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Posts posted by tatt2dude

  1. contact with anything is completely and totally verbotin, everything hurts and the smallest contact can cause great damage.

    Me laying at the side of Mallory Park Track after regaining consiousness with all extremities on fire:

    "Can't...... Breath.... cant.... breath....take off visor.... please!"

    Track Marshall "Mate... there's no visor left!"

    Nothing sucks more than crashing, perhaps with the exception of the injuries that take months to heal, part of my reason for living and working here, English winters leave me with the momentum of a 3000 year old man.

    When in Pattaya use protection.

    Well, there is more then a few farang motorbikers that show the same irresponsible driving pattern in farangland too. They own the road. They take chances that is way beyond rational. And ... they get killed in a proportion way above the number they represent on the road. I suspect more then a few are natural risktakers. The type that will draw to extreme sports etc. When you average omg-I'm-40 get to Pattaya and get his bike, he will copy the attitude of these "cool" people and the attitude from various movies he saw in his youth. His transforming himself from clerk #37 to Hells Angels. And to stop this attitude is probably as impossible as telling a 18-year old to "think about the consequence" or stop them from having sex...

    Just so we are clear. This incident on a race track, I refuse to ride a Superbike on the road either here England or anywhere else, last time I rode on the road on anything bigger than a scooter 1994. These bikes are designed for the track plain and simple.

    My "attitude" (just so we are clear) is that the risk is acceptable when:

    A: Everyone is going in the same direction

    B: There is enough run off before you hit anything harder than a hay bale

    C: Experienced marshalls medics and doctors are on hand (which they are in the UK)

    D: Proper equipment is used and all bikes on track have passed a scruteneering process

    I very much doubt anyone wants to be as "cool" as me, simple fact is at Superstock level in the BSB I didn't cut the mustard, that bastard Velentino Rossi however has a lot to answer for, take it up with him.

    As I said in a previous post, comming to Pattaya and hiring a Superbike with no experience and no proper protective gear makes you an idiot in my book.

  2. contact with anything is completely and totally verbotin, everything hurts and the smallest contact can cause great damage.

    Me laying at the side of Mallory Park Track after regaining consiousness with all extremities on fire:

    "Can't...... Breath.... cant.... breath....take off visor.... please!"

    Track Marshall "Mate... there's no visor left!"

    Nothing sucks more than crashing, perhaps with the exception of the injuries that take months to heal, part of my reason for living and working here, English winters leave me with the momentum of a 3000 year old man.

    When in Pattaya use protection.

  3. I will add on the whole Thai versus Farang driving issue: I find driving my Strada Grandis four wheel drive tank to Bangkok and back a truly life threatening experience, everytime I arrive at either destination I feel lucky to have survived which is strange considering the amount of time I raced and never gave it a second thought, I find drivers in Thailand dont give a shit, the sheer bloody mindedness of car drivers Thai and Farang is amazing, its rubbed off on me also, traffic jam? Any chance to cut in I am there, no please no thankyou.

    Riding the scooter in Pattaya however my experience is slightly different, I have ridden on the roads in just about every country I have visited and I find that Pattaya is the only city on the planet that I can "muscle" my way out of a side road on a twist and go, obviously one day there may come a time where I find this is not to be the case, but up until now I find many drivers view scooters as an equal vehicle. (With the exception of this forum)

    Riding a scooter in Pattaya was much like riding one in the BSB paddock, kaos, interestingly enough scooters were banned in the bsb paddock in 03 with the exception of riders and one race mechanic allowed to use a pit bike.

    I can get through Pattaya traffic way faster on a twist and go than I could on a Superbike, try manouvering one at low speed, not designed for that, and on two occasions when I have come across a couple of the Superbike boys in speedos who were game and could not let their pride be dented by a guy on a scooter, I had tremendous fun "egging" them along and leading them through some very tight gaps at speed, I stopped after the second one as he very nearly got it all wrong trying to "live" with me.

