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Everything posted by LivinginKata

  1. Can't blame the hospitals for asking bills being paid before releasing from hospital. Too many foreigners take off without paying. From my experience I see no restraint from walking out. Even when our Insurance is paying they still hold you until the payment is confirmed and with our insurers that can take 4 hours. Drives me crazy but they let me go off to the shops while waiting.
  2. As I understand it he will be granted a 'suspect' visa while he is waiting for trial and verdict.
  3. The owner removed the stairs. And there may be legal consequences. Being investigated by authorities.
  4. Yes he will be allowed to stay pending time for court to hear and decide the outcome of the criminal charges.
  5. Due for renewal 13 March 24. Just wont renew.
  6. Likely not even a real 4 wheel drive, and do you think a casual driver would know all those tricks to get unstuck.
  7. She is the GF as she stated that in her public interview. During her angry tirade with the good Dr she shouted her son was a high policeman and she had connections. In her interview she confirmed he son only a Sargent in police.
  8. His 'wife' stated in a Thai TV interview that they were not married. My wife listen to it. So I guess he has a business visa. And it not being revoked. His visa is due for renewal on 13 March 2024 and they just wont renew it. We 'visitors' are all here at the pleasure of the Thai Gov
  9. Ah yes. Must be another rentor. Been so many those places in the short road open and close repeat. See try Mexican take out again ... again. Just no foot traffic there. Bad business spot. As for me. My usual quiet stay at home life. Sold our business/company 2 month ago so no need travel Patong or deal with guests. Happy in Kata but the traffic on Patak Road is hellish. Takes many minutes get out of our side road, same again to turn in.
  10. They are not legally married
  11. Yes, Thai social media talking about being cancelled
  12. Pleased to say I have not even been in Patong for almost 6 weeks. As for the Bistrot, you talking about that place just about all bike rentals. As I recall open about 5 years ago, never had any customers. Lot of dark skinned young 'French' guys hang out there.
  13. Given the wide publicity its way way past the brown envelope time
  14. Slight down slope, wide main 4 lane road, past the bends. Not sure how he crashed ?
  15. Plenty cases with taxis where driver goes to a quiet spot and rapes. The woman is contained in the vehicle.
  16. Just search google maps. Patong branch on road going out of Royal Paradise off Rat-u-Tit/Song Roi Pee. One of the 2 high building in Patong.
  17. Yes. I have picked up my docs from a local DHL office.
  18. My wife talk to the owner. He was apologising to all the neighbours. Seems 10 lads staying. Damage 200,000 baht. They paid in cash after all visit ATMs.
  19. Yes Yes .... I can see traffic jams everywhere. Every day.
  20. No for sure Thais. And they wore gstrings and tops. Not nude. I have access to the original videos. Clearly the katoeys have had the full chop. Small boob jobs.
  21. Owner (not Thai) has a number of Kata properties for rent. With a 5 bedroom he can only get large groups paying premium day rate. I would guess there is a huge deposit.
  22. Lists on AirBB at 42,000 Baht a DAY at this time of the year. 5 bedroom on 3 floors plus a roof garden. Think it's 6 young lads that rented it for a week.
  23. 5 minutes after arrival. Fight start. fighting3.avi
  24. All look friendly when they arrived fighting2.avi
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