Walk about several supermarkets recommended.
You are confused thinking that a word can only refer to one thing. Tauhu is correct. Yellow egg thing, you really don’t know what it is ?
oh my mistake I responded to another lolo asking for “the best “
Got to love the expectation of being ripped off.
Go to a mechanic who has a lot of experience with the type of car you want checked. Give him a list of what you want checked and get his bid.
Talk to the owners. Get a group to talk to them. Get some Thais in the group.
They should understand the idea of wanting to choose your own caddy, it is part of playing, all pros do it.
Talked with them. Their experience with the Bkk welder was not all positive and they could not recommend it because a lot of welds failed after a few months. They would do it but emphasized the possibilities of failure.
My break is at a hard to weld joint.