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Everything posted by Heng

  1. Literally thousands of Taiwanese owned factories on the mainland. More likely that North and South Carolina will go to war. Why 'annex' anywhere when you can have your people move there and simply 'take over' (thrive and prosper) organically?
  2. Yeah, generally happy with ANA. For a relatively minor amount of miles you can upgrade to premium economy which on ANA means lounge access without the hefty J class price tag. With SQ and KE, which are both pretty good of course, there is no access for poor people business class (without being in an elite mileage tier). ????
  3. Haven't tried anything local yet, but when on vacation have tried various cookies, etc. in the US and didn't find the experience as pleasant as old school smoke. My college days were early 90s and most people say product has gotten much stronger, but I didn't feel much in the couple times I've dabbled.
  4. That's why you should bank in Singapore or wherever else that doesn't have these kind of somchainigans. Only keep a few hundred thousand for basic expenses in local banks.
  5. Tempted to give it another go as it was pretty fun back in school.
  6. And voila they'll also end all prostitution and narcotics trafficking at the same time. You have my vote for PM. But just for anyone wondering... if/when the bank calls, just say it's for socks and spices. Make up a new answer every time. Sorted.
  7. This is the best way IMO, and once you've done it a few dozen times, you'll understand why they can never really enforce any kind of crypto ban.
  8. Have traded with the mentioned 'scammer' without any issues.... but like all transactions, there is the chance that people change or IMO the off chance that the trader dies or has an accident in the middle of a transaction and you never hear from them again.
  9. Don't recall that one, but if they wanted to, I'm sure it would happen. The live or dud explosi-ve thing is just a classic warning (which Chuwit apparently ignored).
  10. It's surprising Chuwit is still around, considering the local cost of life here. But yeah, well done brother.
  11. Our property portfolio loves this trend and saw it coming decades ago back when pa Tae (who is still alive, bless her) had that little noodle shop on Soi 4.
  12. I'd still answer that I'm from Texas, mostly because if you grew up there, for some reason you generally identify with it more than saying generic 'American.' Not a red or blue thing, I don't even vote any more. One 'American' thing that is fading a LOT is saying how this or that isn't up to our standards.... back home it's like this.... you hear it less and less because unfortunately so many things back home are getting worse. We still have better building codes, original ideas, our stock market is the center of the universe, and um... hmm, getting harder to come up with these...
  13. Nice minor trend reversal again, back over $17k.
  14. There's also (for some locals) a slight discrepancy between how much a slight getting flipped off is. You can do it in many places in the world and it's accepted as 'I disagree with your driving ability/behaviour'.... and in other places it's like riding into South Central LA and using the N word with armed street dealers. When you run into folks that take the latter view, this is what can happen.
  15. The USD is an easy target for the crypto crowd (and yes, we're not all gung ho crypto.......I'm pro crypto but also still pro fiat, pro real estate, and pro gold bars), especially with the macro view that looks like we're just printing money to go to war ("and we ain't stopping any time soon") as national economic policy. There are other better (all subject to debate and opinion too) choices for long term savings that are still fiat. My SGD holdings through this crypto nosedive has kept the nights warm and cozy....
  16. The clapping has ceased. ???? Might be time for another vacation to put my red portfolio out of sight/mind.....
  17. Thanks. Will try both methods, but one of those ideas seems like a good way to actually lose my property.
  18. Not sure. The website is up but their Google listing shows 'permanently closed.' Tried to open a new listing account on their site and the sign up function is no longer functioning. The current and old listings are still accessible though.
  19. Just saw that my old reliable (Hipflat) from a decade+ ago has gone out of business. I recently had a long term tenant move out of one of my Bangkok shophouses and am wondering what the current (perhaps Gen Z and millennial oriented) engines are nowadays. Hopefully I won't have to do a dancing TikTok to connect with new tenants.
  20. Not an anti-vaxxer, but I think I'm going to stick with my 4 jabs over the past 2 years. No more for my kids either (2 jabs each).
  21. At this point of our criminal evolution here, thieves are still not looking for a fight. They just want to get their loan sharks off their backs. We'll eventually get to first world liquor store type hold ups/shootouts, Walmart shopping cart walk outs, and home invasions though, that's surely down the road somewhere.
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