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Everything posted by Heng

  1. didn't even realize there was a TH Binance. Installed the regular Binance app years ago and the only KYC was Thai ID card + electric bill.
  2. My gut says pull the trigger around 85k but my sell button feels really itchy at 71k.
  3. There are plenty of AAA instruments out there that aren't US treasuries.
  4. the market took the news of the US gov liquidating some of their seized btc rather well yesterday.
  5. Where do ya'll think (guess) btc will top out this time around?
  6. Lots of money moving to TH (or through TH) judging by noticeable increase in Russian (sounding names anyway) P2P traders on Binance.
  7. As a Thai Chinese I can confirm this. It's not xenophobia though, it's just preference. Kind of like not wanting mustard on one's burger. We don't hate or fear the mustard. ????
  8. She'll be fine and most of us will still be sipping Chang no matter the outcome. Somchai might have to work two-three jobs though. 80% chance of him going out in a 100m dash gold store robbery.
  9. She can probably function and enjoy life with her docs misspelled.... her main possible issues are going to be when dealing with people who are to the letter in their precision/sticking to the rules (like say many Japanese civil servants or insurance claims people looking for a reason to nullify some policy or payout).
  10. Precision German planning, foiled by the $15/day local refrigerator mover.
  11. Flew to Samui from UTP the other day.... the departures board was my flight in the afternoon and a flight to Dubai late in the evening. The airport staff and ATC there probably get to watch a lot of TikTok.
  12. If Blackrock can't get an ETF up that'll be quite a indicator for the US though.
  13. They are... and they will likely be just as *successful* as they are in keeping out illegal immigrants, reducing narcotics and alcohol consumption, etc. That's how you make something grow in America... have the gov't try to manage it.
  14. Both. Anyone (with sense) who rode the crypto wave put the bulk of their gains into plain vanilla, it's not like we're trying to secede from the Union.
  15. Will this thread help me find the 'lowest fee ATM (automated teller machine)?' No more checks for this space age cowboy.
  16. If you don't keep the unit/water tank clean, it's a mini mold factory.
  17. Luckily it wasn't for a greater amount. For P2P.... I have always used the same 'safety valve' line of thinking that I use when using a debit/credit card while travelling. If I don't feel comfortable risking the bulk of my funds in Katmandu or Harbin, I certainly won't be taking the same risk with some stranger in a P2P Binance transaction either. Use accounts or cards that are a *dead end* for scammers. Have your P2P transaction partners pay into savings accounts (presumably) here that have x00 or x0000 Baht (whatever amount you feel is virtually nothing)... and then only use that account as a safety valve. Funds received.... transfer them to whatever other accounts you use that have no cards attached. If you want to take it another level, then safety valve from there to wherever you keep your funds offshore.
  18. p2p on both ends. It's not structuring as long as *signal lost*....*static*....
  19. Redundant if you have some crypto experience.... but if you're using Tether, make sure you use the Tron and not Eth chain to save on fees.
  20. definitely the easiest and safest route.... the only slight negs are for largish amounts you tend to have to deal with a few questions and sometimes forms on the sending and receiving end.
  21. The snow pretty much stopped a month early in Niseko this year. Early March has been pow city for decades. If that's not a red flag-all hands on deck-crisis I don't know what is.
  22. I'd bet that you're already at least in the top 5%. How well off are you aiming for? ????
  23. Balaji could care less whether it goes to $1,, or not. Just the gains on whatever he is holding from a slight upward pop is likely well in excess of covering any bet should he really want to go through with it or not (which supposedly there is a smart contract set up to force the issue.... but who knows for sure).
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