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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Reminds me of the Baby Jessica incident. Prayers being sent for a quick and successful recuse.....
  2. The exact reason I hate the isle seat on a plane, but choose it over the middle or window seats.
  3. I enjoy gambling so I frequent the OTC tickers. I make it a hobby to find those rare shell tickers before completing a merger. Current one is $APSI.... This one is primed and ready to blast off. Got in months ago in the low .20s and now it's .60......soon to rip to multiple dollars (USD). NOTE: Playing the OTC pacifies my gambling need. I do however invest in big board stocks that pay monthly/quarterly dividends.
  4. Yepper, my previous one died and the two batteries were hard to source and cost about 70% of what a newer/bigger model did.
  5. Thanks to all that replied with some sources and personal experiences. Have a safe and Happy New Year everyone!
  6. dingdongrb

    Selling items

    I will be downsizing over the next several months and I am wanting to sell many used personal items I am wondering if anyone knows any websites that cater to this (selling personal items)? Area: Prasat - 30km from Surin
  7. Back in my electronic days we noted it as being 'FM'.
  8. I've got my snow shovel ready!
  9. Cedar Point = Roller Coaster capital of the world!
  10. Wake up, pack the bong, and get baked all day long!
  11. Okay so tell me who has the right of way in this setup? Sorry for the difficult to see photo. I zoomed in on the light so hopefully you can see it better. But, for details the light has both, a forward and right turn green arrow both showing....... .....and the chaos is that at the same time the light in the opposite direction shows the same thing.
  12. Thanks to the mod that moved this post but left this one:
  13. The roundabout I drive frequently has a sign (in Thai) saying what you have stated ["We must give way to anyone already on the roundabout (i.e. going round clockwise and from the right)."] ....and just like you, I see many already in the roundabout stopping and giving way to those getting ready to enter the roundabout. That doesn't surprise me as Thais have no idea how to merge. Sadly many drivers in my home country have that same issue with not knowing how to properly merge.
  14. Okay so tell me who has the right of way in this setup? Sorry for the difficult to see photo. I zoomed in on the light so hopefully you can see it better. But, for details the light has both, a forward and right turn green arrow both showing....... .....and the chaos is that at the same time the light in the opposite direction shows the same thing.
  15. You are correct with everything you stated, but let me ask, when was the last time you opened a bank account in BKK at Bangkok Bank?
  16. I opened my account with Bangkok Bank in Chiang Mai over 10 years ago and all I showed was my passport and Thai DL, nothing else and I did it alone where my spoken Thai at that time was very limited.
  17. Exactly the same occurs in some of the Northern towns. (And I do the same as you.)
  18. No need to involve an agent to open a bank account. Do it yourself and be sure it is in your name only.
  19. Enough said. UNCLE!!!!
  20. Wow, making fun of my alias, is that the best you can do? I bet someone helped you think of that. Me posting 5 times (now 6) on a thread that you posted 17 times on and who leads a boring life? But hey, its your OP so maybe you should be posting more on this tread. However the data shows: YOU - make 1.6 posts A DAY whereas I - make 1 post EVERY 2 DAYS
  21. No joking allowed? Just like no facts allowed as well.... The OP appears to live in his own little world where the majority of tourists rent apartments and go grocery shopping during their vacations. Be careful as he seems to have something against Australian locations. Must of drank some sour milk.
  22. ....to think you created a post about milk, that tells me how boring of a life you lead.. Maybe it's time to go outside for a walk. The majority of tourists don't go grocery shopping and buy milk. The majority of tourists don't rent apartments for weeks on end. Get educated, it helps.
  23. Wow, you really don't have any idea, do you? <sad> (Signed contracts with pricing already finalized also plays a part.)
  24. I'm guessing that the OP had no idea what 'doing it online' really meant.
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