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Posts posted by tatt2dude

  1. Pattaya if it's my studio (tattoo studio but lots of space) or can travel to BKK to visit a studio, the pictures will be of me and if possible my dogs: two english bull terriers who are both well trained and well mannered, well one of them is the other one is young so a bit hyper but she is a good girl.

    An idea of cost would be helpful, even is someone can't help but has an idea of what I should expect to pay for say a half day shoot?

  2. I will be back in LOS end of May. I need to get some pictures taken for a new project, profile, portfolio type stuff. I am a tattoo artist and heavily tattooed so the emphasis needs to be a bit moody??? or creative at the very least.

    Think Miami Ink type stuff (I am aware it sounds gay but everyones at it). Either a studio shoot or my place can be used so long as you have your own equipment, lighting etc. I am looking for proffesional shots and will be happy to pay a fee for this, the shots will be used for a website and also convention promotion and perhaps some products also in the near future.

    I would appreciatte any help.... advice or direction I am thinking a farang for the job as sometimes Thai creativity does not work in the west if that makes sense?

  3. It's manslaughter. Simple as that, if you accept his story, which I don't.

    Otherwise it is murder, and the difference between the two will be - witnesses. It will be terrible if this was a fight about an inflated fare.

    It is terrible no matter what it is over what possible insult or slur would justify hitting a 74 year old man in the head? I can't think of one. It is yet another disgusting crime and it should be murder, witnesses or no witnesses. So much for respecting your elders. :)

  4. I don't' know anything other than what has been reported in the foreign press about this matter...but as a general rule, it is not a good idea to get into any type of physical altercation with Thai men unless you are very good with your dukes. Just about all of them have participated in Muay Thai while they were growing up and many furthered their training in the Thai military.

    If you should have some disagreement with one, just walk away. This is just a piece of general advice...I know nothing of the specifics of this case. Whatever it was, however, it surely was not worth sustaining a lethal injury.

    He was 74.

    And if ever a fit farang were to get one on their own I would bet on the farang. Thais dont tend to pick worthy oponents unless they are in numbers.

  5. It was magic, it isnt anymore and it's real easy to leave.

    And you did ?

    yep :)

    I still have a business there, I still keep up to date with the news and I will continue to visit. Although the visits are getting shorter, it's just too wonderful for me. Constantly seeing the lovely Thai people laughing together, Thai's desperate to save my life should I fall to the ground and the wonderful women who are attracted to farangs who are not only beautiful on the outside but inside as well. Not to mention the stable political enviroment.


    The neighbour who looks at me like I am sh**t and then when drunk with his taxi driver mate tells me "to go back to my own country", police who will execute children should they get in the way of a "proper bit of business", the crowd of Thai onlookers round a farang who has just been hit by a hit and run truck and then bleeds to death at a "civilised" hospital due to lack of insurance evidence, women who generally would give an asprin a headache (that ranges from the average bg to hi-so without much of an exception) and as for this red shirt yellow shirt bs, I mean c'mon! Can you picture a group of old ladies with handclappers bringing Heathrow to a standstill for 10 days? Or for that matter Gordon Brown mobilising and Army of Geordies so that he could get his few billion back which he corrupted out them in the first place? (No offence to Geordies like).

    Sorry, been there for five short years and watched it go mad and loose all it's magic, feel sorry for those who remember it from 10 years ago, I bet it was fantastic. With the exchange rate adding to the pressures I have to agree that it really must be the last chance saloon for an ex-pat, for a holiday yeah ok, but to live? It's done!


    And either my laptop has had it's day or even this board is going wrong? Anyone else having issues posting?

  6. ahahaha....hahaha....HAHAHAHA :)

    You are joking right?

    Does "he" still actually come on to the boards to defend the "concept"? I could do with the entertainment!

  7. Meets the required standard in Thailand?

    Are you sure ? Haven't seen any tattoo's on him :D

    The non tattooed Pattaya resident has so much more class :)

    And hair. :D

    <deleted> :D

  8. The posters here who blame the killings on Thais or Thai culture or lack thereof would better read up on what happens on almost daily basis in our so-called "civilized" western countries.

