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Posts posted by Goinghomesoon

  1. I agree it looks expensive but I guess they have a 50% off their rooms right now because they are still in soft-opening so that makes it in our price range. We usually stay at the Ban Chiang. It's for one night and a splurge after roughing it at the in-laws for a few nights beforehand. Will report back!

  2. I got about 2 spams from chefxp. I did not reply and dropped them in the trash. I have not gotten anything else. Maybe the people replying to the spam sent emails got themselves signed up for more spam. One of the golden rules in spamland is "do not reply." Another is, "do not open the links."

    Me too....

  3. Looking online today for a hotel to stay in mid-June. After a few nights in the village want somewhere a bit cushy and with joining rooms so the pre-teen doesn't have to share with her parents :) Has anyone tried this new place? Photos on their Facebook page look nice but their website is not particularly enlightening.

  4. If you search "siam paragon destruction" one of the links is to JohnnyForeigners website and there is a pic of the destruction inside the Paragon cinema complex.

  5. Ohhh no Bina! Like we were invited to a "party" in the village. Turned out that a distant relative's 6yo had been killed when crossing the road after school. The "party" was apparently the disco-lights and loud music emanating from the rent-a-refrigerated-coffin. Even Thai hubby had a few choice words to say about THAT invitation :) Gisele after nearly 4 yrs in Thailand I'm feeling like an 'oldie' so it's great to see some people return, at least for a visit!

  6. Hey Gisele, welcome back. You sound like you have healed great and really moved on. I would love to live in Bangladesh, you know it's my kind of place... If you are at the main international school there then I know it's got a good reputation and is the reason a lot of families extend their tours there. Have you made it back to Thailand for holidays?

  7. Friends live at the Chatrium which is relatively new, they take the apartment/hotel's own ferry to Saphan Taksin to catch the skytrain to work. The apartment is right next door to Shrewsbury International School. The downside is that there isn't a lot around there to do.

    We live in a high rise off Sathorn. We have river views & can see the firework displays they hold at the river quite often, including New Years. We have a breeze all the time and rarely use aircon except for a couple of months right about now. I wouldn't write off other areas of town until you've looked around.

  8. Hey Pianoman. Just remembered to update. The place is only open at night and even at Songkran was pretty quiet - three other farangs plus our family and later a big Thai family came in with a bunch of kids who all ordered burgers. I had an excellent club sandwich and our child had a burger. Hubby had a steak - not so great - but that was to be expected. Decent servings size and good cold drinks which is of course very important! Rustic place with pot-plant decoration, open-air and fan-cooled so pretty warm at this time of year. I needed to wear mossie repellant to beat the killer stingers. Much better food is available in Nong Khai but when you don't want to drive that far and still want some farang junk, this place makes a nice change.

  9. Just ask at any decent sized bike shops. We just enquired yesterday about getting an electric bike for father-in-law who's developed quite bad arthritis in one knee, and who is too scared to ride a motorcycle. Our village bike shop called their supplier in Bangkok and got quotes for us on the spot (14-17,000 for the particular bikes we were interested in, which seemed pretty darn expensive to me...).

  10. I've been inside the airport when a person collapsed and it took over 20 mins for airport staff to "allow" the Samitivej clinic Dr into the restricted zone because their boss wasn't there to approve the doctor's entry into the secured zone. Pity your poor bloke Silverdales.

  11. post-46701-1273393548_thumb.jpg

    Just wondering what sort of birds are normally tagged in Thailand? We came across this guy a few weeks ago, he had a red tag around his leg. We think he was hit by a car as he was crouched on the side of the road on one of our Isaan road trips. He was not looking too happy and died a day later despite hubby trying to doctor him up :)

  12. Today I'm trying 'comfort food' in the slow cooker. Lemon chicken that used to be sold as "chinese food" when I was a kid but was in fact deep fried chicken with a thick lemon goo on the side. The slow cooker version smells just as good but with no deep-frying has to be better for me.

  13. Have experimented a bit, but like this one the best, it's kind of a khao kha moo kinda dish, with the pork falling to pieces when you serve it. 5 hours on high in our slow cooker was perfect.

    It's been a big hit with Isaan hubby, I simply put 10 chillies instead of 2!

    Slow cooked pork

  14. Ahh you is sadly mistaken Ms SBK! The Bangkok league is very multicultural, even a few Thai women and teenagers playing in addition to the usual suspects (Aussies, NZ-ers, Brits and Sth Africans). It's not too serious and a really good way to meet women you would never normally come across.

  15. In my wanderings round Phon Phisai last weekend I see there is now a farang restaurant a block from the bus station (it was closed). Will have to try it at Songkran, by day 4 I've usually overdosed on somtam and sticky rice and go looking for alternatives.

  16. Just chewing the final leftover slice of last night's NZ lamb roast...660 baht for a boneless roast of almost 2 kgs at Villa Supermarket. Served with roast veg and mint sauce from our local Tops (a recent addition to their shelves). It was very yummy :) .

  17. I'm into my 3rd year with QBE and have no complaints. One accident in the second year of the policy, they were there in a flash (it was in central Bangkok) and although their assessor didn't speak English they had a staff member on the phone the whole time he was with me to translate their procedures and what was happening. My policy price has gone down each year, even this year after I had the accident, but admittedly I was deemed not to be at fault. I deal directly with their office in Rama IV for policy payment etc rather than using an agent.

  18. Same problem here. I noticed last night that the maid has taken a bunch out of our main pot and put them into another pot which holds a fountain and big, sucking water filter. How the heck I'm supposed to turn on the fountain without making them all into fish paste I don't know.....sigh.

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