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Everything posted by djayz

  1. Where would one find such images and typos? Asking for a friend.
  2. As if BKK didn't have enough traffic congestion... ????
  3. Despicable piece of ...! Hope they catch him soon before he strikes again.
  4. The voice of reason. Unfortunately, he is light years ahead of his fellow countrymen.
  5. And how much of his earnings is Bill waiving to help aid the recovery?
  6. Elbow grease ????
  7. In the meantime I've bought a 20l backpack from TOTAL. So far, so good.
  8. This drivel is the first "news" article I read today?! Boy, it's going to be a long day...
  9. Thanks for the feedback. I should have mentioned that I only have a small orchard, 50 - 60 small trees max. Drones would be OTT in my opinion. Besides, I enjoy walking around hand spraying the plants as this gives me a chance to see them up close and check for signs of problems. A 20l backpack would be ideal for me.
  10. I'm looking for a medium sized sprayer, backpack type, to spray my fruit trees (mainly supplementary minerals, organic repellant neem oil, etc.). Any suggestions? I have looked on lazada, but the selection seems very limited (unless of course I typed in the wrong search function). About 20 litres is okay, as mentioned above, one I can carry on my back and either powered by a small battery powered motor or by hand is okay. I want something reliable. Am fed up of the <deleted> I get at the hardware stores here. Thank you for any suggestions.
  11. In the meantime I have them all thanks to a suggestion to use TPB. I ain't leaving the house ever again! Never, ever. Got me all the good entertainment I need.
  12. Anybody who gambles 3 days straight needs more than just help from the police.
  13. Any suggestions where I can watch / download Cheers?
  14. That is exactly what fooled me! He even had 2 kids, if I remember correctly.
  15. Believe it or not, but no. This was rural, Catholic Ireland in the 1980s. Such topics were taboo.
  16. Did not know Oscar Wilde was that way inclined. They never taught us that about him at school. Am quite shocked really.
  17. Finished watching "Line of Duty" yesterday. Brilliant!
  18. In December, I'd like to take the family to Khao Yai for a few days and I'm looking for a place which has facilities for young children, like children's pool, playground, etc. Any suggestions? I have looked on agoda and also used their "Family friendly" search function, but I can't find any information about places which have the above mentioned facilities. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanking you in advance.
  19. Impressive! Well done! Others, who should be allocating funds to hospitals, schools, infrastructure, etc. should watch this guy, and others like him, and learn how it's done.
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