    I know.... I should grow up. :o

  4. Interesting thread.

    My background with bikes, raced moto-x since the age of 12, finished racing in the UK in 2004 (40 years old) at the time I was doing the British Superstock series at the British Superbikes, crashed 13 times in my last season, one lowside at Thruxton through church corner 135mph knee down, not funny. High sides were my favourite amazing how much goes through your mind when your airbourne, my last bike was a Suzuki GSXR 1000 K3. When I moved to Thailand I did some track day stuff at Bira circuit after an 18 month layoff, got down to decent race times, shipped my leathers alpinestars and Arai over, back protector as well, I think most people who have seen me ride would describe me as a loon.

    Now, there is no way in the world that I would get on anything bigger than a Yamaha Mio without my full face Arai, boots, kevlar gloves and back protector. (Harleys etc jeans full coverage but I am talking plastic fantastic stuff here), I think most serious bikers take the same viewpoint, perhaps not to the same extreme but as I stated previously I know EXACTLY how much falling off hurts.

    These idiots who come here and hire bikes IMHO have never ridden one before. If they had the would know that these things are designed to run hot, very hot. They need to be ridden fast to cool them, the frame gets hot, the seat gets hot, everything gets hot. Gear selection is not easy as there is a built in resistance in the gearbox, nearly all the superbike stuff is reasonably close ratio from the factory. A CBR 1000 now puts down approx 165bhp out of the crate and with standard gearing will hit a top speed of around 175mph. The power kicks in at around 3000rpm and I believe the CBR revs to around 12500 RPM, the torque put down through the back wheel would make a Porche look very silly.

    My only comfort when I see these people wearing flip flops, speedos and no helmet is that at the end of a days posing for bargirls, they will be sore, their feet will be crippled and hopefully they will have sunburn..... at best... worst case scenario the Russian who recently decided to "give it the berries" away from the lights to impress a couple of hookers no less, is death by lampost, very difficult to steer when the front wheel goes light, senseless waste of human life.

    When you bin it at say 60mph on a UK race track, you pray that you will hit the grass quickly, tarmac will go through leather in roughly .25 of a second at that speed, skin and bone offer the same resistance as butter. I have no idea how sturdy speedos are but I am willing to wager they offer very little protection. Toes and fingers are always first to go but no doubt given the popularity, a sturdy flip flop offers excellent support. A plastic crash helmet will offer the same protection as a slice of hovis.

    Something should be done about them, they are a menace to themselves and everyone else. And no they dont look cool. Personally I am amazed that there are so FEW fatalities given the riding level and safety equipment of 99.9% of these idiots.

    My bike of choice?

    Yamaha Mio twist and go proper helmet, open face, I take chances on a scooter with regard to riding gear that I never would on a "proper" bike, but then its a VERY different animal.

  5. I am currently trying to get to Thailand to attend service with my only other surviving member family and at the same time arranging security due to the circumstances. It should not be this hard or threatening to attend a funeral.

    Mary, I have sent you an email to Dale's email account, I would like to offer you some assistance in this regard.

  6. Congratulations to the low lifes as usual, some great posting.

    I recently airbrushed a crash helmet for Dale (who I never met, this was through my website), I received this morning an email from his sister, informing me of the murder and asking if I could find any news for her, I thought Thai Visa would be a good place to start, what do you think? Should I forward the url? Will it help her in her time of pain and loss, I doubt it.

    Good luck with your Karma boys, wonder if you will laugh so hard the day you wake up to find a stranger at the end of the bed?

    What is it with some people here? I had the misfortune to unsuccesfully be the first to aid Matt Hayes, the guy who had the accident in Pattaya and died on route to Chonburi, in that thread it was insinuated I could have actually been to blame in some way.

    And you wonder why they are tightening the visa laws? Cant come soon enough for me.

    If anyone does have some information or contact details that will help this lady please contact me via ***Please PM poster--email removed per forum rules***

    Wombat, it sounds as if you could help her much more than I can I never met Dale with the exception of a few client customer emails, please get in touch.

    The comedians? You should be ashamed of yourselves, but hey TIT like thats ever gonna happen!

    Find some pride.

    RIP Dale.

