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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Fortunately not. Its a bike, not a scooter (as in an electric mountain bike). To be honest, I don't like having the battery in my condo for charging, makes me nervous. I'm thinking of taking it to the farm and keeping it in the outside toilet that i built for the workers. I don't do many long journeys there and I have a lake to put out any fires so it almost makes sense in that very specific environment 😅.
  2. A poor post by your standards. Seems a lot of cases that make EV unsuitable. Why would I buy a car that is unsuitable for long trips? Or a car that I cannot charge when at my bangkok condo? Unknown long term reliability. Unknown long term support. And you are really comparing a top model Camry to a BYD Seal? It seems you need a very specific set of circumstances for EV to make sense and even then you are driving something that sounds like a hoover. I also don't fancy a load of lithium in a device manufactured to a tight budget in China on my driveway. Like having a firework factory in the basement.
  3. Well for a start I own an EV bike and a Hybrid Camry so let's put that to bed. My sister in law has a full EV car. She likes to do trips up to and around Chiang Mai, Pai, Mae Hong son etc. Keeps moaning about having to plan her routes around the charging stations and then having to wait when she gets there. She was joking she's never drunk so much Inthanin coffee as she does waiting around at these stations. We suggested she buy shares in them. Depends on the market. In the UK (where I was referring to the green strip virtue signalling) they are not cheaper. A very specific circumstance. Most people do not have solar panels and many do not even have somewhere to install a normal charger. My tractor is great for my farm, I wouldn't recommend my colleagues buy one for the Bangkok commute. Different circumstances, different use. Insurance and depreciation are far more significant expenses than servicing and road tax. 20% harder on tyres etc.
  4. What's the point of buying an EV if you can't virtue signal about it? All that money and inconvenience, there has to be some benefits...
  5. Trial???? 😃 Jeez is getting sacked not enough? And yet when a woman does the same thing, it's a feel-good story. https://www.archysport.com/2023/08/jockey-sean-kirranes-surprising-kiss-from-owner-jolene-after-ebor-festival-win/ Gotta love equality.
  6. Peaceful? I think you mean "largely" peaceful.😆 Much like the "mostly"peaceful BLM riots. https://news.sky.com/story/police-actively-looking-for-individuals-over-antisemitic-signs-at-pro-palestinian-march-13005665
  7. They should have thought of that on October 6th and gone home. Instead, the woke up the next day and committed heinous acts, for which they are now experiencing the consequences. FAFO.
  8. Get over it? 😃 You might recall Vote Leave won. All those trying to overturn the democratic vote lost. Or have you managed to finally erase the memory? 😄 Certainly won't. I'm sure Eden's song will be the best. Who is Palestine's entrant?
  9. Certainly not publicly... Not doubt with Hamas influencing government policy...
  10. You mean keep voting until you get the "correct" result. How Democratic. 😃 The marches (including calls for Jihad/Genocide) have been going on for months, it's not just one photo. I am not misrepresenting reality, I am providing evidence of reality. Inconvenient for people like you who seek to deny/justify it. There is nothing bright about Khan being re-elected by his cohort of anti-semites. I can see how you might see it that way though...
  11. Huge fan. I seem to recall you were the one eager to overturn the Brexit vote, not me. The images do not lie. London is full of white Liberals and has a huge Muslim population. So his two tiered policing where Jews are forbidden from walking freely due to being "openly Jewish" and Pro Palestine protestors are allowed to openly call for Jihad are obviously popular with that Demographic. Many tyrants have been elected.
  12. Hardly a surprise, when you consider the prevailing attitudes in Khan's London. It's hardly a surprise that such people would vote for Khan. Like peas in a pod.
  13. So how do we vote for the Israeli contestant? Can it be done online?
  14. It appears the NACC can itself be paid off. 😄 Tells you eveything you need to know about corruption in Thailand. Absolutely rampant.
  15. Why make an exception for the LGBT flag specifically? I'm all for gay rights, but this is a song contest, not a gay pride event. What about "Queers for Palestine", are they banned? It's like politics being banned from the Premier League, but you are still allowed to take the knee for BLM. It should be all or nothing, not banned unless it happens to be a cause the organizers agree with. Is Sadiq Khan organizing it this year or something? Oh actually, probably not or it would be Israeli flags banned and Palestinian flags encouraged...
  16. It doesn't really work like that. If you walk up to a man in the street and randomly punch him in the face, he is likely to retaliate with several blows. Good luck asking him to stop after one, because you only struck him once so now you're even. This is a good move by Sunak. The rise in anti-semitism is indeed alarming and needs to be tackled before Labour get to power, at which point we can expect a huge rise and the government doing next to nothing about it. After all, Labour's history with anti-semitism is a disgrace. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/04/23/diane-abbott-and-the-deranged-left/
  17. Sufficiency economy philosophy tends to require people to be happy with having next to nothing. A bowl of rice and a shack is 'sufficient', apparently. Unsurprisingly, it is generally supported by those with extreme levels of wealth. Much like elitist climate activists telling people to be happy with a weekend in Skegness every 5 years, as they jet around the world in private jets. Harry and Meghan are a great example of such. It deserves to be made fun of. The issue here appears to be the individual associated with such a theory.
  18. Clueless kids. Most will thankfully grow out of it, others may disappear down the same radical rabbit hole as some of our more vocal Wokies on the forum.
  19. I'd have thought the Jews would be more concerned about Labour getting power than the Muslims would be. What with their anti semitic views and friendship with Hamas.
  20. Maybe you just looked/seemed a bit shifty? You hadn't been enlightening the locals with your views on gender affirming surgery for minors for example, had you? Or maybe wearning rainbow bandanas while teaching the kids English? Seems a bit accusatory to assume this was due to xenophobia on the part of your hosts.
  21. Seems to me that Liberals, like a cancer have almost completed destroying their own host. The West is done and the meat on the bone is thin and a bit stale. The flies are buzzing around. Now they are looking for another fresh host to destroy, and homogenous, low crime, generally law abiding successful societies like Japan are top of their list. Hence Biden's comments. I'm surprised he didn't call them Racist and Fascist but Xenophobic is surely laying the groundowrk for such comments in the future. Fortunately the Japanese are patriotic, strong, intelligent and disciplined. The "liberal" left will have a hard time infesting such a strong host. Other Asian countries have a similar mindset. Hence the East will continue to rise while the West will continue to fail under the guise of cultural enrichment and the authoritarianism of Pearl clutching, self loathing white "liberals".
  22. Lucky for the katoeys. If you locked that guy in a room with a single one of them and only one person was allowed to leave alive, I suspect Chunky Boy would be leaving within 10 minutes with barely a scratch on him.
  23. He looked like quite a lump, possibly Russian. Lucky there were 10+ of them.
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