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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Very sad. I saw the video and the car pulled out from the side street onto the main road and immediately moved into the overtaking lane, possibly to U turn further up the road, and the bike went up the back of it. The rider didn't look to be speeding. It was a bit curious that whilst he clearly didn't have enough time to stop, he did appear to have enough time to move into a different lane to avoid the collision but he stayed on the same lane. It looked like he could have gone to the left or the right of the car to avoid it. Maybe he thought there was something coming from behind in those lanes? Or maybe he had target fixation. Anyway, the driver was at fault IMO. She could have pulled out and stayed in the left hand lane and it would have been fine. RIP Keith.
  2. That would be true if he was proposing nobody else had to wear a mask. But no, this hypocrite believes his status affords him special priviliges. In his little mind, masks are for the peasants, not the 'good people'.
  3. Nonsense. Does the UK Civil service initiate new legislation? No. Yet the European Commission does. Not even nearly the same thing. Ridiculous comparison.
  4. Except in the UK, the MP that I vote for has powers along with other MP's to propose legislation, to introduce a bill. In the EU, the right to inititate legislation is reserved for the EU Commission. So the people we vote for have very little power, and the people who really run the show, those with the real power are 'selected'. EU Parliamentarians are like a toothless tiger, which is just the way the commission likes it. Give the illusion of being democratic without actually affording those elected by the voters any real powers. If you're happy to pretend that is real Democracy, great. I'm not and neither were the UK electorate which is The BRexit party had so many seats before we swiftly left.
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