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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. The truly frightening thing is the fact that these EC 225 Super Pumas have remained in service,flying death traps.

    Another needless 13 more deaths to add to the many others who have perished in these heaps of crap.


    Fellow oil workers.

    They where banned from flying in a period in 2012 after a series of mishaps, mainly on the UK sector. The thing all of these had in common was problem with oil lubrication to the main gearbox. After seing the rotor fall of in this accident all of the remaining choppers of this make has now been grounded........ Hopefully for good !!

  2. There is no grey area here,you dont hit up on a family enjoying songkran and then kick the <deleted> out of them when they are on the floor.

    Disgusting and it should rightly go viral as a lesson to what is happening here quite frequently nowadays.

    Land of smiles not.I hope they catch them but for what the punishment will be it is just not worth it,shame all round on this story.

    You especially don't kick a 65 year old woman in the head when she is already on the ground and defenseless. These thugs will be patting each other on the back for taking on and defeating elderly senior citizens.

    An aggressive Thai person will unfortunately hit both women and children laying down and when there are a bunch of them they will go into a frenzy. Saw a video from a CCTV in North Thailand a few weeks ago where around 15 men kicked a guy to death..... The last 10 persons appeared to be passers by who saw an opportunity to get in a good head kick just for the fun of it !!

  3. It's not just the courruption where the police win here. They can also say 'see, we are catching the dealers, and btw its foreigners at the root of the problem' win-win for the police every way you look at it.

    And that's one of the really sad things in cases like this. A bust like this will show foreigners that it appears that Thailand has a zero toleranse against drugs (like for. instance Singapore) and is having a big success in eradicating drug use,to the applause of the World community.

    In reality the country is awash with drugs that increasingly does a lot of harm in all parts of the society, much because of corruption of all parts of the justice system here !!

  4. This incident doesn`t deserve the publicity it has got.In the 20 years since the Cold War ended incidents like this didn`t happen.But in the last 2-3 years they are on an increase.During the Cold War there where incidents like this on a daily basis and it is just a way to show force which both sides are aware of.We spy and flex our muscles to Russia and China and they do the same back.

  5. 1) What business has USS Donald Cook at Russia's border?

    2) Why is this ship still in operation? It was incapacitated by Russian jamming devices already in the 2014 incident in the Black Sea, as noted in the article.

    Go home Yankee, go home. Nobody wants you in the Baltic Sea. Just like nobody in the US wants Russian war ships in the Mexican Gulf.

    Im sure most people in the Baltics and Poland are very happy for the US and NATO presence in that area. Compared to the keyboard warriors of the West, these people have felt the influence of the disgusting Communist oppression. Even 25 years after gaining their freedom, only mentioning the word russian will make them cringe !!

  6. To have a balcony 200mm higher would cost say 20 blocks x 5 baht plus the sand and cement render say 100 baht plus a days labour 300-400 baht.say 600 baht all in or a nights rental in a guesthouse.maybe saving 10 tourists a year.no no,it's only falang and they've paid for the room already and we get a bit of free advertisement.oh and while we are at it lets put the shower heads in at 4ft 7in and they'll soon get peed off in there and we can save water.they are more intelligent than we think.

    A basic summation of the balcony height situation....and fair enough....but, there's a lot more in these issues than just the height of the railings unfortunately.....

    Most cases are accidental because of the height of the railings and the very few others are suicides.

  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Europe

    Maybe this link is more accurate.....percentages rising though for certain countries.

    The figures are exactly from the same source as mine Pew Research Jan 2011. I would gladly acknowledge anything more recent from a credible source.

    Of course I condemn the recent atrocities in Belgium and France by the barabaric ISIS, as I do those committed by all other Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist fanatics.

    What I objected to was the ridiculous scaremongering (that Europe is about to become a caliphate introducing Sharia Laws) and the blanket stereotyping of a quarter of the world's population by a poster above, which I believe is simply a cover for naked hate speech. Condemn the perpetrators but not collectively punish or smear a whole religion.

    But those 4 religions you mentioned above doesn`t represent ANY threat at all to the West,but islam at the present do.

  8. French prime minister: "We are at war. We have been subjected for the last few months in Europe to acts of war."

    BRUSSELS (AP) — French prime minister: "We are at war. We have been subjected for the last few months in Europe to acts of war."

    Exactly like many of us have said for years.And please let the countries in Europe that want to close their borders(permantly) do so.The Schengen treaty is slowly becoming a nighmare securitywise.

  9. this guy Geert Wilders is a fascist neo nazi fascist guy. lets say a sediment and offspring of Nazi invasion of Holland long time ago!

    supporting this guy means, you support fascist neo nazis basically and racism and discrimination tied to it.

    and for jewish people and other minorities there; today it is muslim this guy hating and tomorrow it will be the jews. please be long sighted.

    no room for such guy in Holland or Europe with ancient ideas of discrimination, nazism and racism. this guy is shame for a large percentage of Dutch people according to my friends too.

    as a punishment, judged should give him community service at muslim centres or centers for other minorities there.

    "a fascist neo nazi fascist guy" "supporting this guy means, you support fascist neo nazis basically and racism and discrimination tied to it."

    Wooooow.What a load of tripe !! The dwindling,obscure minority which you seem to represent,always are very quick to label anyone critical to the invasion of the West with the statements above.

    One day you and the obscure clan sorrounding you will wake up to this fact.........way too late Im afraid coffee1.gif .

  10. I first came to Pataya 50 years ago and have been back many times. It has continued to deteriorate due to greed; lack of attention and being completely over built. It's reputation has gotten worse through the years. Thailand has a new tourist paradigm. Sex, sin and booze are out. All these types of business will die. It is happening in Bangkok already. Pattaya is not immune. You may not see it, because you have nothing to compare it with but as surely as the sun shines in the sky it is happening. Almost every owner wants out. Whether you believe it or not- they know it.

    So without sex,sin and booze what is left of Pattaya? A giant,dirty polluted bus parking lot filled with chinese...............Hurray laugh.png !!!

  11. If the incident of assault did happen in the street- I would believe the elderly gent . If he had solicited sex and refused to pay- the assault would have happened in the room as I doubt the LB would have let him leave unscathed. The bottom line is that solicitation for sex is illegal; and certainly assault is. Lb gets fined; goes back to doing whatever on a daily basis. I still say Pattaya attracts the worst of the worst- be they Thai or Foreign. Until the police actually start cleaning the place up it will continue its march downward towards irrelevance. Way too many assaults; drugs; and lack of civilized behavior. In addition, the place is so overbuilt-there are not enough tourists to fill the hotel; bars; restaurants etc The planes coming into Thailand maybe full- but they are filled with Chinese; Indians; and MIddle Easterners. Pattaya is finished- some haven't figured it out yet.

    Pattaya is finished ? People has been saying the same as you for the last 20 years, so I wouldn't hold my breath

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