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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Seems unlikely, given that having left we are outpeforming France and Germany who stayed. But feel free to believe your guesswork is more valid than the actual economic results.
  2. No. You were playing the "anyone who opposes Muslim intolerance/homophobia is far right/Islamaphobic/racist" card. But you already knew that.
  3. A bit like setting fire to a firework factory and claiming innocence because you didn't know the lighter you used had fuel in it. Oh and by the way, the lighter magically lit itself. Wasn't me guv. A woeful defense.
  4. The Guardian using global climate change to push for global socialism. Shocker.
  5. Murray is neither far right nor Islamaphobic (although as Murray is a gay man I can see why he might be worried about Islamic intolerance/homophobia) but I guess when that's your only card you have to play it.
  6. Well if it wasn't before, it certainly is now that Scottish Independence has died a death.
  7. Except the majority of those who voted. Not at all. Given we are outperforming Germany and France it seems evident the "sunlit uplands" of the EU were not worth the billions we were ploughing in every year.
  8. Ironic. Given how Remainers were telling us we were an insignificant little island that couldn't survive without the mighty EU. At least you learnt something from Brexit.
  9. They can't enact policies that do not run foul of UK law? Interesting. They are obligated to break the law? Who knew? When they try to deport illegals and are blocked by hand wringing Liberals, yes.
  10. Why? We are already outperforming their 2 largest economies. https://ca.style.yahoo.com/news/gdp-uk-overtakes-france-germany-070000252.html
  11. As in the Rwandan debacle, liberal hand wringers keep blocking attempts via the legal system. Labour are sure to open the floodgates though with their Palestinian family visa scheme though. Maybe Corbyn can use it to bring in some of his friends in Hamas?
  12. Not sure how electing a party renowned for it's anti semitism is going to help. As for rejoining the EU, just like Scottish Independence that ship has sailed.
  13. If anyone was expecting indigenous Europeans to just sit back and do nothing while liberal politicians imported large amounts of intolerant, unskilled and often criminal individuals with links to terrorism then they were very much mistaken. For a more thorough understanding of the issues, I recommend the following book by the brilliant Douglas Murray.
  14. She's too old now to be the child deity of the climate doomsday cult. A switch to terrorist supporter could be seen as a necessary career move at her age.
  15. Based on Tony's lies to parliament. Like Biden on Israel and a broken clock, wait long enough and it will be briefly correct.
  16. That's what happens when you bring in cheap labour in the form of unskilled migrants.
  17. Maybe we can get back to good old illegal wars in the middle east under "compassionate" Labour?
  18. Whataboutism at it's finest. Post Brexit, the UK is outpeforming many large economies, including the EU's powerhouse economies Germany and France. https://ca.style.yahoo.com/news/gdp-uk-overtakes-france-germany-070000252.html Since you raised the issue of lies and corruption though, I haven't heard from Sturgeon much lately...
  19. I guessed you missed the recent news on the performance of the UK economy under the Conservatives. https://ca.style.yahoo.com/news/gdp-uk-overtakes-france-germany-070000252.html I have no doubt Labour will quickly undo all the good work though.
  20. Just an observation given the other recent thread where you were all supporting his 'compassion'.😃
  21. Labour has no idea what it is. They will say whatever it takes to get into power. They are utterly devoid of principles. When they gain power they will mess up the economy like they always do. Fortunately for them, The Tories are now Conservative In Name Only and are led by the clueless Sunak. So they might just squeeze over the line. Never mind God save the King, God help Britain might be more appropriate if they get power. You only have to look at London to see what has happened under loony lefty Khan to get an idea of what lies in store. For expats in Thailand who bring money over from the UK, I can only hope the pound doesn't crash too quickly.
  22. Correct decision. Not only was he the producer of the movie (and therefore should take some responsibility if he hired incompetent safety personnel) but he picked up a loaded gun, pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger when they weren't even filming a scene. He then denied pulling the trigger and claimed it just "went off". That was found to be impossible so he should also be charged for providing false evidence. Of course, being a famous Hollywood actor he thinks he should just get away with all this. As an aside, he should also be charged with goonery for calling his American wife (Hillary) Hilaria and claiming she is Spanish.
  23. I'm sure the enemy will be happy to wait an hour for the battery to charge. I hope there's a Starbucks next to the charging booth.
  24. All the liberals supporting his comments on immigration seem to have gone quiet on this one. 😃
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