for Britons to legally enter France is neither clever nor symbolic of border control. I'm not the least surprised you take the French side in these shameful practices though.
  10. Insurrection? lol. It was a riot by a few loons. Anyway, ignoring the hyperbole, what has Biden done that has come close to what Trump may or may not have done? Well he totally screwed up the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, sending the region into chaos and pretty much reinstating the Taliban as leaders while simultaneously arming them to the teeth with US weapons that were left behind. So there's that...
  11. It's sad that you think it has to be one or the other. The US deserves better than Biden or Trump. It's like deciding whether to be bitten by a Python (Trump, not pleasant but you can survive) or a Viper (Biden, looks less threatening but actually deadly). Of course Trump is less decrepit than Biden but they are both substandard. Both woeful in fact. A pathetic state of affairs for what used to be a good country. Sad to watch for a Brit like me who grew up admiring the USA.
  12. This thread is about the government, and as far as I am aware Trump is not in government. But seeing as you mentioned it, compared to Hunter Biden? Yes, I'd say they look pretty good by comparison. But who wouldn't? That's a pretty low bar the Biden's have set.
  13. You make it sound like you have to choose one or another. There is some centre ground, you know? But I guess it's easier to label anyone who doesn't agree with your Progressive mindset a Fascist... Sad.
  14. Nobody cares about Biden and his silly story that he is Irish. It's the same as all his old stories like the Mandela rubbish he comes out with. Given his state of mind he probably believes it himself at this point. We didn't have a trade deal with the US when we were in the EU. We aren't desperate for one now. Especially if he thinks he can use that as a carrot for ordering us around. Did he not see how we reacted when the EU tried to do use trade to order us around? We told them to do one, pronto. We'll do the same with the US. Washington doesn't tell London what to do. Except in your anti UK mind.
  15. Whilst I cannot support such statements, I have to say that if Biden and the Progressives were 'leading' (ruining) my country I'd probably be pretty angry as well. The fact that such an incompetent and senile man from such a disgraceful family can be voted into such a position of power is mind blowing.
  16. Shocked to hear The Guardian is blaming it on Brexit and The Tories ????.
  17. Ah, so the French have decided to go on a "go slow" to punish the Brits for Brexit. How very mature of them. No doubt Macron has approved this move. Classic EU pettiness. Thank god we left.
  18. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it ????. As has already been pointed out, Blair lied to Parliament and Parliament was foolish enough to take his word for it. In fairness to Parliament, at that point in time it wasn't yet widely held knowledge that he was a pathological liar with a penchant for destabilizing entire regions.
  19. Thai trains are a bit like Bangkok buses. You don't need to have used one to know they suck. A cursory glance is sufficient. I'll stick to planes thanks.
  20. Fairytale Economonics? Is this the new "Unicorn" that you lefties were spouing on about for 4 years? You lefty Remainers love a childish expression to repeat ad nauseam, don't you... Truss promising a bonfire of EU laws. Now she's talking my language. Although a controlled explosion might be a better metaphor, starting with taking completely legal, unilateral action on article 16. Boom.
  21. The issue is not 300 baht. It's nothing. But where does it go? Do we get a 14 day certificate for healthcare in the event of an accident? Something we can present at the hospital in the event of an issue? No. Didn't think so..
  22. Yeah I'm guessing it was a 2 man job. Number 1 got caught immediately. Number 2 fled to Thailand.
  23. Actually the reason they walk is because if defeated politically, they have tanks and guns which his ilk are absolutely prepared to use, as they showed at Thammasart University in 1976. The whole Parliament thing is a dog and pony show to give the illusion of a modicum of Democracy. Nobody believes it of course, but the domestic audience can't (won't) do anything about it and the international audience has bigger fish to fry.
  24. Well they are starting from a low baseline given last year. I think domestic spending will be low. Many people up to their eyeballs in debt after borrowing their way through the last 2 years. Tourism will increase. I was out last night and saw lots of signs of that picking up (between Asoke and Nana). I think I preferred it without the tourists tbh.
  25. You are one of those people who points out the blindingly obvious problems without offering any solutions. I've worked with many people like that. Yes we are in a difficult situation caused by covid19 and the war in Ukraine. When I ask what Stamer Rayner Abbott Nandy Lammy etc would do, you call it whataboutism. Dodging the question. So what do you think Labour would do? Apart from pontificating about woke issues from some Islington wine bar and hating on Israel of course. The Tories are far from perfect but they are the best option at the moment, especially if led by Truss and not Sunak. I believe Truss will win. The members will warm to her more than Sunak even though the MPs like Sunak. Must be a nightmare for you guys, given her political stance. ????
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