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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Coming to a 711 near you. Jack the prices up 50%. Then offer a 50% discount for anyone with a Thai ID card. Claim it's not dual pricing, it's a local discount. The apologists on here will no doubt support it, quoting DisneyWorld, poor Thai people (arriving in their Benz) etc. ????
  2. You might want to check those trade deals. Btw a weak pound is good for exports, tourism etc. It's not as simple as strong = good.
  3. The correct answer was "Labour haven't won since 2005". ????
  4. Yep, threatening to mutilate someone with Acid is so much nicer than hosting an after works drinks party.
  5. The proof of the pudding arrives at General Elections. Remind me. When was the last time Labour won one?
  6. Like Claudia Webbe's acid throwing threats? Or Dawn Butler's race baiting? Or Fiona Onasanya's perverting the course of justice and subsequent jail sentence. Those 'be kind' Labour politicians are so pure by comparison ???? .
  7. Still more than 200 to choose from. That's what happens when you get a massive majority. Thanks Labour, keep up the Wokery, it's a real vote winner.
  8. Javid and Sunak won't be missed, especially Sunak. They've been replaced already. Laura Trott is insignificant. Any other 'also rans' gone yet? Like I said, if Boris goes he goes. He was starting to lean too far to the left with some of his policies anyway.
  9. Javid was health minister. He's gone and will now be replaced by someone more competent.
  10. I could count them on one hand. I'm not concerned. If Boris goes then he goes. The Conservatives will retain power, hopefully with a PM who doesn't lean to the left every time his wife puts a silly idea in his head.
  11. Sorry to hear about your Mother. But you're wasting your time trying to explain to this poster that Boris doesn't actually manage the ambulances. He'd blame the Tories for the floods in Sydney...
  12. Bi Elections? ???? Clutching at straws. .. Don't worry. Your lot will get another shot by 2025. I'm sure they'll manage to hit another trough at just the right time ????.
  13. You might want to check out the Tories majority in the HOC. General Elections tend to carry more weight than opinion polls and local elections.
  14. Clearly it appeals to more people than are gullible enough to believe that the inept charlatans in the Labour party are fit to govern.
  15. It appears what you want is to blame the Tories for everything, including a global pandemic and the war in Ukraine (which FYI is a big contributor in the cost of living crisis). The solutions are being implemented but will take time. Mercifully, with Labour nowhere near power for the foreseeable future.
  16. There is a backlog. The NHS was delaying treatment while COVID was killing millions of people throughout the world. Maybe an analogy would help? When you have a crash on the motorway and traffic jams back up for 20km, it doesn't all instantly disappear as soon as the damaged vehicles are moved onto the hard shoulder. It takes time. If you are the last one in that 20km queue, it can take quite a lot of time. <snip>
  17. Covid-19 put an incredible strain on the NHS. While the government's increased NHS spending and excellent vaccine management program helped matters, there is inevitably a backlog for treatment after such an incredibly destructive pandemic. Ignoring the impact of Covid to score political points is disingenuous in the extreme.
  18. The whole world is facing massive problems right now. You might have heard of a virus called Covid-19?
  19. Lucky you weren't living in Iraq, having your family killed by Blair's illegal invasion based on the WMD lies. Still, as long as you think your wait for a Dentist was shorter, that's the main thing...
  20. I was just correcting your misquote, I wasn't expecting you to like it. So you're saying it was the Tories fault that Blair lied to Parliament about WMD and took us into an illegal war alongside the Republican Bush, causing tens of thousands of deaths and decades of instability in the Middle East? ???? Whilst simultaneously accusing me of shifting the blame? ???? Quite the stretch
  21. Great point, because there were never any problems under a Labour government ????.
  22. Actually I didn't say I was pleased had weakened. What I said was that it had been great for some of us. People like me who earn in Baht and send home to invest in UK property, UK exporters, people involved in tourism etc. Unfortunately the Tories believed Blair about his WMD lies. I also believed him in '97 and voted for him. The war criminal fooled a few of us, but never again will I believe the lies of a labour politician. Given their (lack of) success at the polls, I am not the only one.
  23. The Tories have done OK. Not as well as I would have liked, but not terrible (unless your focus is on a drinks party at number 10) in the torrid circumstances. Infinitely better than the opposition would have done, with their People's vote, Woke ideologies and economic illiteracy. I still haven't forgotten the war crimes committed by Blair last time around, creating decades of instability in the Middle East on the basis of lies about WMD. An illegal war in the middle east or a drinks party? Hmmm, tough choice.
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