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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Yes the general election was representative of the nation. How did that work out for the left? Or do you have a twitter poll to contradict me ?
  2. Yeah I suspected a back story of a long running feud. Often unavoidable in these villages. We have a local woman who hates us because we bought the farm that she was lowballing the seller on before we paid close to the asking amount. Of course, we were totally unaware of this when we bought it but that doesn't occur to her. Anyway, let's hope this sweet old Grannie gets her motorcycle papers in order before she runs over some kids playing in the village on her way home from pilfering the Galangal ????.
  3. Yeah, I know that's what they do, I was just questioning the legality of it. I can't imagine it is legal to do that. I'm not sure that whether the plant/tree is cultivated or not is the key factor in the legality, and if it is, how do they know if a Papaya tree was planted or just sprung up. I'd also imagine their laid back attitude would change if it was you walking onto their property to take their fruit/vegetables. Probably a case of "what's yours in mine, what's mine is my own".
  4. That remains to be seen. Hence, it is a prediction.
  5. I didn't say you were racist. You misread the post. Please re-read it. I said you were implying that the Conservative members wouldn't vote for Sunak because he isn't white. It was quite an interesting debate and then you couldn't resist pulling the race card. Sad.
  6. Yes opinions are not facts. Glad we have agreed on that.
  7. Oh give it a rest. Can't you have a sensible debate without screaming "racist"? Have you seen how many non white Conservative MP's there are? Who do you think voted for them? Sure, not all voters would be members of the party but they are certainly supporters. Do only the racists make the step from voter to member? Laughable.
  8. I didn't see any facts. I saw a few opinions. Many of which were from Truss' opposition for the PM's job.
  9. I'm not sure that's correct. So if a papaya tree just randomnly pops up somewhere on my land (as they sometimes do when birds drop seeds etc.), it's perfectly legal for someone to walk onto my land and pick the fruit off it without asking? If that were the case I'm not sure this guy would be taking her to court since he'd know he would lose.
  10. I'm not surprised you don't hear it. Probably because as soon as someone in your left wing echo chamber disagrees with the extreme left they are shouted down as Racist, Misogynistic, transphobic etc. It's difficult to have a civilized conversation in that environment, so people keep it to themselves until it's time to vote at which point your echo chamber is shocked to their core by the result.
  11. In my opinion. not valid. People are struggling and the massive tax burden is not helping. As someone who supports the free market economy, deregulation and a low taxation model I believe that her policy is spot on. Taxing people to death to pay for huge government spending is not something I support. I believe reduced taxes will encourage investment and spending, both of which kick start the economy instead of choking it by taking money out of people's pockets to spend on often failed government projects.
  12. It's possible to be struggling financially and also be sick and tired of the tiresome Woke culture currently ramming ridiculous opinions down everyone's throats. The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, the poor working class are currently extremely irritated by the Left Wokies harping on about women having penises, men having babies etc. when they are struggling to make ends meet. Johnson is being replaced because he had a glass of wine at an after work meeting, amongst other silly gaffs. Unfortunately the constant hounding of him by the left wing MSM made his position untenable (and yes, he did make the situation worse with his cavalier behaviour). Unfortunately for the left, he's most like going to be replaced by someone further to the right. I would say "Let's wait until the left wing start hounding the new PM" but as we can see from your post, it's started before they've even taken up the position. ????
  13. I don't see the issue in terms of eating the fish. They put water in those tanks from the mains water supply and then scoop it out to wash themselves. Dirty water doesn't go back in there, the water is kept clean. People aren't putting their hands in there to wash them like they would in a sink full of water. The only health issue is that people are washing their hands in water that the fish have been in. But given the state of the government water a lot of the time, that's probably no worse than washing your hands from the tap water.
  14. We used to get a few village Grannies trespassing on our farm, stealing Aloe Vera, Papaya, Guava, Bananas etc. When we caught them red handed and asked them what they were doing they did the confused old lady act and pretended they thought it was public property when everyone in the local area knows it's ours and the plants have clearly been planted deliberately, watered and generally taken care of. Luckily one of our seven dogs didn't bite her as she was stealing it or she'd have no doubt been demanding we paid her for her hospital treatment. While these individuals are clearly stealing and then lying about their lack of knowledge, we took the diplomatic route and told them not to come on the property because we are concerned for their safety re. the dogs (which is true as they are territorial), but if they need some fruit come and ask and we will give them some (which we would have done). They never returned to request it. This guy should just warn them not to trespass and let that be the end of it. No need to demand money they haven't got. Unless of course there is more to the story and this is payback for some long standing issue.
  15. A left wing socialist rag reporting negatively on a conservative candidate who proposes low taxation and a free market economy. Quelle surprise. Sunak criticizing the policies of his rival for the PM's job. Quelle surprise. Maybe you could link some Channel 4 'news' reports next?
  16. Caught out? If you step out of your Woke echo chamber for a moment you would find that many Christians and Muslims are opposed to gay marriage because their religion does not support it. That is their view (not mine) and they are entitled to it. Maybe you should try to cancel Christianity and Islam. Once again, anyone who disagrees with you is automatically a Bigot. A very narrow world view if I may say so.
  17. You do realize that the right wing conservative party was elected by a massive majority by the General Public? The 'general public' generally see these Woke issues as ridiculous, backwards and annoying, but an extreme leftist vocal minority likes to give the impression that their view is the commonly held view. Social media platforms like Twitter that pander to the leftists and remove opposing views reinforce this mistaken view. That's why these extreme Lefties always seem so shocked when they lose the 'real life' votes like Brexit and the last few General Elections ????. Their deluded world crumbles and so they take to platforms like this to tell everyone again that they are correct, and that most people agree with them. Case in point.
  18. Indeed, and around the world. Covid and the war in Ukraine have been terrible for economies everywhere.
  19. I see poverty all the time here in Thailand as well. Many people lost their businesses due to Covid. I don't believe there was a Thexit? Or did I miss it?
  20. Just to reiterate how great our system is. Go Truss!
  21. I don't believe that was an option on the ballot paper. Same as there was no option for Wearing 2 left shoes or illegally drinking Mojito's on the train. So the answer to all 3 options is Nobody.
  22. Of course it's relevant. That's why we put such a great system in place.
  23. This is the way it is done in the UK in the event of the PM resigning. We're not the USA. We don't vote for a President - we elect a party based on the number of MP's that win their seats. In the event of the PM resigning the party in power retains power (since we didn't vote for Boris as President) and the members of that party choose a new leader. It's a great system. Maybe you guys could convert?
  24. Yeah, nothing to do with Covid19 lockdowns and the economy subsequently obliterated. It woz Brexit guv ????.
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