    Austrians keep sexual slaves in cellars, Americans commit serial murders just to conceal the one murder they really wanted to commit in the series, Swiss youth beats an unsuspecting 40 year old man to death in a railway station...

    The posters who think they are oh-so-superior make me sick.

    Yep every country has sick people.


    This was a premeditated "hit" over either "business" Thai style or "Betrayal". I don't believe I have ever heard of anything like it before perhaps with the exception of the "Cocaine Cowboy Columbians" of Miami in the 80's, I believe a 4 year old child was killed by automatic gunfire whist travelling with his father in a car, his father being a target.

    So as this was a "hit" it was driven by greed and or gain. I was appaled when I read of a wounded 6 year old so did not take on board that a further two siblings were executed (until it was pointed out). What other culture anywhere in the world values life so cheaply as Thailand? Sorry but the whole Thai culture thing is coming apart at the seams, the place is driven by greed.

    Lowest crime I have ever heard of. :)

  9. Sounds like he picked the wrong mia noi! Strange that they did the whole family though, obviously a message.

    very tragic. a message for whom?

    Just about everyone thinking of visiting Thailand, added to the other recent news stories this gives a clear message that it is not the land of smiles, who in there right mind could shoot a six year old kid no matter what the father had done.
  10. I wonder if he had tattoos?

    And a shaved head?

    Have we met yet?

    Possesion of any part of a firearm carries a mandatory five years, key word part, he is screwed, will spend some time on remand and will serve 2 to 3 of the five.

  11. So very true :)

    Yes cover ups go on all the time here. Whena rich thai does something bad they just pay money to the police and it all goes away. What many of these rich thai's seem to forget is that many of them go on hoildays to europe. It is not very hard for a western to get a P.I to find out when and were these rich thai's go on hoilday to. As soon as a thai is out of thailand they are a easy target for a revenge attack or worse for a farang who has been attacked by ones of them in thailand. So a little warning to these rich thai's be careful of which farangs who deicde to have beatin up outside your business. I heard of a french guy tracking down a thai on his hoilday in northern italy. Lets say from what i hear it didnt end pretty for a thai.
  12. No comedy comments? :)

    hello mate, im A.D. from oz.

    i have a tattoo shop in pattaya as well.

    i hear you with the issues of the world right now but 4 some reason tattoo shops will

    continue to remain. guess it goes with the ground of what this place is about.

    ive been here around 12 months now but understand how it all works and can

    maybe offer my services.

    now more than ever its about location!

    i could scout around and source some places for you.

    as far as marketing i know all the main media types to promote and a bonus is a friend of mine

    works for the company that owns the big lcd at the start of walking st.

    he's prepared to do a trade for advertising: 1 month, 15 times a day, 15 second clip for a couple

    of tattoos equal to around 12000B, cool hey?

    if your interested in chatting more give us a buzz on 0800141722 or email me at [email protected]


    Thanks for the response A.D. yes it is true an established studio will be around for many years, we are quite lucky in that we have built something of a brand and that our website is a great success, so location is not so important for us, the type of premises is, I want to do something very different with the studio to what is already out there. 3 years ago when we started, we were the only studio that offered a western look and feel, either we have been dare I say copied or everyone has got on the same tip, I want to now raise the bar slightly with something a bit more interesting.

    I will be spending less and less time in Thailand this year as my own career has taken off in a way I never expected, I dont want to go into detail just yet but what I am doing in the UK will be an excellent marketing add on to the Thai Studio.

    I have considered walking away from the Thai studio because of my new direction but after 3 years of hard work and a collection of very decent loyal customers I feel that would be something of a crime, plus I have 3 very hardworking staff who have put in just as much effort as I have.

    I have received a good response to this post via pm also. I have a couple of very busy days ahead of me but I promise to respond to everyone with more details by the end of the weekend, so if everyone would bare with me you will each have a personal response very soon.

