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Everything posted by djayz

  1. Why is there a big, fat image covering the first couple of letters in every thread heading?
  2. After how many decades and x thousand Baht in tax contributions does one cease to be a guest and become a resident/member of society?
  3. In principle I agree with you and it does infuriate me that they so blatantly over charge certain people, but the experience and time spent with the missus and our boy there far outweigh the insult or extra money.
  4. Although I do find some of the sites, parks, attractions, etc. here magnificent, I can't help but feel that all of these "lists" should take other factors into account as well. For example, how well is the environment being protected or waste management. Just walking around some of the streets and cities I am appalled at the amount of rubbish floating in canals or piled up on the streets; old cars abandoned in alleyways; city buses belching out alarming amounts of thick, black exhaust fumes, etc. Congratulations on making it into the top ten of a list that only looks at a few, unique features but you're never going to make the top 10 when it comes to more serious criteria like environment, food hygiene, clean waterways, etc.
  5. My missus grew them in Korat a few years back, but the gave up as she can make considerably more money from selling blackberry and raspberry plants. About half a year ago she started growing a few strawberries again for the fruit for us. So, yes they can grow in Korat too.
  6. Why are they a danger to the public? Do they have plastic bags on them? Or do they pose a threat to your flow of envelopes? Or are you just afraid of change which knocks you a few rungs down the food chain?
  7. I find it absurd to read about all the restrictions and regulations for dining out, yet when I take the Airport Rail Link or BTS in the mornings, they are both quite full. This tells me that this virus likes eating out too, but doesn't take public transport.
  8. That has got to be the understatement of the century. Ridiculous article "thought up" by some numbskull who probably only has a job thanks to daddy. Sorry to see this site slipping deeper and deeper.
  9. Similar to the comment above by Happynuff, but aside from the corruption, I am more concerned about, and frustrated by, the sheer lack of care for the environment, abysmal educational system, very low hygiene standards (food) and lack of cultural activities. Knowing what I do now, I can't help but feel that it was a mistake to set down roots here. I'm not looking for Utopia, but there doesn't seem to be any real progress being made here.
  10. Nothing you and your merry little band of misfits haven't achieved all by yourselves.
  11. I knew it was expensive, I didn't know it was that expensive. Glad my little one is well insured. Heavens forbid!
  12. Fortunately, all my bits and bobs work and are intact, so I've never had to have an operation of any kind. I was just shocked at the prices. Jaw dropping.
  13. 27 thousand quid for an operation!?!? Surely that must be THB 27,000, no?
  14. If I were planning my holiday, there is no way I'd want this much hassle in addition to all the other arrangements.
  15. So, basically repeating what millions of people have being saying - louder and louder - for years.
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