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Everything posted by LivinginKata

  1. But mostly it's government/bank/office types who get paid holidays. Average folks just work as usual if want day's pay.
  2. Reported that he has died in hospital. Seems he fell when the authorities tried to seize him.
  3. So none of the previously reported demand for copy land paper and other land owner details ?
  4. Where are you located. And good glass shop will cut to shape.
  5. I watched it over a year ago. I remember it was in English not sure spoken or sub titles. But I do know that every so often the video would stop and ask a few 3 choice questions (i quess to make sure you are still watching) and everything was in English.
  6. From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_brake_(road_vehicle)# "Air brakes are typically used on heavy trucks and buses. Typical operating pressure is approximately 100–120 psi or 690–830 kPa or 6.9–8.3 bar. A compressed-air-brake system is divided into a supply system and a control system. The supply system compresses, stores and supplies high-pressure air to the control system as well as to additional air operated auxiliary truck systems (gearbox shift control, clutch pedal air assistance servo, etc.). The air compressor draws filtered air from the atmosphere and compresses it, storing the compressed air in high-pressure reservoirs.[4] Most heavy vehicles have a gauge within the driver's view, indicating the availability of air pressure for safe vehicle operation, often including warning tones or lights. A mechanical "wig wag" that automatically drops down into the driver's field of vision when the pressure drops below a certain point is also common. The control system consists of service brakes, parking brakes, a control pedal, and an air storage tank. If the vehicle is towing a trailer, it often has a separate trailer-brake system that receives compressed air from the supply system. The parking brakes use a disc or drum arrangement which is designed to be held in the 'applied' position by spring pressure. Air pressure must be produced to release these "spring brake" parking brakes. Setting the parking/emergency brake releases the pressurized air in the lines between the compressed air storage tank and the brakes, thus allowing the spring actuated parking brake to engage. A sudden loss of air pressure would result in full spring brake pressure immediately. The service brakes are used while driving for slowing or stopping the vehicle. When the brake pedal is pushed to apply the service brakes, air is routed under pressure from a supply reservoir to the service brake chamber, causing the brake to be engaged. When the pedal is released, a return spring in the brake chamber disengages the brake, and the compressed air is exhausted to the atmosphere.[4] Most types of truck air brakes are drum brakes, though there is an increasing trend towards the use of disc brakes."
  7. And large coaches. They seem to use the straight through back road as a rat run and wind up in some house up a side street. Never remember a heavy truck doing that.
  8. I sure do agree. After a hard 2+ years our long stay home rentals had a very good 6 months, although with 30% reduction of pre covid month rates. Since last month we lost a few 6 month..ers. Mix Europeans and Russians. Few lookers to take up the slack. All Russians but given we upped our rates to 15% below pre covid rates, there are no takers. Lucky we own our land and buildings. Those renting businesses have no chance.
  9. Best ask the condo manager
  10. My wife tells me that I can inherit her land if she died. BUT I must sell to a Thai or Thai company within 12 months.
  11. Local Patong council election ....
  12. I think we all know 'rules' vary with the mood of the day ... Easy enough for me to report online each time I return home.
  13. LivinginKata


    I second the Kata shop.
  14. Fined me once for overstay when I got banged up in hospital. I had a flight booked the next morning but could not go. Doctor at hospital said it would be Ok as he would issue a letter for immigration. Officer still charged me 2 days overstay. No sign of compassion.
  15. Like the previous poster in my youth I drove a scooter when 16, passed my test and graduated to a 500cc Triumph. You just wrap up to suit the cold wet conditions. How selfish to say you 'personally' don't know anyone killed. Have some consideration to the families and friends. I know 'personally' quite a few of our many guests who rented a bike and had a bad accident. Ruined their holiday.
  16. He already posted about this himself some weeks ago
  17. But as I said few tourists we be covered to drive a bike with and IDP without passing bike test in home country. Which very few have passed.
  18. Have you ever rented one of these 125 or 150cc bikes. Push bike maybe 40 kph. M bike 90 + kph. I consider that high pwered.
  19. Rental business pays for repair or complete loss. It's not 3rd party. it's mandatory gov insurance that covers zero damage and limited hospital costs to the riders. Almost worthless but it only costs 348 Baht each year.
  20. That's how it should be administered. But as almost no tourists will have a motor bike license in home country then then there would be almost no rental money to be made. Until government takes this seriously then nothing will be done.
  21. But not in ICU or CCU. I have friend right now in BKK Hospital and visiting only 2 hours morning and 2 hours evening. Including his wife. And I know what I speak, as I was there 2 days ago.
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