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Posts posted by Goinghomesoon

  1. Ah well you're "sour" on western women but come to a forum where prob 90% of the posters are western women to ask your question?

    Among my husband's relatives only two have ever really expressed a strong interest in owning gold (or having me/hubby buy gold for them :whistling: ). Both of them are fairly heavily into using the money-lenders and so I assume that having something easily saleable was on their mind, rather more than having a special gift from their farang relative.

    I know in my husband's part of Isaan a lot of the women get gold agreed as part of their sin-sot and it is put on the tray used in the wedding ceremony so everyone can see it. But I don't know that the woman demands it independently, I think normally it's negotiated along with a bunch of other things. (P.S. Thai hubby says in his area it would be rude for the woman to ask directly, normally that would be done by the mother-in-law-to-be.)

  2. We use Thonglor Pet Hospital after we needed some late night emergency care for our cat a few months back (when our usual local clinic was closed for the evening). The young vets and staff were very kind and went out of their way to include our preteen daughter as much as possible in the treatment room, as she was very distressed by kitty's accident. They explained everything in both English and Thai and the vet even called the following day to check up on the animal's progress. I was so impressed by their professionalism - and the cost of treatment (wound treatment, stitches, sedative etc) was only about 30 Aussie dollars.

  3. I really like the Plan brand wooden toys that are made in Thailand and that you see in the high end department stores. I'd like to buy a couple of larger items to take back home for friends kids. Does anyone know if they have a factory outlet? They are rarely on sale and kind of pricey even when they are, just wondering if there's anywhere you can actually buy them cheaper?

  4. I cannot seem to generate any interest at all in my boyfriend coming to England with me, and I am only asking for a two-three week visit. He is not interested. At one point he half-heatedly agreed but I know that he never actually meant he will see it through. I am a teacher here and have no desire to move back to England but I miss all my friends and family and want to go back and see them every now and again (I haven't been back for two years now) but really want to take him with me. Money isn't really a problem for either of us.

    hi Krupnik, I could never understand why some people were not interested in travelling and moving around the world, but my Mum recently reminded me that I'm an aberration - 99% of the world's population stay put and don't move around too much. Maybe your bf is just one of those people. I know my hubby was the "black sheep" of his village - raised in a nuclear family, doesn't drink heavily or smoke, never married until now, held some form of job continuously for 18 or so years and then....met me. The old people in the village say he's always been adventurous and so travelling overseas fits as an extension of that. I guess I just lucked out on that bit :D

    What I'm worried about is not holidays, but actually settling & living in one place for a few years. Hubby will have all the everyday worries he has here (job, money, housing etc) with an overlay of a new language & culture, plus being far away from his family. SBK's licence idea is great....just found out he can only drive on his Thai licence for 3 months, then he has to pass a written test in English plus a driving skills test. So that will be a major reason for him to study. He's also learning to use a computer so he can Skype his family members. We've got a few months to plan a bit more, so hopefully it will all come together ok!

  5. Bun! So good.

    For example, a bowl of cool dry rice vermicilli topped with a bunch of stuff (for example vegetables, roasted chicken, roast pork, Viet eggrolls), served with a bowl of fish sauce on the sauce. I always mix in the sriracha and hoisin in the bowl (but generally in Thailand they don't offer the hoisin).

    post-37101-068243000 1282803037_thumb.jp

    Where can I get Bun in Bangkok??????

    When I'm in Pattaya there is a place in Central that does it great for 79 baht. I have tried many Vietnamese restaurants in Bangkok, but they never have it. Went all the way to Ari last week to try a place I heard of, they had some wierded up version with not enough noodles.....

    The Vietnamese place in Food Loft on top of Central Childlom has Bun.

  6. If I just went our baby will not be Thai, as he has to be there to sign papers. Tors

    I would check this to be sure. Maybe you could send the Thai Embassy registration papers to your husband in Thailand to be signed if he didn't go with you. Maybe ask Boo, she might know?

