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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. His name is Sakhda and he's a very competent and fair mechanic. Used to work in the dealership garage for many years before he opened up his own garage at home. I got his details and the recommendation from TVF and I'm happy to pass it on.


    He's in North Pattaya. He's even come to my house before on the dark side to have a look and lend a hand when I had some issues one time and refused to even take money for his help.

    We've had him do service on our vehicle a few times now and he's always fair and does a good job.

    he has been the subject of a favourable thread on TV before

    good guy!


    Thanks for the recommendations gents.

    I have spoken to Khun Sakhda, and made an appointment for him to collect my car from my home (his suggestion) next Wednesday morning (subject to confirmation on Tuesday as he informs me he's very busy). This could work out well as in the OP I mentioned that there are a couple of other things that require looking at aswell as a service, a bit of rattling and vibration from wear and tear, which you would need to drive the car to diagnose properly I would believe (although I have a pretty good idea what the problems are). Additionally, he doesn't live that far from me (SSCC), so could be handy in the future too.

    I'll let you know how things work out.

    Timekeeper, thanks for the link to the older thread, many positive posts regarding the work of Khun Sakhda which is reassuring.

    Well, as I mentioned in my earlier post I would let you know how things worked out.

    All I can say is that the recommendations for Khun Sakhda are well founded. Very polite gentleman, punctual, excellent mechanic, fair with his pricing, and speaks pretty good english, basically I will be using his services again, and have already recommended him to a friend who needs some work doing.

    i am pleased that worked out for you woody

    • Like 1
  2. not to go off topic, but do you understand the meaning of "highway" ?

    I gave you a legal definition and provided a link which I can only assume you either didn't read or didn't understand. A highway may or may not include a section which is pedestrian only (no bicycles)

    Anyhow, as i said you are a great addition to Thailand

    That's very kind of you to say. 13 years and I've never been in a police station so perhaps I'm doing something right.

    lets hope the owner of that dog is not of the same mind as you, or you may find yourself next to that dog

    I'd rather die fighting for what is right than let people walk over me as you suggest.

    maybe you have not been caught yet

    however i agree with your last statement

    its better to be a tiger for a day than be a sheep for a lifetime......

    • Like 1
  3. Finally someone stands up to all the ridiculous dog owners in Thailand. If you all love your dogs so much, then why is it you only seem to care about what happens to them after they die? (Obviously there are a few dog owners, like the German in the story, who do care about their dogs, and my message is not meant for them)

    The most important part seems to be that the German will not be charged with killing the dog, but only with carrying a knife, which suggests that it is legal to kill stray dogs. (In my opinion any dog not on private ground and without a leash is a stray dog)

    actually a dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash

    it would be rather dangerous to have dogs wandering around trailing a few yards of rope or leather behind them

    people could be tripped up or even get rope burns on their tender bare exposed legs

    very unpleasant......

    please provide a source that says "dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash". Your comments about leashes are nothing less than stupid. A leashed dog generally means that it is restricted in movement, controlled, You're just nitpicking.

    ask a policeman or if you have 2-3 days to spare ring city hall on 1337

    you will find its true

    other than that my leash comments were meant to be er well maybe this will help.......

    You quote something as true then YOU provide the source to back it up. Otherwise, I'm sorry, it is just plain BS.

    As for your leash comments, people are trying to have a sensible discussion here. Your stupid remarks just don't help. Please take them elsewhere.

    wait a minute?

    you said'' please provide a source''

    i did exactly that

    now that's not good enough for you?

    do you doubt city hall?

    ok, for more canine matters try the city vets under the new building on soi buckhaow

    maybe get a free dog microchip installed while you are there

    in you, not the poor dog that owns you.......

  4. Finally someone stands up to all the ridiculous dog owners in Thailand. If you all love your dogs so much, then why is it you only seem to care about what happens to them after they die? (Obviously there are a few dog owners, like the German in the story, who do care about their dogs, and my message is not meant for them)

    The most important part seems to be that the German will not be charged with killing the dog, but only with carrying a knife, which suggests that it is legal to kill stray dogs. (In my opinion any dog not on private ground and without a leash is a stray dog)

    actually a dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash

    it would be rather dangerous to have dogs wandering around trailing a few yards of rope or leather behind them

    people could be tripped up or even get rope burns on their tender bare exposed legs

    very unpleasant......

    please provide a source that says "dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash". Your comments about leashes are nothing less than stupid. A leashed dog generally means that it is restricted in movement, controlled, You're just nitpicking.

    ask a policeman or if you have 2-3 days to spare ring city hall on 1337

    you will find its true

    other than that my leash comments were meant to be er well maybe this will help.......