    Just to add something which is relevant: Going forward I wont be taking anything from the Thai studio by way of monies, so long as the bills are paid the staff are paid and the co is kept in good order I am cool. This business has kept me fed and watered in Thailand for three years (not always been as easy as it sounds!) so it is a real opportunity for someone and you get out what you put in.... so the more you put in the more you get out.



  13. ok, comedy reply.


    It says:


    Gay Premiers 2007

    Your shop's work? :)

    good effort :D but no not ours, we actually try to avoid giving customers an infection and or spelling mistake..... that said we did have one bright spark who used all of the aftercare product in one application, then thought his tattoo was infected so poured neat bleach over it, which was painful by all accounts, so he reached for something to soothe it and poured a whole bottle of iodine over it..... :D only in Pattaya.

  14. I hope this does not break forum rules in any way:

    I have a slight problem with my business in Thailand.... I am not there :)

    I have a solid little company which has been trading for 13 years and will support a couple of work permits, currently it is trading as a tattoo studio in Pattaya and has been doing so for the past three years building a good reputation and attracting many regular customers. The web site for example attracts circa 15k unique hits a month with 80k page views. Obviously it has been hit by the credit crunch, strength of the baht, airport closure and now the red shirt thing. But it has survived all of this and continues to tick over.

    I have been offered a position over seas and it is the kind of job I could not refuse so I have taken it. My Thai staff continue to run the show in Pattaya and day to day they do a good job.


    Our lease is due for renewal, landlords are being very Thai and the logical move is to relocate the business (we were never in a great location from day one) closer to the center of town or to a more interesting building. This is has caused the wheels to come off! My Thai staff dont get it! I cannot drop everything and head back to explain what needs to be done and or direct.


    I thought I might throw this one out there or rather here. Anyone looking for an interest to keep the boredom at bay in the sunshine? Anyone know of a good resource for commercial properties? Anyone creative with some marketing experience fancy giving me a hand?

    As stated the company can support a work permit and it does need a "hands on farang" so I am open to suggestions and the usual comments from the keyboard faithful :D

    Answers on a PM most welcome.

  15. I'm really glad you started this thread, I've asked myself the same question a 100 times. I've been here over five years, and in my experience, people love to proclaim their love for Thailand for the following reasons:

    1) Most are uneducated/undereducated and come from a blue collar background. Because of this, they feel closer to the types of Thais that interact with foreigners (i.e. poor undeucated peasants from Issan). They are able to overlook Thai people's lack of motivation and proclivaty towards failure because most of these expats came here because they were failures and were looked down upon back home.

    2) Most men that come here were losers with women back home. They come here, toss some baht around and are treated like they are a sex symbol. They forget that back home the defintion of a GIRLFRIEND is someone you have sex with and DON'T have to pay, here it's completely reversed. These types continue to walk around with satrs in their eyes until the money runs out.

    3) Most are drunks, especially from Europe. They're the ones that drink 18 hours a day and whine about not being able to eat spicy food. These types live in a self-delusional, drunken fantasy world where truth is as distasteful as phet-phet.

    4) Many are naive and gullible (why?...see #1). I don't know how many times I 've met a bar girl in Pattaya with 4 or 5 "boyfriends" that are all sending her some money from back home so she doesn't have to work in the bar anymore. So...why is she still working in the bar?

    5) Concerning English teachers (I used to be one), the ones who loved Thailand were unmotivated, usually didn't have the proper credentials, couldn't care less about lesson planning, loved to screw-off, loved to drink, and didn't expect anything of themselves. The ones that lasted a couple months were hard working, motivated individuals that spent a lot of time preparing for class and expected their students to at least do the bare minimum. These bright people realized they were fighting a losing battle, cut their losses, and moved on.

    If there was a winning post this would get my vote, apart from calling people from Isaan peasants shame on you!

    It wins the 'I've hung around bars, and think I know the real Thailand, because I laugh at the errors the newbies make' award... :) .


