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Everything posted by djayz

  1. We suck water for the plants from our fish pond and the pump is approximately 1.5m above the water surface. Initially, the intake pipe came out at the pump level and there was one 90 degree elbow on it which then went into the water. Recently, I changed the intake pipe, for reasons I won't bore you with, so that there are now 2 x 90 degree elbows and a further elbow (45 or 60 degree, not sure) which then dips into the water. Neighbour and my missus are both telling me that the initial vertical in take was better than my new way, but neither of them can explain why. Honestly, I don't notice any difference when watering. This leads me to wonder if the less bends in the intake pipe is, in fact, the better option. Any thoughts on that?
  2. Does anybody know what's up with the Thai/English English/Thai dictionary thai2english.com? I keep getting the following notice:
  3. I have grown parsley, and other herbs from home, here from time to time. I usually start them in small pots in a protected environment (coolish area/no direct sunlight). Once the plants are hardy enough, I plant them out into a shaded parted of the garden. Too much of this sun and they simply bolt within no time at all. I live in Korat by the way. It is possible, but requires a little more effort (shaded area, shade netting, etc.). Try again and good luck.
  4. Preserving, yes, globalizing, no thank you.
  5. Who here honestly believes that the voters determine the outcome? T'is guns and tanks that decide and that isn't going to change here anytime soon.
  6. I my case 2 days pending, then rejected... ????
  7. He needed to go on a campaign to realize just how despised he is?!
  8. DrJack, I could kiss you right now! You are a godsend! I cannot believe it was so easy Their links are not the same as the one you gave me.
  9. I've spend ages on their site trying to "apply" to do my 90 day reporting online and I literally just keep going around and around and around in circles and always back to the home page. I've used Chrome, Firefox and MS Edge. What am I doing wrong? I've never done my 90 day reporting online, always in person. The instructions seem to be clear enough, but what is up with this site?
  10. In some countries, handing over a card is still the done thing.
  11. Very good point. One I hadn't thought of. A holder to carry your business cards in. Thank you for pointing that out.
  12. Officially, I have been living in Bangkok and, to cut a long story short, until January this year I was on a non-imm visa based on employment. Then recently went to an agent to change to non-imm based on retirement. However, and this is where the sxxt hit the fan, the agent - for reasons I cannot comprehend - has me registered with immigration in Trang!!! Now I have to do my 90 day reporting, but am not in the mood to travel from BKK to Trang just to report. What options do I have? Agent suggested TM.30, but I have never used this and don't have a clue as to how this will help me. What is the worst that can happen to me if I don't report every 90 days?
  13. I'm looking for a nice, good quality business card holder. Where can I find in BKK? Have been around Siam Paragon, but found only one place that sells business card holders and I didn't like their products.
  14. Thank you.
  15. No, I didn't. This is the first time I'm hearing of this.
  16. That's the only problem these people have?
  17. I just stumbled across now, a bit late I know. Have you been able to grow any artichokes in the mean time? I've been growing a few at our place in Korat. So far, they are doing fine and I should be able to harvest the first fruit within the next 6 months (I assume). This will be their first hot season and after that their first rainy season. Fingers crossed.
  18. Is there a car wash at Terminal 21 in Korat? If yes, where is it? I always assumed, rightly or wrongly, that there is a car wash service in every mall. I know there is one at The Mall, but I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone, hence Terminal 21. Thanks in advance.
  19. I have yet to meet a single Thai who speaks favourably of him.
  20. Looks good on paper, but will it be enforced? Highly unlikely me thinks.
  21. The following is from a friend who reads these posts but isn't a member "high chance you've got some duff variety.. should be flowering heavy now and been doing so for many years"
  22. Some of our Hawaiian lemons grow quite big too, but are more elongated.
  23. And probably look down her snotty nose at those serving her.
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