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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. It cost me 1586 baht for a 30,000 service on a CRV and took around 1 1/2 hours. I do not think that is expensive at all. Plus you get an official service record logged in your owners book, coffee and cakes, free use of the internet, a car wash and don't have to sit on an up turned oil drum waiting for the car to be serviced in a non air con environment wondering if they put everything back correctly.

    I don't think anyone would complain about the cost of a car service here in Thailand, as we all know that it will cost a multiple for the same in the western world.My only pet peeve is that a service in most Thai dealerships, and obvious also the new Honda dealer, takes twice or longer as a similar service takes in the western world.

    I will not go into the reasons of this, but one of them is organisation. My current Nissan dealer is the first one to my knowledge who understands the point of making an appointment.All the previous dealers I've been to would tell me an appointment wasn't neccessary or would make one but then start working on the car 1 hour after my arrival at the garage.

    Anyway, CraigT has contributed his part to the building cost of the new dealership by allowing them to do the 40.000 Km service at 20.000 Km, and probably they will do the same service again when he reaches 40.000 Km in reality.

    Gearbox and drivetrain fluids are expensive full synthetic oils which don't matter if they are 30 months or 60 months old since they don't deteriorate like mineral oils or aren't prone to exhaust gasses, extreme heats or other liquids entering which can accelerate the proccess..

    So there is no reason to advance the 40.000 km service because of the age of the car other than some extra revenue for the dealer.

    i used to work in a Saab, Citroen, VW dealership in UK

    there's a great deal more to do when conducting a manufacturer driven service than simply change the oil and filter

    around two hours was the normal time we were allowed

    sounds like Craig and Rimmer had a good deal on time and cost

    i understand Mercedes in UK now charges around £80 an hour + 20% vat.........

  2. And another thing: I'd like to thank the farang paramedic who scraped me off the asphalt for his excellent job!

    Highly professional and a solid sense of humour at the same time, kept me in a good spirit while suffering from incredible pain cool.png

    sent from my Android phone

    welcome back Raro

    get well soon!

    i have sent details to your email

  3. There is one near tuk com on pattaya tai, inbetween tuk com and the friendship supermarket..

    and in my opinion , the only one in Pattaya that has staff who have any kind of inkling about what they are doing

    other than that go to the one in Robinsons in Siracha to save your blood pressure

  4. Anyone else getting multiple e-mails from Free Playo?

    I got 11 this afternoon.

    Or am I sooooo popular with them?? whistling.gif

    I got eight spams last night between 1:48 and 1:54 AM last night (this morning) in English language, and eight more between 6:32 and 6:42 tonight in Thai language.

    PD - I doubt that we are so popular, maybe they are desperate? Whatever it is, it pisses me off to have my mailbox filled with crap- multiples of the same email.

    After reading through the last few pages of posts that I hadn't seen- where members are having difficulty to use the rewards and where the merchants are moving the goalpost / not honoring the rewards, I'll be unsubscribing.

    will unsubscribing stop your constant whining ?

    if so i am in favour of it.........

  5. is it not a simple question?

    Did you meet your wife in a bar?

    The answer is either yes or no.

    The only variable here is whether the said farangs who wish to answer tell the truth or not.

    If they did and are happy then great. If they did and are unhappy and lost then sad.

    Only they know where they met and IMO the majority of men will not own up to this (maybe out of embarrassment or shame) but relationships do last where made in bars but some dont.

    Again, it's all down to integrity.

    Hmm yes because it's completly natural to answer a question like that on teh net from a guy who you never knew who will secretly judge you for it.

    Happy to not be married.

    I don’t mind being married, but the hours are too long........

    • Like 1
  6. OP: It's only fair to ask how you met your Thai wife in Australia, circumstances, what was her background prior to you meeting her? e.g. had she been sponsored to Australia by someone else prior to you meeting her etc

    EDIT: The forum members, if they wish to do so, can then analyse, dissect & comment on your relationship as all the other threads have done on this topic - over to you...

    She grew up in a convent ( so thoroughly opposite to me) And she was an english teacher. I was introduced to her through friends of mine.We have been together coming on seven years now

    This has to be an attempt at Aussie dry humour, because so far nothing else from the OP is making any sense to mesad.png

    you asked me aquestion ? I answered! What else do you need ?

    What else??? why would anyone believe an anonymous post on the internet? Maybe you're looking for a foursome with some bondage - who knows..

    A buddy of mine has just told me he's getting it on with his girlfriend and her twin.

    I said "How can you tell them apart?" He said "Her brother's got a moustache."

    • Like 2
  7. an honest answer at last!!

    Well done.

    Hoorah for at least one person in Thailand.

    If I ever meet a Thai lady I promise to post where I met her, what time, what she wanted and what happened!

    i can't remember where it was, i just opened my wallet and she appeared........

    its been declining since though

    I knew it was going downhill when I had an heart attack and she wrote off for an ambulance

    • Like 2
  8. I wonder, what do they mean with "HOUSE PAPER"?


    i always take the original house book and a copy of it

    i show the book , then give them the copy with my signature

    they are happy with that

    You do this when you report your 90 day adress at Pattaya/Chonburi immigration?

    PS I am still waiting for someone to report that he has been asked for anything besides the 90 day address form (TM-47). I appreciate Oz's statement that they are going to do it but I can't believe that they actually are doing it.

    that would be me you are waiting for then

    i have been doing it for over a year now i think

    i was asked to bring proof next time when they first started it but let me off that time

    If I read the thread correctly it started in August of 2011 ► Copy of passport Face Page

    ► Copy of latest Immigration Permission to Stay Stamp

    ► Copy of TM Departure Card (this is the white card that should be stapled in your passport)

    ► Copy of a document verifying your address (lease, utility bill, telephone bill, cable bill, etc.)

