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  1. I mean there was no downhill on that long flat stretch. The uphill start just before the bend. He was likely building up speed along the flat.
  2. Nothing to do with brakes. He was gunning it to get up the hill but too fast and lost control and bus tilted over. Bus driver no idea to change down to help brake and have power to get up hill.
  3. 100 Baht for a taxi ride. Not a rip off.
  4. 6,000 L truck based on Nanai Road, 0954205554 221 Nani Road
  5. You have to know that 40 km is in very heavy traffic that can take 90 minutes. An then a return trip as no pickup allowed at the airport. So 3 hours time and fuel for 800 Baht. Years ago my wife would taxi guests to airport for 1,000 Baht. These days with traffic she does not offer airport transfer, indeed I just tell even friends just to take the taxi when arrive at Phuket airport.
  6. Modern jets can easily fly and land on one engine.
  7. I get my local doctor to sign. Pay 200 Baht consult fee. Send by registered post about 200 Baht. Give tracking number.
  8. I highly recommend Dr Captain at Bright Eye clinic at Phuket Bangkok. 2 ywears ago I had cataract removed and varifocal lens insert to my one remaining good/working eye. Cost about 79,000 baht for one eye. Best thing I ever did. Left after less than an hour procedure and on way home it was live a vivid colour movie with full vision. Never realised my vision was that bad for past 5+ years, I recommend this procedure.
  9. Correct.
  10. Have to have a TIN before you can pay any income tax. Years ago when I needed a TIN I had to go to the head tax office in Phuket Town out about 1 km past the Land Office.
  11. He was pissed out of his mind. The old coyote morning .....
  12. I second that And a Happy New 2025 Year to all members
  13. Did my one year retirement last week. What a pain. New room 4 opposite the old room 3. Handles ever sort of long term visa. I arrive 10.00 and no queue cards left (only issue 30 morning session). I had my usual hand drawn map but now they also need a google maps screen shot your location include the lat long reference. I give photos road address sign, house number, home entrance, lounge, all with me in photo.
  14. Double the car parking would be a good idea,
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