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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. There are other options for increasing birth rates, you don't have to import a load of cheap foreign workers along with all the associated problems they bring. I am sure they are watching the events unfolding in the West and making sure they do not repeat the same mistakes. Fortunately, the scourge of Liberalism has not yet reached Japan and hopefully won't. The have the good sense to protect their borders and their culture. Well done Japan. The last thing they need is a racist son of immigrants standing up in Parliament and complaining about too many Japanese in Japan, ala the recently departed Yousaf.
  2. As usual he is talking absolute nonsense. Homogenous societies like Japan see far fewer issues from the "cultural enrichers" that Liberals in the west love to celebrate while quoffing champagne at their Islington dinner parties. Immigrants provide cheap labour for large multinationals at the expense of the local communities. It's clear to see which side Biden is supporting and it is not the "common man". Japan must be laughing at this silly old fool, and rightly so. We can add this ridiculous criticism of Japan to a long list of ridiculous comments made by Biden, alongside the likes of "poor kids are just as smart as white kids" and "if you vote Trump, you ain't black".
  3. Beat me to it. But not only Macron, it's also the rest of his liberal chums in the EU, stifling Europe's ability to compete with ever increasing rules and regulations. Their failing federalist project and inability to protect their borders will cause Europe tremendous damage. These things go in cycles and the heyday of the West is over, the rise of the East is well underway.
  4. This is a great way to ensure the continued rise of China without making any meaningful difference to the climate. No wonder the West is in decline with idiotic decisions like this. I guess it makes Liberals feel virtuous though.
  5. Hunter is certainly a dumb Schmuck. However, when you have a father who says things like "poor kids are just as smart as white kids" you realize that genetics probably played a large part in that.
  6. Let me guess, "mostly peaceful" protests just like BLM 😆. Imagine working hard to send your child to an Ivy league University and they end up like this. With future leaders like this, the US is in big trouble. As is the Jewish community.
  7. It doesn't hurt. I would be glad to be shot of you. But the fact remains the Scots want to stay, unfortunately. Maybe we can let the English vote as well next time? We are tired of you. An English vote would pretty much guarantee you'd be crawling to the EU for a bit part in their failing federalist project while shouting Braveheart and claiming Independence. It would be highly amusing. Without the English vote you'll never get out. Dependent on us as ever.
  8. Cool story Bro. Except Scots still want to remain. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1170409/scottish-independence/ You nationalists are increasingly becoming a noisy, ageing, outdated minority.
  9. Nice dodge. The correct answer was "yes it will be much worse under a Labour government". The UK is done. I'm glad I saw the best of it and left at the right time. Wokeism/Liberals will cause the ruination of the West and common sense will see the rise of the East. Thankfully I predicted this and planned appropriately so i don't have to live through the failure we are currently seeing. I watch it from a distance with a sadness for my extended family and a huge dose of relief that I could forsee it and acted upon my instincts. My remaining hope is that Liberals stay there and experience what they created. It's only a matter of time before it reaches Islington.
  10. The left hate him. He doesn't fit into the box they believe black men should fit into. They normally refer to these types as superficially black or Uncle Toms. Expect more attacks.
  11. Except the Scots themselves who voted to remain in the independence referendum.
  12. Exactly. If the EU (mainly France) are happy to send them to the UK, I see no reason for the UK to prevent them returning to the EU (in this case Ireland). Pass the parcel. Good Luck Ireland. Prepare to be culturally enriched.
  13. Of course, when he speaks of Independence what he really means is grovelling to be accepted as an insignificant minnow in the EU's pond. 😃 He doesn't want Independence, he just dislikes "Waistminstair" (Westminster of course being a euphemism for the English).
  14. You were the one that raised the issue of colour. I saw it as a reflection of 3 useless, incompetent leaders on their way out. One of them happens to dislike whites and the other dislikes Jews. Not sure about Sunak, he might or might not not be racist but he is certainly a useless leader. If you're looking for racism, look at 2 of the people in that picture not the person who posted it. If he had posted a pitcure of Rees Mogg, Boris Johnson and Theresa May would you have assumed he did so because they were all white? Of course not. Stop looking for racism everywhere, the supply cannot keep up with your demand. Hopefully Khan is next. Not because he is brown but because he has created a 2 tiered policing system where Muslims can do what they want and Jews are arrested for being "openly Jewish". So who is the racist?
  15. Another benefit of deporting the Rawndans to Rwanda. Hopefully it will send a signal that the UK is finally growing some balls. Let's see how the Irish enjoy the hordes of "cultural enrichers" infiltrating THEIR country. Early signs are that they are not too keen. 😃
  16. https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/drug-related-deaths-in-scotland-rose-by-10-in-2023 But I doubt Humza is too concerned. Most of those dead are WHAITE.
  17. First of all, RIP to the victim and sympathy to the family. Very sad. For the sake of closure for everyone, hopefully these text messages from the victim are checked carefully by police in conjunction with the friends and don't read along the lines of "Have give Natthawalai money na khap, him good man sure, him jai dee maak, him poor but take care she good". Curious that the security camera overlooking the pool was adjusted, presumably to face away from where the gun was fired. If she didn't want to be filmed committing suicide in the pool she could have simply done it somewhere else where there wasn't a camera. Unless she was adamant that it must take place in a large mass of water where forensic evidence tends to dissipate. Now I'm not saying anything malicious happened, but if this was my sister/daughter I would certainly want a thorough investigation. I'd imagine it would be quite rare to bravely battle cancer, beat it, and THEN decide to shoot yourself. It's possible of course, but worth checking out certain details in the story for the sake of peace of mind for the family.
  18. Finally a Democrat speaking some sense. 😙 With Biden also adopting many Trump policies, are we seeing a shift in the loony left? Have they finally realized the massive over-reach on Woke issues that is alienating the electorate? Somehow, I suspect the date of November 5th is causing some sleepless nights for them and if they manage to fool the electorate again, normal (abnormal) service will be resumed on the 6th.
  19. Let's hope it goes, along with Dumza, and that Scotland can return to being a country that is proud of it's heritage and the freedoms it fought for.
  20. Just giving an example of how students can be naive. Report the post if it's upsetting you.
  21. In a nutshell? Socialism doesn't work and Labour are a bunch of charlatans.
  22. A well written piece. Although I would add you have to cut the students some slack, they are young and naive. Just following what the leftist professors and lecturers are indoctrinating them with. Back when I was a Uni student I thought socialism was a good idea and I even voted for Labour once. Embarrassing but true. We grow up, we gain experience and we learn. Well, most of us do.😃
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