  5. Finally someone stands up to all the ridiculous dog owners in Thailand. If you all love your dogs so much, then why is it you only seem to care about what happens to them after they die? (Obviously there are a few dog owners, like the German in the story, who do care about their dogs, and my message is not meant for them)

    The most important part seems to be that the German will not be charged with killing the dog, but only with carrying a knife, which suggests that it is legal to kill stray dogs. (In my opinion any dog not on private ground and without a leash is a stray dog)

    actually a dog is considered a stray if he/she does not have a collar not a leash

    it would be rather dangerous to have dogs wandering around trailing a few yards of rope or leather behind them

    people could be tripped up or even get rope burns on their tender bare exposed legs

    very unpleasant......

    • Like 1
  6. ..and if its a software issue it wont go back to factory, so you may as well buy at tuk com.

    But anyway and do pay attention, there is a program called NORTON GHOST, that can create an exact copy of your boot disk when everything is working, into for example a virtual D drive.

    So buy NORTON GHOST ASAP and make a backup while your puter still work.

    NORTON GHOST was the name, and you'll never have to worry again

    i have Norton ghost and its a great bit of kit but unless your hard drive is 100% perfect it won't clone it

    Acronis True Image is better

  7. I've bought from IT City (5th floor Tukcom). I wouldn't be reluctant to buy at PowerBuy (at Tukcom or Pattaya Klang above Foodland). With their larger selections, you may find a promotion.

    I bought my Samsung netbook from Banana IT on promotion.

    Service from the retail vendor isn't much of an issue because you'll be dealing w/ the manufacturer's service center.

    in my opinion, service is an issue if you want your computer back in a few hours

    if you are happy to see it go to some factory unit in backabeyondaburi for a few days or weeks or even months

    then by all means buy the cheapest laptop from the cheapest source

    personally i would rather pay a bit extra to know exactly where it is and that its being dealt with locally and promptly........

    If your laptop is still under manufactures warranty a local dealer is not even allowed to open it up and break the warranty seals.

    Only places accessible usually are the storage bays for ram/hdd upgrades.

    So the only thing they could help you with are software issues.

    For all the rest it is a manufacturers requirement to get the device sent to them, apart from the first (usually) 7 days where an outright replacement is allowed...

    Sent from my GT-I9001 using Thaivisa Connect App

    so you say an appointed samsung dealer can't open a samsung machine ?

    even if that is true, how many new computers suffer with hardware problems straight out the box?

    software is the real killer...


    Only Samsung Service centers can open them, and can re-apply the warranty seals.

    and yes, quite a few have problems out of the box, not always immediately noticed.

    I've had faulty usb ports, bad connections to the screen, a headphone plug which didn't shut of the internal speakers etc..

    All rectified at service centers, never dealers/retailers...

    And one of them bought at Wattana and duly forwarded by them to Acer in Bkk for repairs...

    Sent from my GT-I9001 using Thaivisa Connect App

    i have not had the same experience thankfully only with software and Acers repair department that Wattana sends warranty items to to is in Laem Chabang..........

  8. To me, it seems to be way too much dogowners (falang) here in Thailand, at least that sort of dogowners that never learn anything. But maybe that is why they are just.... dogowners. Their social capacity it is very limited.

    It is always the same stupid thing.... you should have done this and you should have done that, and they always have the dog in the centre and all other humans should step aside for their dog. These people will never in their lifetime learn what other normal dogowners and animal lovers know, that humans are in the centre and that the anímal have to learn to step inside and show respect, how hard is that you ego´s......

    I walk out with my dog, on my normal route in the village.... and I refuse to change my route because some stupid thai dogowner doesnt care at all of his dog. If dog attack me or my dog I do something about it, of course I will not cut that thai dog 17 times, it is a little bit too much for my taste, But I will definitively do something about it.

    But like this guy "timekeeper" who seems to have ALL of his sympathies on the thaiside and have absolutely no understanding att all for the guy that has been attacked. He even right out say that the german is liying about it.....People who talk like that is always dogowners, and they are the very worst kind of them that I always dispise...


    my sympathies are with the dog not the humans

    humans can think rationally

    dogs are driven by instinct

    seems like the german didn't like the dog

    the dogs instincts sensed that

    he was right...

    i don't think much of you either gigolo.....

    • Like 1
  9. So lets get the story straight.

    1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

    The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

    2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

    3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

    a. went home

    b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

    c. Went back

    d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

    e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

    Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

    Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

    I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

    1. The killed dog was running free around the Moo Baan. Why should he take a different route? What if there wasn't one. Simply protecting its territory? Its territory is INSIDE the gates of his owners house!

    2. If I had a dog and cared about it, I wouldn't let it fight with another dog, even though it may be stronger.

    The German guy understands the basics of ownership well I think. He keeps the dog on his propriety, keeps it on a leash when he take it out to excercise and apparently trained it. Just the OPPOSITE of the other dog's owner.

