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Everything posted by djayz

  1. I think you'll find that under those "criminals" more people shared the pie. They were, like it or not, liked by more people than the current lot are. They were elected by the people, the current lot were not. There is a feeling among many here that the current lot are in it "only for themselves, their families and friends". If you believe for one single second that this lot is not made up of criminals, then you really are a very, very naïve man.
  2. Do they really believe what they want is going to sway anybody? It's what the remaining 7%, well-connected, want that will determine the outcome.
  3. Sure, as long as the billionaires have more land to build and bulldoze, that's the main thing. Heavens forbid they should help any deprived people interested in farming/growing food to buy land.
  4. This is not a form of opposition and is not deemed a threat to the powers that be.
  5. I'm relieved there are absolutely no other traffic issues in this country which need to be tackled. This, apparently, is the most pressing problem.
  6. Oh the irony of this question Uncle Too!!!! ???????????????????? Your time is up. Don't you lot understand? The people want you out. Don't you lot understand? You have done sweet f all for the people. Don't you lot understand? The people can see right you. Don't you lot understand? You're a puppet. Don't you lot understand?
  7. True, but it is my least favourite fruit. I also forgot to mention we grow bananas and papaya here.
  8. I live in Korat and we currently grow mulberries, figs, limes and lemons, two avocados (but haven't had much success with these, so not really recommended), mangos, a variety of guava, bananas, golden berries, raspberries, black berries and pomegranate. We have also grown strawberries in the past and my missus is growing quite a lot of blueberries right now. All of the above bear fruit, bar the two avocados. We have also grown a variety of veggies in the past and I'm going to try growing goji berries soon. We even have apple trees growing here! But absolutely no fruit as it's simply too warm.
  9. The thing I love the most about living in a 3rd world banana republic is that every day here is like 1st April - over and over and over again. The rampant corrupt, bog standard education, horrific death toll on the roads, the abysmal poverty, the never ending pollution, congested streets, billionaire criminals getting off Scott free, ad infinitum are all ignored by the powers that be, but this, this is such a heinous crime, a man hunt is on the way to bring the culprit to justice. Madness, sheer and utter madness!
  10. True, but then again the "big boys" don't video themselves doing this sort of s**t and most certainly aren't stupid enough to post it on TT/YT/FB/IG/ad infinitum. While I don't understand what all the fuss is about, I really do fail to understand why anybody would video themselves fishing... Although it is an enjoyable past time, and I do fish myself occasionally, it has got to be the most boring hobby on a par with collecting stamps. Why record that and, more importantly, why would he think any living person would be interested in watching it?
  11. So, basically, the same laws that have existed - and been strictly enforced - in most of Farangistan since the 1970s/80s? Well done chaps!
  12. It's a slippery slope this one. Although I don't agree with teachers hitting students, we can see the consequences of corporal punishment being banned completely in many of the youth today. They know they can do whatever they want and get away with it Scott free. We see this in many of our home countries. That having been said, I think the main reason corporal punishment was banned is because some teachers couldn't control themselves and administered too much punishment. They went overboard. As a consequence, it had to be prohibited. A "healthy" balance would be the ideal solution, but we don't live in a perfect world. I got the odd clip around the ear and ruler down the palms of my hands as a young lad and I turned out okay. More times than not, I deserved it. "Corporal punishment vs. undisciplined thugs" or is it a case of "out of control teachers vs. innocent students"?
  13. I gave up trying to use the search function on this forum a year or two ago. Absolutely useless! I do as the OP did: just search on Google.
  14. What's the point when (1) they don't have a clue as to what safety standards there are/should be, (2) couldn't be arsed either ways and (3) for a handful of cash can be paid to approve absolutely anything? It's like watching hamsters running on one of those little running loops. Around and around and around we go, but never moving forward.
  15. I think we should accept the fact that other cultures eat things that we find unsavory and repulsive. Who are we to travel around the world telling them what to eat and what not to eat? I do, however, agree that there are waaaaaay too many mutts roaming the streets, parks, parking lots, etc. and this problem needs to be tackled quickly. Either cull them or give them the snip snip so they can't reproduce. Either way, you can start culling/snipping up in our village in Isaan.
  16. This warning comes from a member of the Medical Counsel? Guess he/she got the position thanks to family and friends and not qualifications or competence.
  17. Do you mean to say you're driving a vehicle that you don't know how to control? This one is almost as good as the "brakes didn't work" excuse. So many lives ruined over absolutely nothing!
  18. If the home-made buses are anything to go by, I think I'll pass and just continue driving. On a more serious note, just how many affluent people here consider, even think about, taking the train? Surely they fly or have their driver drive them there in one of those big mini-buses.
  19. ... and enjoy the wide range of fine cuisine offered by vendors who board the train - and your super deluxe carriage - at every station...
  20. It has been a long, long time since I've heard the average Thai say anything even remotely positive about this lot. They need to get out of their bubbles more and meet the public.
  21. On the one hand, I have to say "hats off to you" for not becoming the dumping grounds for other countries. On the other hand, I have to ask "Will you return the rubbish before or after palms have been greased?".
  22. Irrespective of who is right or wrong, certain people in certain professions must always act professionally.
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