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Everything posted by Bill97

  1. The drama is endless. Cut it and get to the meat.
  2. Is that your legal conclusion? Who issued your law license?
  3. How do you send USPS from Chiang Mai to UK?
  4. Imperial colonial opinion. Anybody still interested?
  5. Hey Billy we’re waiting for the invites when are you going to send them?
  6. Do you have a yellow book or pink card? They are often accepted instead of resident certificates
  7. “Billy no mates” couldn’t get anyone to join him for lunch or dinner in his expat dinning club topic but is now telling us how to make friends. What’s next Billy?
  8. I feel using the term “Somchai” is offensive
  9. Let’s be honest, very few sober guys get into this kind of situation.
  10. What I said is I don’t know, also said might. That’s what I meant.
  11. Don’t know might be made up
  12. Already tried it three times with four people each time. None of those participants have posted a positive comment or any comment except the OP. Hmm
  13. Yes it just gets worse and worse.
  14. Get a Wing.
  15. That is all about short time work. Full time is very different as is live in.
  16. Got to fix that first otherwise you will just continue losing then again and again and again. Try the agents.
  17. Great location for him Paul
  18. CM Ram Wachiraporn or Chatbonchok, spelling probably wrong, both very good.
  19. Then why did you write about Dr MacBook so long windedly? You can write about but others can not! Bloody wimp.
  20. There are a couple of guys around but I doubt they are interested in this kind of game.
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