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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Of course. Like I said, there is no appetite for it at the moment. If there was then Labour would propose it. They'd propose selling Granny to Russia if they thought it would get them power. https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/45986-46-36-britons-say-there-should-be-another-eu-refer
  2. Probably the same day William Wallace is reincarnated and leads the proud Scots to Independence. 😃 It's over. Let go.
  3. Well, if everyone wanted to rejoin then it would get them into power. They are not doing it because they know it is not popular. Doesn't matter. They could get power and hold the referendum. Then win it (according to you). Then start negotiations. Nonsense. They know public opinion perfectly well which is why they won't touch it with a bargepole. It's a vote loser. It's over. Let go.
  4. Oh I see the issue here, I was talking about the actual facts about the UK economy, not some leading questions on a dodgy opinion poll. Either way, we're out now and voting Labour won't change that. If Labour were so sure people wanted to rejoin they would stand on a manifesto of a second referendum to rejoin. They are not. Why? Because they know it would cost them the election.
  5. No he isn't. He's pretending to in order to get votes for November. Anyone who believes him is gullible in the extreme.
  6. A protest vote. Why did traditional red wall voters vote for Boris en masse giving him a huge majority in 2019? Because they were sick of Labour ignoring their Brexit vote and were prepared to hold their nose. Nobody predicted that, including you. So are you saying red wall voters can vote for Boris but Tory voters cannot vote Labour? It's not a logical argument. Many people are fed up with the Tories and want to teach them a lesson. Since there is very little between them and Labour these days, they probably think it won't make much difference and want to stick it to the Tories. If they now have a choice of how to do that (Labour or Reform) I predict they will choose Reform to demonstrate what they want the Tories to be. Right of centre. They don't need to vote Labour to stick it to the Tories any more. It's an easy out. I believe this will cost Labour the votes of disillusioned Conservatives. I don't need an opinion piece from The Telegraph (or The Guardian) to convince me, because we are all making a prediction and I have stated my reasons for reaching my conclusion. I think this could make the election a lot closer than polls are suggesting and I wouldn't rule out a hung Parliament.
  7. Well, as one example I'd describe their laissez-faire attitude to immigration as "left". Huge amounts of public spending on the NHS. Legalising same sex marriage. They have been creeping to the left for years. I see very little difference between Labour and the Conservatives now. Compared to say, the 70's and 80's.
  8. Factually correct, if one looks at the stats. Just like being born an albino is not 'normal', neither is being homosexual. That's not to insult albinos (or homosexuals), it's just that statistically speaking it is not the norm. He is also correct about Labour and the Tories being "two cheeks of the same a***". Obviously the left cheek is uglier than the right cheek, but his comment stands up to scrutiny when you look at the similarities between them.
  9. Correct. The Tories have drifted to the point there is very little between them and Labour now (except for the rhetoric).
  10. That's better, try to limit the lazy glib responses, it makes for a much better debate. This is a conservative opinion piece aimed at stopping Farage. Of course the Tories want everyone to vote Tory. The reality is that many people to the right of centre that are fed up with the Tories will now vote Reform instead of Labour. Labour just lost many of those disillusioned Conservative voters. I wouldn't rule out a Tory/Reform coalition, with Reform gently nudging the Tories back to right from where they have drifted to their current left of centre position. The Conservatives might be forced to be Conservative again.
  11. If by failure, you mean outperforming France and Germany. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/01/26/even-lacklustre-britain-outperforming-failing-europe/ The EU is failing. We got out at the right time. History will be very kind to Brexit. The Scots should be thanking Westminster.
  12. A lazy analysis. People who were fed up with the Tories might have held their nose and voted Labour. Now, many will vote Reform instead. It could also force the Tories back to the right of centre, gaining them more votes from traditional Conservative voters. Farage got Brexit over the line and even got elected to the EU Parliament with a brand new party. He should not be underestimated. Expect lots of childish insults from the left (as this thread demonstrates).
  13. Looks like the left are panicking. 😃 Given what he did with his election to the EU Parliament with the Bexit Party, I'm not surprised. I suspect a lot of people disillusioned with Labour/Conservatives who may not have voted will now make the journey to the polling station, even if it is a protest vote. This certainly makes the election more interesting, it would have been a snooze fest with Starmer and Sunak 'battling' it out. Imagine what could happen in the event of a hung parliament. A Tory/Reform coalition?
  14. So Labour is racist now as well as anti-semitic? I hope more prominent black people come out to highlight this disgraceful discrimination by the champagne socialists of Islington. It simply must be stopped. We cannot tolerate it. WHAT DO WE WANT? JUSTICE FOR DIANE WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOOWWWWW Please make a comeback Diane. We need you.
  15. Comparing Trump to Bin Laden? Get a grip...😃
  16. Interesting that they avoided mentioning any Muslim countries. I wonder why...
  17. This article is the biggest pile of nonsense that I've had the misfortune of reading in ages. Sounds like something Ash Sarkar would write after 3 days on ya baa.
  18. The mythical far right. Invented by the left to discredit anyone with a different opinion. Massive fail.
  19. They've made him into a martyr. All the Republicans need now is Hillary to make a speech calling his supporters nasty names and it will be a slam dunk for the GOP. Come on Hillary, think about Monica and let rip with that bile. Maybe Obama could do a speech as well, he managed to secure Brexit so let's hear his empty threats again.
  20. You will have to wait until they are elected before you see how loony left the Labour Party still are. Starmer is trying to present them as electable. Abbott is a massive liability and I hope she gets as much coverage as possible. Her toxicity and bitterness oozes from every pore. Fortunately she is unable to keep her mouth shut so we are able to witness it in all it's glory. Her son is even worse than Hunter Biden. I guess parenting skills do not rank high on "liberals" priorities as they climb the greasy pole to power on the back of fake virtuosity and lies.
  21. Typical elitist champagne socialist. I'm surprised Harry wasn't on board on his way to preach about climate change. Daddy was a tool maker (in the factory he owned). God help us if they win. I heard Diane Abacus is making a comeback as well. 😄
  22. This conviction will be the biggest own goal since Hillarys deplorables speech Mark my words.
  23. Because Bristol is like a far left socialist republic. Look at what happened there during BLM. They all crawled out from under their rocks to vandalize and riot. Bristol is an outlier. The suburbs are centre right but fall under other areas like Gloucestershire. Don't get your hopes up for the general election.
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