  7. Hmm. Interesting way of putting it: "Low-end visitors." I wonder how you define that? I assume that since I'm one of the people staying long-term in Thailand on a tourist visa, I qualify as one of your "low-end visitors", but are you referring to poor people (I'm rich), or criminals (I'm not), those who don't integrate (I speak Thai quite well), or just scumbags in general? [/qoute]

    How exactly do you determine that you are "rich"? I have been trying to work out if I really am "hansum", if I believe I am does that make it so?

    Also sorry to burst your bubble, but if, by your own admission you are working in Thailand, even on the internet, without a work permit, then technically that means you are breaking the law, ego that makes you a criminal, however I suppose one can argue that untill such time you are caught and convicted you are not technically a criminal.

    I have a company, 11 staff, a work permit and pay taxes here. I don't get any problems and only have to suffer the slight inconvienience of reporting to immigration every 90 days. I work within the system and enjoy a good life.

    I always thought a tourist was someone on holiday ie they are not working, perhaps Thailand should introduce a "Working Holiday" visa that allows people to stay indefinetely, work and pay no taxes in any country?

  8. I have noticed a few posts on the site where people have been looking for a Tattoo Studio in Pattaya. We have just launched a new studio with hospital standard sterilization procedures put in place, the studio is surgically clean. We also have some very talented in house artists, we are located on Pattaya South Road just next to Rungland village. Please feel free to drop by and say hello or visit our web page at www.thaitattoostudio.com



  9. I have been reading this forum for a year or two and will retire to Thailand in about 3 years. It amazes me the negative comments that have relatively no basis. Why do people live here if they hate it so much? Some of you need to get a life, the U.S. and several other sountries have much worse crime and in my opinion if you mind your own business and do what is right then you won't have a problem...anywhere!

    I do appreciate the good info that is posted but all the negativity is ridiculous, as stated above get a life, turn your computer off and enjoy Thailand.....or go somewhere else.

    My first post and I expect a rash of ignorance to follow.


    Great first post, good for you.

    Not happy with that she then sent new boyfriend (Irish Boxing Champion) round to add insult to injury. That didn't quite work out as they planned.

    Hey, it's a slow Tuesday, tell us about what you did to the boxing champ. :o

    Roughly quarter of a million quids worth of hurt. :D

  10. I have been reading this forum for a year or two and will retire to Thailand in about 3 years. It amazes me the negative comments that have relatively no basis. Why do people live here if they hate it so much? Some of you need to get a life, the U.S. and several other sountries have much worse crime and in my opinion if you mind your own business and do what is right then you won't have a problem...anywhere!

    I do appreciate the good info that is posted but all the negativity is ridiculous, as stated above get a life, turn your computer off and enjoy Thailand.....or go somewhere else.

    My first post and I expect a rash of ignorance to follow.


    Great first post, good for you.

    Consider this, IF, huge I capital F. It was one of the wives being that stranger things have happened and no one here knows the facts.... again, don't let that stop you!.

    My ex common law wife in England took quarter of a million off me, moved her boyfriend into the house I bought for her at which point my son then 12 moved in with me. Not happy with that she then sent new boyfriend (Irish Boxing Champion) round to add insult to injury. That didn't quite work out as they planned.

    My point being, had she no protection through courts and no rights to my income or accumulated assets what action would she have taken? Who knows, I never knew she was as nasty as she turned out to be!!

    It's got nothing to do with the "Thai's" being worse or better than any other Nation, it's all about people being people. If you hate this place so much, the people here and yourselves, then go home! Oh you can't? Why not?

    I hope this guy rests in peace and I also hope his family don't have to read most of the <deleted> written here, which is, in my eyes mostly racist bullshit.

  11. I think most reasonable people would appreciate that no hospital can survive if it has no satisfied customers, even though most of them might be transient tourists. The insurance companies would complain for a start if they thought they were paying excessive bills for a treatment that wasn't successful and which required further attention and expense when the tourist got back home.

