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  1. Isn't the UK in a recession, and Gemany deindustrialising due to engery costs? Without cheap Russian gas Europe is economically on very thin ice. US LNG is three times the price. Zelensky has refused to renew the 5 year transit deal that earned his $800m per year. The Russians turned off the gas through Ukraine on 1st Jan, this will result in a 5% loss of overal European gas supplies. Here are a plethora of links to stories about Russia out stripping Germany in terms of purchains power and become the 5th largest economy in the world. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Russia+outstrips+Germany+economically&t=h_&ia=web
  2. The largest country in the world with trillions of dollars of resources.
  3. Dealing with the Hazel missile that currently can't be stopped, helps to cool western hegonomic arrogance. Russia doesn't need the West, but the latter want their resources, and would like to see it broken up.
  4. It's about a 35% decline. The Russian economy is now the strongest in Europe in terms of purchasing power. Inflation is currently at 9%. A spare 100k would earn a good amount of interest in a Russian back providing the currency remains at its current levels. The Europeans are destroying their own economic wellbeing for the sake of US corp interests and de industrialising.
  5. Check out the current military situation, listen to Andrei Martynov, or Alexander Mercurios of the Duran. Unless the West are prepared to send their own troops, Ukraine has lost and so have their Western collective sponsors.
  6. This case was accepted by the prosecutor as criminal and went to court where the judgement went against the agent. The court ruling however means nothing to immigration even though I was exonerated and the agent branded a liar a cheat in the sitation.
  7. The thing is we're getting these things with the concomittant benefits one would expect in the West.
  8. I am grateful to my teachers for giving me the cane when I deserved it, with the exception of one teacher who was vindictive. The reality of existance is this: those who do not hear must feel. Break the law you go to prison, lead an evil life and there are consequences all of them painful. Better to learn discipline as a child and be disciplined as an adult than have no discipline and facing the consequences as an adult.
  9. If the parents never received discipline themselves it will be nearly impossible for them to instill it in their children; hence the problem perpetuates itself.
  10. Spare the rod, spoil the child. This has never changed, whilst some children may be resoned with; the majority don't fall into that category.
  11. They have two servers in Vietnam.
  12. They'd save themselves a lot of hassle if the actually issued people who qualified with long term visas. People try to game the system because of its largely absurd in nature. I remember back in 2001 working with a guy who had a daughter with Thai nationaltiy but struggled to stay here. Things are worse than 2001 and I don't see them getting any better. Married for decades and still renewing visas every year, the mark of an absurd system.
  13. Agreed! Society is far too soft on such crimes in this day and age.
  14. The West and their globalist cohorts are in for a loss over this Ukrainian affair. Putin isn't mad as some commentators have remarked, he is caluculating and methodical and looks out for the interests of his country; something that can't be said for the majority of western 'leaders'. I would suggest checking out the Duran on Rumbe and Youtube to get an accurate unbiased analysis of events.
  15. Thailand doesnt' really have a democracy, neither too does the US after the 2020 fraudulant election.
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