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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. 15 minutes ago, pattayalover said:

    I can get a tourist visa, I got many from lao. what I don't want is to pay a rental car then travel 10 hours plus fuel and else, then just be told at the window : "sir, do you have a job.?" well no, I have no job this is why I go Thailand for 3 months.

    "well sir you need to show us your job contract or we can not issue you a visa. sorry.... "

    at least in Lao I will get my visa after a 30 days free entry.:huh:

    so f... these embassies who make problem. no money from me for sure.
    and I let you remember that in 2008 tourist visa were free for 2 years(even 2 entries were given for free) . I got 2 or 3 visa sent by post. all free.






  2. 6 hours ago, JKfarang said:


    If you have the "facts" then post a link so that I an others who are actually concerned about the future of our oceans (and the planet as a whole) can become enlightened.  And please include all whaling practices (not merely those conducted by indigenous peoples) as well as their impact both direct and indirect.  Until then, I stand beside my current opinion.

              I can start with the whale catch in the Northern Atlantic.Norway has  can catch 1.200 minke whale each year(catches around 900 of them) out of an estimated population of around  100.000 in the North Atlantic.Iceland also catches 150 Fin whales out of an estimated population of  20.000 in the North Atlantic.Faroe Islands catches around 1.000 pilot whales out of an population of 700.000 in the North Atlantic.


              So with this number the European whale catching is a very sustainable industry and in addidtion whale meat is VERY nutrisious . https://iwc.int/estimate

  3. 9 hours ago, JKfarang said:

    Unfortunately, humankind is destroying sea life at an alarming rate and in many different ways.  Whaling being one of them.  Only governments have the resources to stop the carnage but, of course, they won't to any significant degree.  Short term profits over long term anything is the new mantra.  I can not express my sincere sorrow enough for what this once beautiful planet will become for future generations. Seven billion plus people and counting.  An already unsustainable number that will continue to increase until the planet finally starts to rid itself of what has effectively become a virus on it's surface.


    Get your facts right.Whaling as it practised nowadays is NOT destroying sea life !!

  4. 6 hours ago, zyphodb said:

    OK so the ones being persecuted are presumably happy to not be persecuted anymore once they reach the EEC but can you really blame them for then wanting to reach a country that they speak the language of & have some hope of understanding the culture, getting work & making a life for themselves as opposed to having to learn a language from scratch & making a life somewhere where they have no clue of the culture & customs?

     I agree that you need to somehow sift the genuine ones from the economic migrants which isnt going to be easy but a little compassion wouldnt go amiss, how would you feel if you & your family were in the same boat as them? 


    Most of them are MIGRANTS and as such has no right when they`ve illegaly entered Europe."A little compassion" you ask.How much  is a little ? We cannot cater for all the Worlds poor,in Nigeria alone there are 150 million people which are dirt poor.......How many of them do we let in ?

  5. 2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    Trump came across as a bitter man, brimming with self-pity and recrimination in defeat. 


    Anybody else think Maria Bartiromo's cleavage stole the show?  :passifier:






    I knew that was a person I`ve seen before................And after that I didn`t pay attention to the speaches at all,honestly !

  6. 6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Assad is hanging on for dear life.  without russia, he would have been gone years ago.  The future doesn't look bright for him. Russia has already said they didn't really care for him. Syria may end up like Transnistria!  LOL  Where I will be tomorrow!


    Hanging on for dear life....really? There are many syrians who would prefer Assad compared to the alternatives.Athough Russia (and previously The Soviet Union) is an long time supporter of the Syrian regime,direct Russian involvment in the war just started in 2015.


    Assad will not be gone for a long time yet(if ever).

  7. 5 hours ago, The manic said:

    why oh why do the authorities nor clamp down on  old drivers? Elderly drivers kill more people than drug dealers but still they drive around with impunity... I have noticed Old men from Australia in particular flout the law. Let's all sign a petition now to keep old ozzie drunks off the road.


    I think that the driving skills of  elderly drivers are the last thing to worry about when it comes to the daily carnage on Thai roads.

  8. 8 hours ago, Scouse123 said:





    If you think Thais will take any form of retribution you are misguided.


    Thais in all these prisons DO NOT CARE what sentence has been committed and that includes rape, kiddy fiddling and so forth. It is laughable that so many clueless people on here recycle the same old ' chestnuts '  as " Wait till they get him in a Thai jail, Wait till he gets raped etc etc ' It VERY rarely happens unless the foreigner is a youngster, and therefore, it has nothing to do with the crime he committed. Thais are way too busy in their own corrupt little world in there to be bothered unless the foreigner is a nuisance, loudmouth or disturbs them directly.


    They care only if the foreigner has enough money in his pocket in jail to buy black market phones, play black market gambling, and buy black market goods such as food and other items.


    Also, they wait and see if he is a mug and they can ' tap him up ' for things such as cigarettes, washing powder, and other items Thais cannot afford or don't have the money for; as it has all been spent on drugs!


    To many TV members watching to many B-movies and TV-series.

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