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Posts posted by Zeid

  1. I was looking At the bangkok post and found the following article


    I think that is not a bad idea, to prevent people from converting their rice, food farms to generate more bio-fuels. I feel it is a step in the right direction. as long as it does not come on the account of old jungle trees, and rainforests

    does anyone have a clue where those lands will be?

    and if you stay on the land for so many years will it be given to the farmers?

  2. I wouldn't recommend growing rice. My wife refuses to grow it as she says it's too much hard work as it all has to be hand planted and harvested by hand. We usually let locals use our land during rainy season to grow rice and grow corn on it for the other half the year.

    Mechanical harvesters are getting to be a dime a dozen in most areas and most times work out more efficient and cost effective than than hand cutting.

    Can you rent out the mechanial harvesters by the hour?

    if yes how much will one cost,

  3. The going rate for rice land in the Chiang Mai area is 100k-150kbhatt/rai....have been here and do occasionally hear of distress bargains, but the above is the going rate here.

    and good to hear that digging the pond will be much lower...where is your pond, zied??

    Nong bua lamphu

  4. Okay,

    the spacing between the euco trees are 3 meters,

    so what do you think of the following configuration

    By Khonwan measurments

    euco 100cm cassava 50cm cassava 50cm cassava 50 cm100cm euco east west direction

    north south direction by ozzydom will do

    euco 150cm cassava 150cm euco (or shall i do all spacing the same)

    now will locate casava supplier and lant it next week.

    what do yall think of spacing?

    thank you for your suggestions

  5. the euco trees have been planted for one month now

    i guess tomorrow we will have a very long conversation with the in-law.

    well now as i understand i can still harvest the cassava without affecting the Euco roots, so they will be harvested independently not affecting each other.

    so best thing to do now is see what spacing i have and direction of planting, fertilize the land and plant cassava if possible.

    so in 6 years time will be able to get around 4 cassava harvests and 1 or 2 to enable sun the sun to reach the cassava.

    since it is rainy season do i have to worry much about watering or in the dry season how much watering is needed?

  6. Thanks Ozzy Dom,

    the only reason i have mentioned 3 years is from reading other topics where cassava is harvested every three years, i understand Euco needs 5 Years to be good.

    now should you leave the cassava for 5 years can you harvested without pulling the euco tree roots? i am not in a real hurry to harvest and make money now as i am still building my base.

    now the land i am talking about is only for rai a pilot, the mother -in-law took the liberty to plant us some euco trees 800 of them. which i do not mind as we where still considering. next to me i have access to two 1 rai lakes that are about 3 meter deep, another small lake also on the other side of land.

    thought not sure how the land was planted what direction.

    so can i wait for 5 years on the cassava?

    will harvesting at this age damage the roots of the euco beyond recovery

    and will the water available be enough?

    how damaged will the land be, (not a big concern as a lake, house and garden, some veggies will be placed on it in 3-5 years time)

    area is in southern nongbualamphu

  7. Well just had one of those brilliant ideas :o

    now should it be brilliant after this discussion i doubt but thought to give it a go.

    now since it will take the euco three years to mature so i have been told, and if you leave the cassava for that period you will end up with good tonnage, so all in all after 3 years this should be a great harvest.

    now i know cassava needs good drainage, but doesn't euco tress drain the water from around the cassava?

    cassava need some what sheltered area (correct?)wouldn't euco do that , providing that the euco juices will not affect it since cassava is under ground.

    i feel that this might kill the quality of the soil hence a good rest period or rotating the crop with a nice rest fertilizers and some broad beans beans (or something that has the same kind of roots) would revive the land.

    my only problem is will the euco trees affect Cassav?

    i am posting this post dreading the replies.

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