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Everything posted by djayz

  1. We are seeing more and more of these outbursts. Is this the result of not investing in mental health care? Being raised without ever hearing the word "no"? Being told to keep all your anger and frustrations bottled up? A combination of those?
  2. It's a sad day when individuals have to raise money for hospitals when there are "leaders" who waste time, money and effort on rubbish like submarines, masks that match their suits, luxury watches, etc. etc. etc.
  3. One could be forgiven for thinking the institute in question is rotten to the core and needs a major overhaul.
  4. You believe young, educated middle class Thais support them?!? You need to speak to more Thais.
  5. So everybody has to accept homosexuals? Always find it amusing when all of these LGBGAYTRANSWHATEVERS want to be accepted but cannot accept that there are those who think differently. Yet they demand tolerance and show none. What a farce the whole topic has turned into.
  6. Glad to see that the country is progressing and the state is relentless in it's efforts to turn it into a developed nation. 3rd world. Plain and simple.
  7. I live in Korat, near Buriram, and that fence strikes me as being a bit OTT. Would cement stakes/pillars and a few strands of barbed wire not do the trick?
  8. The problem is, they've said this sooooooo many times in past and never followed through with their promises that now nobody believes a single word that comes out of their mouths.
  9. Some how I just don't think "qualifications" when thinking about Thailand, the people in general or any of its institutes. It all looks good from the outside, but the content tends to be a completely different story.
  10. I can just imagine the gossip if the neighbours saw me carrying in a dozen a day.
  11. When I feel like taking a walk on the wild side, I always buy the big bottles. ????
  12. I got 3 bottles in yesterday, 7th, but drank it all the same evening. LOL. Now I have to go out again this evening and stock up - again! Hope I don't down all 3 bottles of beer again tonight. LOL
  13. Is nowhere safe anymore? Why take it out on the innocent children?!? RIP
  14. I could imagine a fishing supply store also carrying them.
  15. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... A little bit of sympathy for those who have fallen on hard times never hurt nobody.
  16. So, what are you going to do about it? Scolding, warning and chastising people about this hasn't done diddley squat. Crack down or shut up.
  17. I've never understood why every building in these sunny countries haven't already been installed with solar panels. Years overdue if you ask me. Clean, renewable energy 365 days a year, year after year after year.
  18. Not sure if this is the right place to post this topic, but here goes: my boy is now mad about Sonic. Anyways, he has been asking me to bring him back Sonic this and Sonic that from Bangkok this weekend. Any ideas where I can find Sonic towels, bed linen, toys, books, comics, figures, T-shirts, etc. in downtown Bangkok? Have you seen any of this stuff here? I've looked in Big C and one or two other places, but nothing. He doesn't ask for much, so I'm really determined to get him this stuff.
  19. There's the answer to the question in the OP in a nutshell.
  20. Surely you mean "lack" of education.
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