    I wonder where you spend 100% of your "free" time :D

  16. I'm really glad you started this thread, I've asked myself the same question a 100 times. I've been here over five years, and in my experience, people love to proclaim their love for Thailand for the following reasons:

    1) Most are uneducated/undereducated and come from a blue collar background. Because of this, they feel closer to the types of Thais that interact with foreigners (i.e. poor undeucated peasants from Issan). They are able to overlook Thai people's lack of motivation and proclivaty towards failure because most of these expats came here because they were failures and were looked down upon back home.

    2) Most men that come here were losers with women back home. They come here, toss some baht around and are treated like they are a sex symbol. They forget that back home the defintion of a GIRLFRIEND is someone you have sex with and DON'T have to pay, here it's completely reversed. These types continue to walk around with satrs in their eyes until the money runs out.

    3) Most are drunks, especially from Europe. They're the ones that drink 18 hours a day and whine about not being able to eat spicy food. These types live in a self-delusional, drunken fantasy world where truth is as distasteful as phet-phet.

    4) Many are naive and gullible (why?...see #1). I don't know how many times I 've met a bar girl in Pattaya with 4 or 5 "boyfriends" that are all sending her some money from back home so she doesn't have to work in the bar anymore. So...why is she still working in the bar?

    5) Concerning English teachers (I used to be one), the ones who loved Thailand were unmotivated, usually didn't have the proper credentials, couldn't care less about lesson planning, loved to screw-off, loved to drink, and didn't expect anything of themselves. The ones that lasted a couple months were hard working, motivated individuals that spent a lot of time preparing for class and expected their students to at least do the bare minimum. These bright people realized they were fighting a losing battle, cut their losses, and moved on.

    If there was a winning post this would get my vote, apart from calling people from Isaan peasants shame on you!

  17. Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

    When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

    When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

    Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

    But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

    Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

    Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

    weather...mild....sunny!!!!!!!! Beau lox mate! It's <deleted> freezing and has been since just before the 17th December when the first snow fell. So cold a winter that British Gas have lowered their prices to help people. Airports have closed, people have been trapped in their cars in snow drifts,waterfalls have frozen solid, 3 days ago I was scraping ice from the windscreen of my car, so cold that the heated screen had trouble defrosting it quickly enough. It is not mild and sunny, you are not speaking the truth. Either that or you got on the wrong flight and are not in the UK and haven't realized yet!?

    Pussy :D

    Seriously it is not cold today and has been pretty good for the time of year since I got back, last year was really bitter but seriously it is actually quite nice today. I was not here for the snow granted, and for this years snow I will be back in Thailand, sweating my Beau lox off :D

  18. Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

    When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

    When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

    Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

    But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

    Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

    Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

    As an ex-pat if i did ever return to the UK, i would do what i guess many other TV members would do and get a job, work hard and make the most of the life i have. Don't suppose that is the answer you were looking for from a "Thai wannabe"??!

    What made you think I was talking about you? You have stated "you would get a job and work hard" so I believe you are exempt from any "Thai wannabe" accusations by your own admission. Glad your enjoying it and hope that continues for as long as you want it too. I doubt you will ever reach 6000+ posts. :D

  19. Thailand, like any other country, has positives and negatives.

    When the positives outweigh the negatives, that's good.

    When the negatives outweigh the positives, time to move on.

    Interesting the only post I agree with 100% is from a banned member :)

    But it's true. I left the UK for Thailand because the bad outweighed the good. Now I have returned to the UK because the same can be said of Thailand. I am enjoying being back, the weather is mild and sunny, people seem to have less attitude than I remember and the recession is not hurting me in the slightest in fact I am earning more and spending less than I was 5 years ago.

    Take a look at the ex pats/wannabe Thais and ask yourself what if anything would they do if they went home? There's your answer.

    Oh and I read a Thai forum because I still have business interests there, ocassionally it offers some interesting news items before any other portals and it's funny, I mean c'mon Thailand is great and life is so fantastic there? If your having such a great and productive time then where do you find the extra time to make 6000+ posts on an internet forum? Get out more, it may not be as fantastic as you think if you actually leave the house/condo/room. :D

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