    I am a reasonable person who is fit and in no need of hospital care, prior to this thread and Matt's accident I had no knowledge of BPH and whilst I agree to take much of what I read on the internet with a healthy pinch of salt I am somewhat concerned by the BPH statement. Would I now give business to BPH? Not until such time that they re-assure me. Prior to these events? Why not, their marketing campaigns are very persuasive.

    Of course I have no information on the actual numbers of satisfied clients of the BPH. I merely make the observation that whoever they are, they are:

    (1) Unlikely to be reading this thread.

    (2) Unlikely to go out of their way or take the time and trouble to express their satisfaction with BPH service. People who have a grievance tend to shout louder.

    Some truth in what you say, but given how damning this thread is to the hospital one would have thought that someone would have defended them! I mean this is a forum where you can hide behind an id so how bad can the lynching really be? There must be someone with a good experience?

    If such people do or have come across this thread, I can understand their reluctance to express a counter-balancing good story about BPH in case they are lynched too.

    Step forward and assist Barry, he is carrying on a very difficult one man crusade given he has never visited the place received treatment or for that matter set foot in Thailand in the last 43 years.

    Someone already said it:

    "All the media techniques rolled into one post. Broadening, mock objectivity, hidden message."

    What exactly is your agenda?

    My agenda is to find out what really happened in the decision-making process that resulted in Matt being transferred to another hospital. Perhaps BPH finds itself in an embarrassing situation, not because it made a wrong decision in the circumstances and with regard to Matt's best interests, but perhaps because its own blood supplies were below what they should have been at the time. Perhaps someone who's job it is to order new stocks of blood when they reach a certain level had failed in their duty, or perhaps some administrator, under pressure to save on costs or perhaps due to plain inefficiency, or perhaps because it was her day off, had failed to process the order for new blood supplies for the bank.

    Great stuff.

    In that case can I suggest that once you have compiled your findings you come back and report them on this thread?

    Because until such time I for one dont believe that you have anything relevant to add apart from conjecture and ambiguous statements. Maybe as a voice of reason who is detached by a few thousand miles and a 43 year absence you could persuade BPH to elaborate on their statement?

    You certainly seem to have the time on your hands and maybe just maybe if you get to the bottom of this then you can persuade the many people who will not now use the services of BHP to reconsider!

    Sorry if it hurts your feelings but until such time as you can back up your own assumptions with facts I am going to have to ignore you as well.

    You are doing the internet equivalent of "rubber necking" and I for one find that quite distasteful given the loss that Matt's family have suffered and the probability that they have read your comments.

  12. I think most reasonable people would appreciate that no hospital can survive if it has no satisfied customers, even though most of them might be transient tourists. The insurance companies would complain for a start if they thought they were paying excessive bills for a treatment that wasn't successful and which required further attention and expense when the tourist got back home.

    I am a reasonable person who is fit and in no need of hospital care, prior to this thread and Matt's accident I had no knowledge of BPH and whilst I agree to take much of what I read on the internet with a healthy pinch of salt I am somewhat concerned by the BPH statement. Would I now give business to BPH? Not until such time that they re-assure me. Prior to these events? Why not, their marketing campaigns are very persuasive.

    Of course I have no information on the actual numbers of satisfied clients of the BPH. I merely make the observation that whoever they are, they are:

    (1) Unlikely to be reading this thread.

    (2) Unlikely to go out of their way or take the time and trouble to express their satisfaction with BPH service. People who have a grievance tend to shout louder.

    Some truth in what you say, but given how damning this thread is to the hospital one would have thought that someone would have defended them! I mean this is a forum where you can hide behind an id so how bad can the lynching really be? There must be someone with a good experience?

    If such people do or have come across this thread, I can understand their reluctance to express a counter-balancing good story about BPH in case they are lynched too.

    Step forward and assist Barry, he is carrying on a very difficult one man crusade given he has never visited the place received treatment or for that matter set foot in Thailand in the last 43 years.

    Someone already said it:

    "All the media techniques rolled into one post. Broadening, mock objectivity, hidden message."

    What exactly is your agenda?

