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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Son of "ordinary working people"? Starmer is a classic champagne socialist. Always claiming his father "worked in a factory". That's kind of true, what he negates to mention is that his father owned the factory that he worked in 😃. Always hamming up their "working class roots". I wouldn't trust this fraud as far as I could throw him.
  2. "The Damage Done" was a decent read, but once you've read one of these 'locked up in Thailand' stories you've read them all. Smuggling drugs in Thailand has to be one of the dumbest things you can do (but not quite as dumb as smuggling drugs in Indonesia).
  3. I concur. In Joe's feeble mind he really does think he's Eastwood. I wonder how long before we get the "Do ya feel lucky? Well do ya, punk?" trotted out. In reality, he resembles another well known movie character.
  4. Maybe in Bond movies. In reality, the only infrastructure the UK can destroy is it's own.
  5. Good news. This should limit the opportunity for Woke lefty teachers to start putting ideas of transitioning into the minds of impressionable young children.
  6. Looks terrible. Did Just Stop Oil pelt it with tomatoes or something?
  7. This is the reason I never get into heavy drinking sessions with Thais. There is a lot of pent up anger in certain individuals, add in alcohol and all it takes is a light hearted joke to be taken the wrong way and things can get messy very quickly.
  8. I wish she would. Unfortunately, like many of these Western celebrities who use The West's freedoms and opportunities to make fortunes, only to complain about how bad we are and wax lyrical about how great their "home" countries/cultures are, they are completely clueless and wouldn't last 5 minutes if they were ever to move there.
  9. A more pertinent question might be, what already went wrong. https://www.survivalinternational.org/news/13870 Time to shut down Archewell. It's clearly been set up as a tax dodge anyway. Good to see Markle in Nigeria this week, celebrating her roots. As a proud feminist, she obviously avoided mentioning the countries issues with the mutiliation of young girl's genitalia and child brides. I guess she didn't want to spoil the party atmosphere.
  10. By their offspring, I assume you mean the 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants that are perpetrating the majority of the knife crimes. Indeed, I'm sure we won't have to wait long for some more stabbings.
  11. You mean to tell me that trying to remove your political opponents by spamming them with court cases isn't popular with the voters? Been saying it for months, this strategy will only make Trump more popular. He's an expert at playing to the crowd and all they are doing is providing him with fresh material. The fact that Biden looks like he's just been dug up, hosed down and wheeled onto the stage won't be helping either.
  12. Reverting to the usual glib replies when you have nothing to support your position . Well noted 😄.
  13. Not really. It actually makes sense if you would open your mind for a second (unlikely). 1st gen immigrants chose to come for a better life. They appreciate what the UK gives them and know the reality of the country they came from. A lot of second and third gen immigrants seem to resent the UK and build up an idealized view of their 'country of origin' that they know nothing about. The likes of Anthony Joshua always banging on about how great Nigeria is when he's never lived there full time and made hundreds of millions in the UK on the back of Team GB at the olympics. Making speeches with BLM, telling people not to buy from non-black owned businesses (even though he works for Eddie Hearn and DAZN 😃). Americans do it too. Markle and her recent tour of Nigeria, declaring she is 'home' because she claims to be 43% Nigerian. A self declared feminist so complimentary of a country that multilates girls genitalia and forces them to marry in their early teens. Merching herself on the back of royal titles given to her by marrying a British Prince. A true feminist if ever I saw one. So yes, immigration can cause issues beyond the first generation. Even though you inevitably won't like the anecdotal examples above, the stats I provided from the UK government clearly back that up.
  14. Of course. Most of the population is white so it's obvious. Same as most people in power in Scotland are white. Most murders in Japan are by Japanese. Whst a shock. I am talking proportionally to the population (about immigrants not race btw). Immigrants or the descendants of immigrants. Semantics. people born in the uk are not all first gen immigrants. Some are second or third gen immigrants. Some are indigenous. This is not about ethnicity. There are also white immigrants stabbing people to death like the guy who killed the 14 year old boy in London recently. I suspect if we added in crime by Asian and white immigrants the numbers would get worse. I was asked about the stats for black immigrants so I provided them. All your argument is proving is that second and third gen immigrants are probably more of a problem than first gen. So it's a long term problem as well as short term. Maybe more so. An interesting argument for someone who is pro immigration
  15. Some will be immigrants while others will be the descendants of immigrants. Are you saying that if second/third generation immigrants are disproportionately responsible for a knife crime pandemic, then that has nothing to do with immigration and must not be linked to immigration in any way?
  16. I never claimed they were immigrants, so why would I need to demonstrate that? They could be immigrants, or alternatively they could be the descendants of immigrants. Given that the indigenous population of Britain is white, that is undeniable.
  17. Anecdotal information is supported by the stats. An unfortunate truth for the Wokies. https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/mopac_knife_crime_strategy_june_2017.pdf
  18. Thanks for proving my point so effectively. 😃
  19. Sounds like the politicians/generals and their offspring want their private playgrounds back.
  20. No surprise. The US has a long history of abandoning it's allies and withdrawing from overseas conflicts when the going gets tough or support from US voters appears to be waning. Add to the fact that Joe can't remember what he said 5 minutes ago, let alone last year and we can all see the writing is on the wall here.
  21. A great way to defeat political opponents. Label them "far right" and then take out of via the court system. Not unlike what the Dems are doing in the good ol' US of A.
  22. Good news for ecstasy dealers. When I was there many moons ago MDMA was the drug of choice at the clubs. But maybe that's the plan? After all, not many people go looking for fights after a pill or two. Much more likely to randomly hug a stranger than attack one.
  23. That's no way to talk about Nancy. Oh sorry, you said shank. 😃
  24. Maybe you could save such a comment for a relevant thread?
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