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Everything posted by Heng

  1. To fly out of Thailand, the rules that apply will typically be that of the destination country and sometimes transit country although things are generally getting more lax. Use the Sherpa engine (available on many airline websites) to double check requirements. For example this one... https://www.koreanair.com/au/en/travel-update/covid19/map I have the dual nationality/double passport issue as well, made even more fun by having one MorPhrom jab and two CDC card jabs and a different spelling of my Thai last name on my two passports. So far it hasn't been an issue just using the CDC card as I haven't run into a country that REQUIRES the booster (and the ones that do, will usually accept a PCR test instead).
  2. They say it's often just down to whether the consul has a positive or negative impression of you. Also, and it's a stereotype, some Thais (and I say this as a Thai) have this weird habit of lying off the cuff about the most mundane seemingly unrelated issues (kind of the way some school children just make up stuff that they think the teacher wants to hear), and that's probably the cause of many rejections. "My parents are farmers.... and then 5 minutes into the conversation.... my dad works in a factory..." (maybe true/maybe not, but you need to fill in the plot points). So the best approach... maybe advise her to be honest and more likeable?
  3. Either way is fine by this Thai. The tune is roughly the same whoever is in charge anyway.
  4. As long as you have your other boxes checked, and you aren't leveraged, it's still a nice cyclical play IMO. Nice wide swings, what could be better? As for the haters, IMO a lot of them don't 'hate' the crypto concept, it's just old school biology.
  5. Yeah, Saylor is way too 'all in.' But I do get how some people 'need' leverage in their lives (to the point of rationalising how it's a smart/logical move). You see it at every level of business, those folks that have multiple overdraft lines of credit from multiple banks, yelling/sweating, zipping around @ 140kph on the freeway all day keeping everything in motion/juggling it all... Some land/buildings, some gold, some stocks, some crypto.... All cash and carry. If even all but one goes the wrong way, your biggest problem isn't trying to meet some margin call, it's still whether to go to Chamonix or Niseko this winter.
  6. Still generally positive. But like all things, it'll pass eventually. Just make sure you cash in for the tangible things (and maybe not shiny cars unless you have everything else already) you want along the way. Think Mark Cuban and all that Yahoo stock (that would eventually be worth much less) that he got for his virtually worthless broadcast.com concept.
  7. Binance P2P. And naturally, don't actually leave the bulk of your funds on Binance or ANY exchange. "Not your keys" and all that...
  8. 'At the discretion of the border guards/immigration officers' is pretty much the norm anywhere no matter what you think your 'rights' are.
  9. Hardly news. This has been going on for hundreds of years. And by the way, we (mainlanders or Huaren) don't call it money laundering. It's just doing business. ????
  10. In Bangkok there's Ski365 for workouts and fine tuning, but yeah, for actual snow you'll need to fly out.
  11. Thanks. I know for most destinations east (to North America) and west (to Europe) it's largely requirement free now.... I'm thinking specifically of South Korea (they still have the 'jabs older than 180 days require a booster' policy) and Japan (not yet open; but I'm guessing the 'precise' Japanese may have a similar rule) for this coming winter.
  12. *bump* Any updates on this? Google search says we ordered 25 million doses at some point. Anyone manage to get the J&J covid vaccine here? For myself at least, it seems to be the best choice for a yearly jab as long as 'fully vaxxed' is going to be a requirement to travel to some countries. (already Pfizered x 2 but don't want to do a yearly MRNA)
  13. Maybe learn to ski/snowboard? I'm wound pretty tightly myself and but it gets a bit lighter when I travel and definitely when I'm cruising down a mountain through snowy/icy wind. No chemicals required.
  14. The US SEC sure is being awfully lax about 20+ publicly listed companies taking part in an ongoing 'Ponzi' scheme in plain sight. Maybe they are in on it too? Or maybe they don't have the deep insight of some guys who used to live in Thailand and for some reason have really strong opinions about bitcoin on a Thailand related forum?
  15. Well done, JAS. Stuck around profitably for decades without really doing any market development. The magic of being a first mover concession holder.
  16. Just in the last couple of days after reopening, I finally filled a vacant (2 years vacant) building that was just sitting there. Another 6 months and it'll be time to get rid of those covid rent discounts. Party time. ????
  17. Businesses and schools (at least private ones) can still set their own requirements. It's along the lines of 'we reserve the right to refuse service...' everywhere else. But you can certainly still exercise the right to stand outside of these establishments sans mask now.
  18. Poor Mark. Still patiently waiting for his turn to come back around after all these years.
  19. Check and ckeck. Tao Kae noi-esque Thai edible factory up and running soon. ...eh, will get started tomorrow. I think for today I'll just smoke a bowl and get a massage, both for health purposes.
  20. It's a great niche business. The various state departments don't want to deal with the endlessly unique (from completely normal rubber stamp to almost science fiction type situations) circumstances that tourists/immigrants/migrants bring to the process and the customer base is growing steadily in perpetuity. If I had to deal with a river of people lying to me every single day about just about everything other than their photo, I'd outsource it too.
  21. Not today anyway. For a Ponzi or rug pull, it sure is taking its sweet time. Maybe by the end of the year. Or next year. By 2030 for sure. ????
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