    Also I don't think you need to be back in your home country very long - I've had friends go back to Australia at 8 months, have the baby and be back when bub is 4 weeks old, so only 8 weeks away total.

  7. I was reading this thread this morning as we will be moving back home in a few months time. We won't be totally without a support network as we know a few people back in my city and RueFang and hubby are moving there, so at least he will know one other Thai man! I'm more nervous than hubby I think. He is very intrepid and excited to be moving to a new country, but I'm particularly concerned about his work prospects and the social isolation if I'm at work all day and he's not. It's nice to read the mostly positive posts above.

  8. It's always been accepted among my Thai in-laws that once the youngest daughter married, she & her hubby would live with her mother. In reality they moved to Bangkok to work for a few years, to save enough for a house. Now they have moved back to the village as planned and are running a small business there. They have pulled down Mum's single big house and are building 2 smaller houses on the land. Mother-in-law gets a new house plus someone to look after her as she ages, and they get childcare for their young daughter. No signs yet of discontent, but they haven't been there long.

    Ian I would imagine you'd want a part of the house partitioned off for your own sanity. Part of the reason my Isaan MIL is very pleased with her arrangement is because she is still going to have her own living space.

  9. I think a "Whos who at the Embassy" is a great idea....keeping up to date contacts at Immigration and the Embassy who can assist with application enquiries when the need arises for it, without having to trawl through piles of posts to find them.

    If you want to do that Burnsy, I can close and pin it, people can PM me with new additions.

    I realise some of these posts are years old - so..

    After a few calls to the Australian Embassy I asked our case officer who she knew of at the Embassy from the names below:

    1. Rob Chambers is no longer at the Embassy.

    2. She does not know of Australian officials with the names

    Ross Greenwood and Damien Kilner - but that doesn't mean they are no longer stationed there.

    My approach to all staff during our application process for a " prospective Spouse" visa is to tread softly,

    even if you are not treated with the respect you deserve.

    It is better to be 'polite but firm', and deal with each situation as it arises, and keep watching this forum for some good - and timely- advice.

    I know this was an old post, but WRT names remember you could always check the net to see if people may have moved on - Kilner appears to now be in Amman and Greenwood seems to have left Immigration and be working for an entirely different employer.

  10. Before the red-shirt rallies I saw a sign at CentralWorld saying that Taiwan's DinTaiFung would be opening up a restaurant there. Has anyone heard what's happened with those plans? I've searched the net and can't see anything recent. I'm having dumpling cravings again...

  11. Dave, you say "they" gave you a list of paperwork to provide - who was this? Perhaps they are the best ones to ask about possible examples. I understand the paperwork is slightly different if you are adopting a child of a relative, rather than a child that is allocated to you through the Dept of Social Development & Welfare (DSDW).

  12. We have been in Thailand 4 years and until now my employer has arranged visas for myself and my child. My contract finishes soon and I will no longer be working.

    The plan is for me to get a visa as a dependent of my Thai husband. But what about my child - who is not Thai and not related to hubby? I heard we might be able to apply for an education visa in this instance but searching for that term seems to bring up education visas for adults learning Thai, not kids. For what it's worth my child attends an international school and they will issue a letter confirming enrolment.

    Just looking for a bit of advice on what visa is best for my child and whether 3 days in Phnom Penh is enough time to get them issued?

  13. Aw I'm a beginner to marriage compared to SBK, Boo, Rue, Bina and others....2 year married last week :D

    I think it's really nice that OP Mike is concerned enough about his friend to ask these questions. We all need good mates to steer us in the right direction (or give us an alternative point of view) occasionally. Mike I might have missed in your post, but did you meet they guy or just get information from your gal pal? I'm guessing something has set your antenna wobbling, or else you probably wouldn't be writing. Good on you for asking! Maybe you need to send your friend here to read some of our adventure stories!

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