    So have you been reporting every 90 days and not giving them the above information since last year?

    Sorry you lost me a bit. When were you asked to bring the above for your 90 day address reporting and what proof do you mean? So are you saying it started in 2012 and not 2011 like the thread says?

    i did not bring proof of address when it was very first implemented in 2011

    i did not know of the requirement at the time

    he told me to bring proof of address the next time i reported

    i did that and brought a house book for their inspection and a signed copy for their records

    that was acceptable

    i took the other documents as well as is normally required and had been taking for years

    i do not know the exact date the requirement started

    thankfully my life does not revolve around attendance dates at immigration.......

  9. I have run my front spoiler into the curb and have some rear spoiler damage as well on my honda jazz...looking for a good shop to do the work..no insurance is involved in this case. Has any one got some good recommendations for good body work. The shop next to the dealer with the ferraris and other exotic cars on Suk always seems to be busy but no idea if its good or not

    i have used them many times to repair minor damage on used cars

    i knew i was in the right place the first time in went when they painted a Mercedes hood

    i went to pick it up and i thought it was ok, howver the boss did not

    he sent it back to be redone and told me to come back tommorrow

    i have been going there ever since......

  10. If the insurance pays, they will say where your car will be repaired.

    From the other hand, I see your car is brandnew, so I assume you have a decent full coverage insurance.In that case they will take care and recover the money from the other party.But again, your insurance company decides which shops you can choose from.


    not strictly true

    i pay an extra premium to have only main dealer conduct any accident repairs

    as a victim you can insist that the main dealer deals with it too

    you may have to pay a top up to bridge the gap between the cost of the insurance approved garage estimate and the main dealer estimate

    if its only a minor accident it should not be so much for peace of mind

    to establish the dealer costs go and get your own estimate for the repair and then insist its compared with the other parties estimates

    good luck with your problem

    And you know what that can mean yes?

    Some time ago I had an accident where i was 100% in my right.The hood from my pick up had some minor damage so had to be repeired and repainted.The insurance appointed garage, which did a good job by the way, received 2000 Baht for the job for which they had to wait 3 months after completion.

    no, indulge me please.......

    The insurance from the other party paid peanuts to the repair shop to repair my car.

    If I had insisted to have it repaired by the main dealer, I would have to cover the extra charge, which probably would have been a multiple of 2000 Baht.

    As I said, the repair of my engine hood was satisfying, but I can not understand how they can do the job for 2000 Baht including materials.However they have a contract with that particular insurance company and HAVE to do it at a set price.

    When I go to the main dealer, he has no obligation to repair the car at a price set by the insurance company, and just charges what he think will fit him and I HAVE to pay the difference or go with the insurance appointed repair shop.

    very articulate but i think i summed that up in my ONE sentence :

    ''you may have to pay a top up to bridge the gap between the cost of the insurance approved garage estimate and the main dealer estimate''

  11. If the insurance pays, they will say where your car will be repaired.

    From the other hand, I see your car is brandnew, so I assume you have a decent full coverage insurance.In that case they will take care and recover the money from the other party.But again, your insurance company decides which shops you can choose from.

    not strictly true

    i pay an extra premium to have only main dealer conduct any accident repairs

    as a victim you can insist that the main dealer deals with it too

    you may have to pay a top up to bridge the gap between the cost of the insurance approved garage estimate and the main dealer estimate

    if its only a minor accident it should not be so much for peace of mind

    to establish the dealer costs go and get your own estimate for the repair and then insist its compared with the other parties estimates

    good luck with your problem

    And you know what that can mean yes?

    Some time ago I had an accident where i was 100% in my right.The hood from my pick up had some minor damage so had to be repeired and repainted.The insurance appointed garage, which did a good job by the way, received 2000 Baht for the job for which they had to wait 3 months after completion.

    no, indulge me please.......

  12. I wonder, what do they mean with "HOUSE PAPER"?

    i always take the original house book and a copy of it

    i show the book , then give them the copy with my signature

    they are happy with that

    You do this when you report your 90 day adress at Pattaya/Chonburi immigration?

    PS I am still waiting for someone to report that he has been asked for anything besides the 90 day address form (TM-47). I appreciate Oz's statement that they are going to do it but I can't believe that they actually are doing it.

    that would be me you are waiting for then

    i have been doing it for over a year now i think

    i was asked to bring proof next time when they first started it but let me off that time

  13. one of the few redeeming factors in Rayong is Number 43 Italian bistro in the Kantary Bay complex at the beach

    the food is simply delightful and better than anything available in Pattaya


    Incredible thing to say.

    The grub there is average at best.

    so you went there then?

    obviously not.......

  14. If the insurance pays, they will say where your car will be repaired.

    From the other hand, I see your car is brandnew, so I assume you have a decent full coverage insurance.In that case they will take care and recover the money from the other party.But again, your insurance company decides which shops you can choose from.

    not strictly true

    i pay an extra premium to have only main dealer conduct any accident repairs

    as a victim you can insist that the main dealer deals with it too

    you may have to pay a top up to bridge the gap between the cost of the insurance approved garage estimate and the main dealer estimate

    if its only a minor accident it should not be so much for peace of mind

    to establish the dealer costs go and get your own estimate for the repair and then insist its compared with the other parties estimates

    good luck with your problem

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