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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. i have had all the same problems that people have been discussing here. i am on maxnet Indy 1000 baht a month package in Pattaya. its been terrible, it actually took 1hour & 13 minutes to download 3 pop 3 emails yesterday from Yahoo.singapore!

    the international websites would not connect and all the time i was displaying a download speed over over 2MB within Thailand and about 150-200KB outside. i have been using dial up when its been at its worst and even at only 45kbs on a modem its actually been faster than ADSL after 5 pm. i had noted my problems started a couple of weeks ago when i was told i was upgraded for free to twice the download speed. so today i went to Carrefour and switched to the PREMIER 1 Mb package and effectively halved my supposed official INDY download speed as Premier packages have not been upgraded yet. so now i am now back to a full fast effective interantional internet package with no problems at all with pop 3 mail or any connection problems at all. i was advised to do this by a maxnet technical engineer who said the problems were only associated with Indy accounts that had been upgraded for free. Premier and Biz accounts were unaffected by the problems that the INDY packages were having. the cost to get my service back to normal and as it was, if not slightly better than before? an extra 90 baht a month! now 1090 instead of 1000. i was in there this morning at 11am and they gave me new usernames, passwords etc and switched me over at 5pm. so i am a very happy chappy, my blood pressure has already gone down. i haven't explained it terribly well but i hope you get it.

    good luck!

  2. i have had all the same problems that people have been discussing here. i am on maxnet Indy 1000 baht a month package in Pattaya. its been terrible, it actually took 1hour & 13 minutes to download 3 pop 3 emails yesterday from Yahoo.singapore!

    the international websites would not connect and all the time i was displaying a download speed over over 2MB within Thailand and about 150-200KB outside. i have been using dial up when its been at its worst and even at only 45kbs on a modem its actually been faster than ADSL after 5 pm. i had noted my problems started a couple of weeks ago when i was told i was upgraded for free to twice the download speed. so today i went to Carrefour and switched to the PREMIER 1 Mb package and effectively halved my supposed official INDY download speed as Premier packages have not been upgraded yet. so now i am now back to a full fast effective interantional internet package with no problems at all with pop 3 mail or any connection problems at all. i was advised to do this by a maxnet technical engineer who said the problems were only associated with Indy accounts that had been upgraded for free. Premier and Biz accounts were unaffected by the problems that the INDY packages were having. the cost to get my service back to normal and as it was, if not slightly better than before? an extra 90 baht a month! now 1090 instead of 1000. i was in there this morning at 11am and they gave me new usernames, passwords etc and switched me over at 5pm. so i am a very happy chappy, my blood pressure has already gone down. i haven't explained it terribly well but i hope you get it.

    good luck!

  3. Hmm, the DNS servers seem to be on the fritz again today (True). Can't connect to some sites (Thaivisa included). But when I directly set the proxy to True's, then it works fine.

    Same in Phuket right now with TT&T....most sites won't load....Google and its properties the exception along with.....WOOHOO!!....Thai Visa.



  4. i have had all the same problems that people have been discussing here. i am on maxnet Indy 1000 baht a month package in Pattaya. its been terrible, it actually took 1hour & 13 minutes to download 3 pop 3 emails yesterday from Yahoo.singapore!

    the international websites would not connect and all the time i was displaying a download speed over over 2MB within Thailand and about 150-200KB outside. i have been using dial up when its been at its worst and even at only 45kbs on a modem its actually been faster than ADSL after 5 pm. i had noted my problems started a couple of weeks ago when i was told i was upgraded for free to twice the download speed. so today i went to Carrefour and switched to the PREMIER 1 Mb package and effectively halved my supposed official INDY download speed as Premier packages have not been upgraded yet. so now i am now back to a full fast effective interantional internet package with no problems at all with pop 3 mail or any connection problems at all. i was advised to do this by a maxnet technical engineer who said the problems were only associated with Indy accounts that had been upgraded for free. Premier and Biz accounts were unaffected by the problems that the INDY packages were having. the cost to get my service back to normal and as it was, if not slightly better than before? an extra 90 baht a month! now 1090 instead of 1000. i was in there this morning at 11am and they gave me new usernames, passwords etc and switched me over at 5pm. so i am a very happy chappy, my blood pressure has already gone down. i haven't explained it terribly well but i hope you get it.

    good luck!

  5. I have a sick puppy at the moment, initial suspicions are he's eaten something bad and has a form of bacterial infection in his stomach / intestine.

    Been to the vets, had antibiotic jab, IV drip (first day), sub-cutaneous IV (2nd day).

    He's still not eating (day 3) drinking little.

    He's back in the vets this morning for further treatment / observation.

    During internet research I came across "PARVO virus"

    The symptoms are somewhat similar !

    Is this a common problem in Thailand.

    plus - any advice on how to get him eating again - tasty recipes ?

    to any members whose dogs get the Parvo virus, give them Tamiflu asap. its not cheap to buy, you can't get it at a pharmacys. you will have to plead your case at a hospital, lie and tell them you are travelling to Vietnam, Laos, Burma etc to get the pills as its the human medicine for HD51 bird flu. tell them you are scared to travel without it. Tamiflu stops the virus reproducing and gives the dog or cat a chance to recover and fight before its totally overwhelmed and dies. i stress you need to do it quickly before there is too much virus in the animals system. i hope that this information helps save somedays beloved family member.i hope your dog is better now and that it wasn't parvo

  6. does this only apply to private properties? or does the law apply to businesses too? if not then whats to stop you hanging your shingle at the front door of the Thai company that owns your own house (if that situation applies to you) and calling it a the companies head office? if you pay taxes on the company as you should annualy, it cannot be challenged as a working company and the head office can be wherever it states on the company documents. would the authorties need a warrant then?

  7. in terms of censorship and whats considered pornographic, many of you will not have noticed that the international versions of mens magazines like FHM, Maxim, Loaded etc are no longer available for sale in Thailand. some 3 months ago i asked a Bookazine manager why they were not on offer anymore, he said that they have been banned in Thailand as ''they show nipples''. now to those of you who do not know these magazines they are not Penthouse, Razzle or Hustler by another name, in my view they are more like Cosmopolitan with saucy pictures, the articles are entertaining and informative, however in some of their features on the opposite sex, there are pictures of naked ladies showing their breasts and nipples. this is now considered by the military government to be too racy to be allowed to be sold publicly. the Thai version of FHM is still on offer (sans nipples of course). all this when in the 5 square kilometres of Pattaya there are reputed to be around 30,000 active prostitutes (still an illegal activity in Thailand) and you can walk into most bars and see at the very least, said uncovered breasts displaying the disputed nipples. is it me?

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