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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Took about an hour to get my bags after landing at Swampy on Friday night, and mine was one of the first off (apart from the crew's luggage). I didn't see any other baggage carousels in use so it's not like the airport was busy. I wonder if they could take some conscripts away from gardening duty at the General's mansions and get them to help out?
  2. Never mind, the strong Baht and weak Pound has been great for some of us. I guess there always has to be a winner and a loser.
  3. You think the strength of a nation's currency is synonymous with the strength of it's economy? ???? Let me guess, you're annoyed because your pension doesn't go as far these days?
  4. There's no need to start throwing insults around ????. That's the trouble with the left, they just can stop the 'Be Kind' mask slipping when someone disagrees with them. Calling Johnson a slag in your last post, now calling me ignorant, you'd probably fit in well on Labour's front bench. Certainly with Rayner, who is another good example of this seething vitriol from the virtue signallers, and another example of why they have been out of power for over a decade with no light at the end of the electoral tunnel. Oozing malevolence from every pore, they fool no-one ????. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-59081482 Is it any wonder they cannot get votes when their leader cannot define the gender of half of the electorate ????.
  5. It's Covid that destroyed the economy, not Brexit. You might have noticed that pretty much every country has experienced massive economic turmoil since 2020. Maybe Brexit was responsible for the problems in Thailand's economy as well? ????
  6. The trainwreck of a Labour Party will have their chance at the next general election. Who knows, if Stamer can figure out how to define a woman he might even get some votes.
  7. I used to dislike Dianne Abbott. But she's actually doing a really valuable job (along with Lammy, Rayner, Starmer etc.) of ensuring that the loony left are completely unelectable, kept well away from power and hence unable to ruin the country with their Woke tripe ????.
  8. Johnson did what he was elected to do. He honoured the Brexit vote and did what he could with the mess that the Remainer Theresa May left behind. He did pretty well to avoid the EU mess re. the Covid vaccines (although went too far with the lockdowns). But this is one screwup too many. Probably time to go now. Put a fork in him, .... Hopefully whoever replaces him is more in line with true Conservative values and drops the green agenda, stops pandering to the Woke lobby, defunds the biased BBC, amends the NI Protocol, rules out further lockdowns, cuts direct taxation etc.
  9. I suspect this is the beginning of the end for Boris. Unfortunately there is no obvious replacement in the Conservative party and no credible opposition (unless you consider the likes of Starmer, Abbott, Lammy, Rayner to be credible ????). Personally I'd go with Liz Truss or Dominic Raab. Or maybe The Moggster, just for giggles.
  10. What goes around comes around. Insurance companies are the biggest cheats out there. I had a genuine claim, but the insurance company I had the policy with had already gone bankrupt, or so the story went...
  11. Where did anyone suggest that the government would regulate sexual orientation? Sensationalist nonsense.
  12. And most gay people would agree. Being gay to them is one of hundreds of things that they happen to be. Some of those things were achieved by hard work and some are immutable (like being gay). Unfortunately there is a vocal minority that feel the need to shout about it from the rooftops. Because they don't want to be invisible, they don't want to blend in, they want to be the centre of attention, they want everyone to know they are 'special'. If that annoys people, it delights them ????.
  13. No you said why they celebrate. Not why they are proud. Gay people are born gay, it is not something that is achieved through hard work and diligence throughout the course of their lives. Much like being straight, black, white, Thai, British etc. It is not something you have control over, therefore being proud of it seems strange to me (and to many gay people who don't need to celebrate it but just get on with their lives). It seems you think some immutable characteristics are more worthy of pride than others. For example, someone being proud to be a black, gay, Rwandan female would be fine? But someone who was proud to be a straight, white, British male would not be cool?
  14. What's to be proud of? It's just an immutable characteristic. Like being white, female, straight, Chinese or whatever. It's nothing to be proud of. And nothing to be ashamed of. Douglas Murray says it best (he's gay by the way).
  15. Actually most of the gay community is happy to just get on with their lives. They do so with very few issues but you never hear from them as they are busy getting on with their lives. It's only a vocal minority that wants to shout it from the rooftops. These individuals tend to be the ones who have the most problems since generally most people nowadays don't care if someone is gay or not. I think that is what this minority hates the most, they don't want to blend in - they want to stand out, to be controversial, to be 'special' and being gay isn't really that special any more, it is just another immutable characteristic.
  16. You've missed the point again. The curriculum/content might be LGBT issues. The teachers views on those issues might be completely different and thus the way they teach might be different. Even if they are prepared to teach it in the first place might be an issue. Here is one example where a teacher was sacked for her Christian beliefs and reluctance to teach these issues. Another good reason why this should be kept out of schools. Teachers shouldn't be sacked because their Christian or Muslim beliefs are not in line with the latest Woke trend. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/07/christian-school-worker-loses-tribunal-case-against-sacking A livelihood and career ruined. Totally unnecessary.
  17. Nope. The 'gay' slur was used, but it was predominantly used on boys who were not perceived to be gay and it wasn't used in a malicious way. It was a throwaway term used among friends, like 'that was a bit gay' if someone did something goofy like missed an open goal during a game of football. For example, as a teenage skateboarder there was a vert trick called the "gay twist" which was a 360 starting backwards where you grabbed the board (it was 'gay' because you couldn't do it without grabbing the board, if you didn't grab the board it was called "The Caballerial" after the inventer of the trick). So the term was used, but not maliciously and not on effeminate boys. I suspect that had there been LGBT flags everywhere and gay pride marches then the issue of the various forms of sexuality would have been at the fore more than it was. After all, we were just kids and fortunately skating, football, music, video games etc were more important to us than whether someone was LGBTQIA+.
  18. How so? You don't think a 20 something, far left, Pansexual teacher would have a different stance on teaching homosexuality to children than a 60 year old, ultra conservative fundamentalist Christian? Of course the teachers own viewpoint is critical to how the subject would be approached. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous.
  19. Not in my experience. We suspected a few kids at school were gay but the conversation never arose in a public setting and they weren't bullied. Unfortunately, ginger kids were, fat kids were, unattractive kids were, but thankfully I never remember gay kids being bullied. Now, had it been raised in class every 5 minutes, gay pride marches, photos of homsexual couples on the walls, LGBT flags everywhere then maybe it would have been different... Like I said, keep it out of the classroom and teach Maths, English etc. There's no need for compulsory lessons on the myriad of options of sexual orientation for kids. A child doesn't go to school to learn about Pansexuality, non binary, trans sexuality etc.
  20. Sounds like he wants to charge more, without improving the quality of the product. Hanging electricity cables, Mangey Soi dogs, dirty beaches, smog, taxis with crazy drivers and no seatbelts etc. all offered at a premium price. Good luck with that Anutin.
  21. No, I don't. Like in the terrible experience of the poster I was responding to, the bullying started because the issue of homosexuality was raised in the classroom. Had they been teaching Maths, the issue would never have even been raised. If you think the best way to stop bullying of gay kids is to keep raising the subject of homosexuality in the classroom then I would strongly disagree. It's like the proponents of critical race theory who think the best way to tackle racism is to keep reminding people of the fact they are inherently different because they belong to a certain racial group and assuming (often negative) things about them based on that race. It's nonsense, it doesn't belong in the classroom, certainly as a compulsory element. At a push I guess extra curricular, optional modules for this could be offered (subject to parental consent) but even that is not necessary IMO.
  22. I'm not sure how you reached that conclusion from my post? Maybe you should read it again ????.
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