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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. No, you prefer to insinuate racism rather than say it. Bravo.
  2. It's not irrelevant. You are simply pretending not to see the relevance. It clearly shows that your only defense of Khan is that he "was elected" falls at the first hurdle. If being elected was a valid justification for anti-semitic, twio tiered policing, then you would have no problem with Mugabe's policies since he was also elected. The fact that Mugabe went further that anti-semitic policing is your attempt at a deflection.
  3. It's highlighting hypocrisy. Curious that you would leap to the defense of someone presiding over an organization guilty of such systemic abuse of children in order to score political points re. migration.
  4. Classic move by Chomps. Run out arguments, imply racism without having the stones to actually say it. Not only weak, but also cowardly.
  5. Yes you did. No I am not equating the two. Khan is clearly not as bad as Mugabi, and I never implied that he was. This is a strawman from you, a classic troll move. He is however, a hypoctritcal liar that has presided over two tier policing that arrests people for being openly Jewish in London. He involves himself in political issues that are not in his remit, such as Brexit. He restricts the movement of poorer people in London with Ulez while driving around in convoys of V8 Jags. I could give many more examples of his arrogance and incompetence. Please read my previous paragraph for clarification. This paragraph kills two birds with one stone by also showing why you support him so strongly.
  6. You have missed the point (deliberately I suspect). Your only defense of Khan appears to be that he was elected by the people of London. I have provided an example (Mugabi, I have many others) to show that being elected does not make you a good, benevolent leader. Hence, your point is meaningless in the context of the conversation.
  7. Just as Mugabe was elected to various positions as a result of the numbers of votes he received. There are many other examples thoughout history of dangerous miscreants being elected to various positions. We can add Khan to the list.
  8. Yes there is, they have even been forced into apologizing for it. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/london-police-apologize-threatening-arrest-openly-jewish-man-palestini-rcna148676 Captain Obvious enlightens us once more 😄.
  9. Very sad. As others have noted it's wise to keep the seatbelt on when seated. If you keep it on quite loosely, then unless you are severely overweight you don't even notice it is on. Interesting that as with virtually every story, the BBC simply couldn't resist trying to link this to climate change. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8889d7x8j4o 😄
  10. London has a large number of leftists and Muslims so it is no surprise they vote for a Muslim who happens to be a leftist hypocritical liar. They clearly approve of his anti-semitic/pro-palestine/pro-LGBT/authoritarian policing and pro-EU virtue signalling. I am delighted they got the Mayor they deserve. I wonder why you would support such anti-semitic, authoritarian policing? It's a real mystery to me 😄.
  11. Nothing moral and humane about involving yourself in political issues while the organization you preside over has been routinely sexually abusing children for decades. It's pretty ironic that you choose to ignore that sexual abuse in order to score political points while talking about morality.
  12. More embarrassment for Khan and his authoritarian, nasty policies aimed at restricting movement of the people. Everyone should refuse to pay this ridiculous charge, not only the embassies. Meanwhile Khan takes a convoy of V8 Jaguars to walk his dogs. Typical virtue signalling, hypocritical lefist. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9915019/Sadiq-Khan-spotted-using-cavalcade-cars-drive-4-5-miles-walk-dog.html
  13. Perhaps he should focus on cleaning up his own back yard before pontificating on political issues that he appears to have extremely limited knowledge of? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases
  14. Not that strange. In Britain, it can rain for seemingly weeks on end. Cold, constant drizzle. It is indeed quite depressing. In Thailand it's quite pleasant and doesn't tend to last very long.
  15. This is true. In fact, I keep one in my condo for this very reason. Much easier than checking Google weather on the phone.
  16. Even during raining season, it only tends to rain for an hour or two - typically late afternoon which cools things off. I wouldn't worry about it.
  17. We all know these parties are not "far right". It is simply smearing tactics to try to demonize people who disagree with open borders, climate alarmism and support of Hamas.
  18. Great news. No way he will get fair treatment in the US "justice" system.
  19. Seems like a reasonable request. He was practically flourescant last time.
  20. Ofcom should be looking at the BBC. If they weren't firmly in their pocket of course.
  21. Wouldn't surprise me. Encouraging support of the terrorists in Hamas and the Palestine supporters is a great way to cause problems for the UK and increase the anti-semitism we are seeing on UK streets. We have enough of this already from the BBC, the police and Labour. The last thing we need is China and Russia encouraging these useful idiots.
  22. Excessive alcohol can kill you no matter what you are eating.
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