  13. You can see the problem here. I'm an impartial outsider trying to wade through the subjective bias and misinformation in this thread and yet get told to 'sod off'.

    It's no wonder there are so few prepared to defend the BPH and praise the excellent treatment received at a very reasonable cost. They'd be howled down, ridiculed and insulted. It seems to me that the majority of posters in this thread represent a tiny minority of past BPH patients who for some reason are very disgruntled, perhaps for justified reasons and sometimes perhaps not.


    I have never had any dealings with BPH. Despite my involvement in this I did not comment on the hospital in question, in fact one other poster to this site went so far to accuse me of being too intimidated to do so. The truth of the matter is that I did not have facts to hand so did not feel qualified to comment.

    After reading the BPH statement I will not comment.

    With this in mind I find your statement "It's no wonder there are so few prepared to defend the BPH and praise the excellent treatment received at a very reasonable cost" quite remarkable given your 43 year absence from Thailand, you must have made quite an impression when here, for someone to keep you up to speed with current satisfaction levels at this hospital.

    It's been asked previously but I will ask you again who are you?

  14. Yes, it is a terrible loss to friends and family but this thread is about the business practice and morals of BP.

    Please excuse me for breaking your rules.

    Your blog and posts here were clearly indicating a problem with BP,

    I think it is pretty clear from both my blog and my posts that I am shocked due to the manner in which Matt was treated.

    now you suddenly are falling over yourself to emphasize what a professional and well equipped outfit they are.

    Did you really just say that out loud? You really are an exceptionally insulting little man, does your ability to take any comment out of context, twist it and then use it for the benefit of a pissing competition know no bounds?

    I am "falling over" myself to emphasize what a proffesional outfit they are? Is this your idea of a sick joke? Have you any idea how distasteful your comments are?

    I'll draw my own conclusions.

    As you can see so have I.

    Now as this is one pissing competition I have no desire to win or be involved in I will leave you to it. Please dont waste the bandwidth with a reply that wont be read..... by me at least.

  15. It would be wrong of me to draw any other conclusion with the facts that I have to hand.

    Call me a cynic but it sounds to me like they threw the good old defamation book at you .... :o

    I resent your remark above.

    I was unaware of this forum or for that matter the facts with regard to what happened to Matt after he was taken by the rescuers so I felt unable to comment in an objective way until said facts revealed themselves. The date and time of the post I believe is still evident on the blog.

    I have since spoken to some of Matt's friends and to be honest I am at this time in a state of shock as to the sequence of events that followed Matt's accident.

    Parents have lost a son, friends and colleagues have lost a person who I have subsequently found out was loved and well thought of. From my own personal perspective I am trying to come to terms with the fact that I could have done more for Matt.

    But hey, dont let any of that stop you from voicing your conspiracy theories on a website discussion board to get your post count up.

    Grow up.

  16. I have done much soul searching over the weekend as to how to express an updated opinion on the blog with regard to Matt's death, I am sure that the readers of this forum will acknowledge that at this time I have taken a "vanilla" approach until such time that I am aware of full facts.

    I stopped to help Matt and spoke with him whilst waiting for the Rescue service. I was assured that Matt was in good hands and was informed of the hospital name that was to be his destination. The medics spoke English and attended to Matt professionally and with compassion.

    Matt was conscious when put into the rescue pick-up which was a fully equipped purpose built vehicle, not of European standard but an adequate vehicle for a short drive to a local hospital.

    I do not know what happened to Matt after I left his side. What I have heard has angered me to the core and with this in mind I am sure you will all appreciate that I need to compose myself and choose my words very carefully. I need to know the facts of the matter before I can express any further opinion.

    Should any of Matt's friends wish to contact me then please do so, [email protected]

    I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further privately and establish exactly what happened to Matt, what I continue to hear leaves me in a state of disbelief given Matt's condition when I left him.

    I cannot put into words the remorse that I feel for not staying with Matt until he received the correct treatment, if I am able to do anything to rectify this in the eyes of his friends or family then I will offer whatever information I have that they may think is relevant.

    I am truely very sorry for your loss.

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