    In cold blood? Cold blood means premeditation. He and his dog were attacked, more than once, and he lost his temper. That's the opposite of cold blood. The situation had been going on for a prolonged period of time.

    Sure, 17 stabs are a lot, but I, for one, completely understand the action.

    Too many dogs around, we need more cats! :-)

    he fetched the knife from the house

    he admitted he was going to use it to confront the dog

    he returned to the scene with his own dog to provoke another attack by the retriever

    everything went to plan, the dog attacked, he killed it.

    his previous false flag reports covered his actions

    the pictures helped re-enforce his case

    pre meditated cold blooded murder.....

    Maybe, but he had the right to walk his dog in that area, it is public property. The Thai owner of the Golden had been warned by the police about his dog being let out onto the street. Premeditated stupidity.

    no mention that the owner had been warned

    only that the german had made a report

    very little correlation between the two in real life in Thailand....

    • Like 2
  10. Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

    maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

    this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

    for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

    You have obviously failed to read

    Previous to the attack in question, the police had received at least one complaint from him regarding the animal and the owner appeared to have made no attempt to secure his pet.

    Let the children blame the father for irresponsibly letting his/their pet onto the street. He had been warned.

    no, you are wrong i read it

    but i read it that the owner had complained to the police

    that does not follow that the police spoke to the owner of the retriever

    you are only assuming they had spoken with him and the owner had neglected to adhere to their advise

    whilst i think that us old campaigners know that if you want something doing by the police that is not urgent, it costs money

    i would have been more inclined to believe the German if he had said that he had paid the police 1000 baht to go and have a word with the owner

    in the absence of that assertion its just an assumption especially in a cross force issue, Police-Navy

  11. Although a lot of us have time on their hands and nothing else to do in the mornings or afternoon, I find it very difficult to follow Timekeepers presumption that this guy planned the death of this dog in advance, to the point of allowing himself to be hurt previously to excuse his actions now,to fool friends, neighbours, the cop,s TV'ers etc. Hmmmmm....what?? Maybe you've been watching too much CSI or something. It's pretty clear....he's been attacked before, he asked for help, non forthcoming, he defended himself...albeit by going over the top and doing a Rambo with a knife....

    ok , its a theory you don't accept

    however i can say without saying too much that i recognise the MO and that it worked for me many years ago.........

  12. I've bought from IT City (5th floor Tukcom). I wouldn't be reluctant to buy at PowerBuy (at Tukcom or Pattaya Klang above Foodland). With their larger selections, you may find a promotion.

    I bought my Samsung netbook from Banana IT on promotion.

    Service from the retail vendor isn't much of an issue because you'll be dealing w/ the manufacturer's service center.

    in my opinion, service is an issue if you want your computer back in a few hours

    if you are happy to see it go to some factory unit in backabeyondaburi for a few days or weeks or even months

    then by all means buy the cheapest laptop from the cheapest source

    personally i would rather pay a bit extra to know exactly where it is and that its being dealt with locally and promptly........

    If your laptop is still under manufactures warranty a local dealer is not even allowed to open it up and break the warranty seals.

    Only places accessible usually are the storage bays for ram/hdd upgrades.

    So the only thing they could help you with are software issues.

    For all the rest it is a manufacturers requirement to get the device sent to them, apart from the first (usually) 7 days where an outright replacement is allowed...

    Sent from my GT-I9001 using Thaivisa Connect App

    so you say an appointed samsung dealer can't open a samsung machine ?

    even if that is true, how many new computers suffer with hardware problems straight out the box?

    software is the real killer...

  13. So lets get the story straight.

    1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

    The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

    2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

    3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

    a. went home

    b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

    c. Went back

    d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

    e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

    Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

    Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

    I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

    Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

    If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

    If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

    It's reported he had been attacked before!

    What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

    Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

    in my opinion the previously filed reports were nothing more than a false flag to create a cover for his planned execution of the dog.....

    But if he and his dog were nt being attacked there would not have been a problem in the first place. And as i am sure you know, trying to ask a Thai person to control their dog is a waste of time, i have tried, now i throw water when they come to shit in front of my house, but i am sure in a Thai's eyes i would be wrong doing that!

    i can't disagree with that

    however i am of the view that the german exaggerated the situation to friends and police to create an alibi for his planned execution of the dog

    it seems to be working with the folks of TV........

  14. i had a similar problem

    suddenly my bills seemed to rise every month from being fairly consistant

    so i reported that i thought the meter was reading incorrectly at Banglamung

    we agreed that that they would add a new meter in tandem with the old one

    it would cost 500baht

    if i was right they would change it and give the 500baht back

    if was wrong they keep the 500 baht

    next day they came, added another (new) meter set at 000000

    next day they came back

    the readings did not match

    they took away the old meter and fitted the new one

    they gave me the 500 baht back


    no credit for past mistakes though.........

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