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Everything posted by djayz

  1. The question "Does he have the intellectual capacity to pull off a coup alone?" comes to mind...
  2. Am well and truly fed up of the black outs up where we live every time the winds pick up or there is a storm. I want to buy a generator for the house. Nothing big or fancy, just enough to keep lights, fridge and fans going until the lecky is back again. Has anybody bought one from "Bison"? Although I am more than likely to pick one of the more trustworthy brands, I would appreciate any comments regarding this brand as I know absolutely nothing about it.
  3. I thought this might be relevant / interesting.
  4. What would that be?
  5. Who cares? It's not a particularly attractive option as far as I'm concerned when there's a possibility that this may be revoked at any time and the money is gone for good.
  6. Does this mean Saudis are constantly losing things or Thais are good at finding things of no real value?
  7. I'm a strong believer in the old saying "where there's a will, there's a way".
  8. Why you thing too mutch? ????
  9. Woodvinegar or neem oil has been suggested in numerous other threads over the years as an "organic" alternative. Also, companion planting can help reduce the need to spray. However, I don't know what plant repels the bug you are talking about. French marigolds, supposedly, repel a lot of critters.
  10. I sometimes feel the say way, but when I try booking a flight to Utopia, the computer says "no hab". I still think the good days here far outweigh the bad days. Don't let the small stuff get to you.
  11. Join the club ????
  12. No, the ability to follow through is inhibited by a lack of time - too many stunners and not enough time to meet 'em. ????
  13. Or perhaps they are only targeted when they express views that people don't like - intolerant or otherwise. I have a very thick skin, but I too am coming to the conclusion that we are becoming the new "minorities".
  14. I wish I could find a way to TURN OFF the excitement! 50 and I still wanna throw my leg over every second woman I see here...
  15. It has been a while since I've posted a language related question here. Does เดินทีละก้าว mean "step by step"? Thank you.
  16. The title says it all. I have loads of figs growing this year, but the blasted squirrels are gnawing away at them before I can pick 'em. I've been using fruit nets, which I place around the individual figs, to protect them, but this just results in the figs falling off or the little critters pulling and gnawing at them until the fruit is destroyed. Any ideas how I can deter these creatures from destroying my fruit? Open to any and all suggestions. Thank you in advance.
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