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Posts posted by Goinghomesoon

  1. Hi Eek, I developed a growing patch of dark pigmentation on one forearm (the one that gets the most sun when driving). The doctor prescribed a cream containing urea as the primary ingredient. I had to put it on twice a day and saw results within a few weeks, although I had to use it for some months before getting a really good result. Not a natural product but it worked :)

  2. A sad story. But a bit of a long shot to blame Embassy officials for not helping when we don't know if he even sought their assistance. Maybe he was one of those guys who doesn't want help, or refuses to seek it. Maybe he chose to be here and on the streets (heck I've seen it happen back home, so it probably happens here). Or yes, maybe he asked and they refused. But I don't think we can automatically assume that is what has happened.

  3. We are lazy and if we can't be bothered turning on the grill we just brown our slab of pork in a dry frying pan so it's not greasy. Once it's browned outside and still pink inside we chop it up and then throw back in the pan for a few seconds with the spices and juices, just enough so the pork is cooked but still tender. Such an easy dish and so yummy.

  4. If you like quieter beachside places I would go to Kep rather than Sihanoukville. While the beach isn't as atmospheric, you can go on a boat over to Rabbit Island which is beautiful and does have nice coves to hide away in. You can also walk around Kep town, which is quite spread out, and look at the many ruined old French-era houses.

  5. <Snip>

    It's obviously ok, to transer drug traffickers back to Australia and

    pay for that, but not for this.


    From Attorney Generals site on Thai/Aust prisoner transfer. Doesn't seem to automatically be free Will.

    Prisoners transferring to Australia may be asked to pay all or part of the costs involved with their transfer, if the relevant State or Territory Minister considers that the prisoner is in a position to do so.

    If the prisoner is required to pay transfer costs, arrangements must be finalised and agreed to by the prisoner, or the prisoner’s representative, before the prisoner’s physical transfer will be arranged.

  6. I think it's very dependent on your child. I have one very sporty child and I believe Patana would have been the best place for him, as they have very good sports facilities and there would have been an opportunity for him to shine in the one area that he is very gifted. Both schools have good academic support services for kids that need a helping hand with school work, as my son did. However our second child is in high school at NIST and I could not have asked for better - the IB system of learning suits her very well and the family atmosphere is more her style. I do feel she would have just gone-with-the-flow at Patana and been a real follower, whereas at NIST there has been a real effort to get her engaged. I have colleagues with kids at both schools and you really just need to find a fit for the child.

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  7. On the main road from Udon to Nong Khai there are a bunch of places selling tiles and bricks etc. One place called phonetically "Raacha Din Pow" on the left has a house with a terracotta roof - they sell the heavy wood furniture I think you are talking about. Their phone number is 042 206151.

  8. If you're in Bangkok you can get fresh meat pies delivered by Helping Hands, a micro-business started up in the Klong Toey slums and assisted by Aussie volunteers. They do meat pies, party pies, sausage rolls and pavs. They will deliver around central Bangkok for any order over THB400. Search Google for "helping hands bangkok pies" for their main site and then click on the picture of pies and sausage rolls for more info. We've ordered party pies for work functions and they're good.

  9. And I would like to remind everyone, that not ONE of you, has actually gone into the benefits of marriage to a Thai man, while you live in Thailand, and have a child.

    I probably would have, but since the OP didn't really ask that question I didn't feel it would really answer anything she wanted to know. But we could start another thread on the topic? I think the benefits are probably very personal to each person and situation, just as the responses to this situation have been.

  10. I'm a bit of an expert in this topic, bigger than SylvaFern and in need of major support, especially since I quite like to run on the treadmill. I think I have tried nearly every "maximum support" bra on the market. Then a couple of years ago I was searching the net for a new option and came across some reviews of the Enell on a runners forum. It is a serious piece of engineering somewhat akin to wrapping a bandage tightly around your chest, but surprisingly comfortable and - look at me everyone - NO BOUNCE :lol: . I particularly like that the load is spread over a wide area as it fits like a vest, so no no more sore shoulders. I see the Biggest Loser competitiors are wearing it this season.

    Okay now I'm sounding like an info-mercial. Be warned it is ugly and expensive but well-worth it.

  11. wouldnt you love to be on the plane with him on the way home (not).

    donna , you took the words right out of my own thoughts.

    Horrible to think of Aussie tax dollars being spent on repatriating a jerk like that.

    To think that he will be walking the streets without a chain and muzzle, for Heaven's sake, spare us. Hmm, now there's a thought: I wonder if the RSPCA would give him a kennel, .. for a while.

    No Aust tax being spent on it. I understand the deportee and their family have to come up with the money for the ticket.

  12. Thanks Sheryl that's really useful, I'll try that. I have been waxing for years and started with lasering my underarms because that's where I find waxing hurts least. Hopefully if I leave the cream on longer the laser won't make me sound like someone in labour next time :rolleyes:

  13. I have booked Thai Air flights several times for my partner, even though their conditions say the card holder must travel. I then contact the call centre and they always get me to fax them my credit card, copy of my ID and a form that confirms I allow my credit card to be used for the purchase. They then email a new e-ticket (which has a different booking number). There is a line on the new ticket that states the credit card/ID check has already been completed & partner is okay to travel without showing the credit card. Never had a problem so far, have done it for both domestic and international flights.

    Lime I would ring the airline's call centre ahead of time and confirm whether they have any arrangement like this.

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