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Posts posted by Goinghomesoon

  1. Well you know I am biased.... Mr & Mrs GHS want you to stay right where you are, so that we know people when we get back to Oz in a few months :) And Mr GHS is already asking if you'll let us babysit, which hopefully might settle some of his cluckiness.

  2. There is a lady in Bangkok that sells the hotel-quality cotton linen out of her apartment at m-u-c-h cheaper prices than in the department stores (I think she sources from a factory that makes them for export.) Since the OP is moving to CM it might not be an option, but she might mail or send stuff up to you. You need to measure your bed anyway when you arrive, as the mattresses are bizarre dimensions. PM me if you want the linen lady's details.

  3. Furr Purr in Sukhumvit Soi 33/1 (walk up the soi next to the Robin Hood pub, it's towards the back on the right hand side). A Thai speaker can phone on 083 7700049. They have cat rooms and cages but I think the rooms are already booked out for Songkran, they may only have cages left. The only stress for the kitties is that they must be walked through the dog room to get upstairs to the cat space. But we use them all the time, most recently last weekend, and our wired, scatty cat always come back content and purring, so they must be doing something right.

  4. Thanks! It certainly tasted like flounder, whatever it was. I ordered it from the food delivery service (google HH Fresh Food Delivery Bangkok).

    Super-easy recipe too - mix together one third cup of finely grated parmesan, couple of tablespoons of flour, few shakes of salt, pepper, paprika (and for Isaan hubby a few shakes of dried chilli). Beat an egg and a splash of milk together. Drag the fish through the egg mixture & cover with the parmesan crusty stuff. Bake in a medium oven for about 25 mins until crispy & brown.

  5. Middle of the Oz winter (July). Hubby thinks he's looking forward to it. He has no idea :whistling:

    Luckily hub's best mate is also married to a farang and they are moving to the same city at almost the same time as us. Also Mr & Mrs Ruefang just moved to our city too, so at least he will know a few people.

  6. I've never been able to buy bras here! I am a very full C, and I've never found any bras designed to accommodate these puppies. :) I just stock up every time I'm back at home.

    Even for a farang I'm 'chesty' and have no trouble finding my size at Marks & Spencer in Central Chidlom.

  7. so we have been trying for the past two years to get a chanote on his land (his mom's land she 'gave' to us, and we started theprocedures but now are stuck in limbo along with lots of other thais in the area)...

    Hehe Bina. Tell Anon we just got hubby's chanote (same deal, Mum & Dad gifted land to each child) after 2 and a half years, so it will happen eventually! Except they made a mistake and put my sister-in-law's name on the chanote for hubby's land (where we already built our house) and hubby's name on SIL's chanote. So Isaan hubby who hates dealing with authority will have to go back to the land office again....:D

    We've paid some tax on the transfer of the land and got receipts but suspect these mightn't be useful for the Thai citizenship application because the Thai list of requirements clearly says 'income' tax. Since we have decided to move to Australia in a few months it's kind of a moot point for me now since I won't be applying anytime soon.

  8. 1. Non - imm o visa from your home country; reason: stay with Thai husband. this gives you 3 months

    I just got my first non-O based on marriage issued in Phnom Penh last month, no questions asked. So perhaps there's no need to go back to your home country for the non-O. Maybe another 'difference' for us women married to Thai men?

  9. Was cooking some flounder tonight (in a nice parmesan crust, if you're interested :jap: ). Hubby has never seen this fish before - not surprising since he's from near the Lao border. What is it in Thai? I'm assuming it's fished locally as the fillets we bought came from Klong Toey market.

  10. Maybe you are outside their delivery area? I know our local Tops has a map of their delivery area and won't venture outside it.

    If you want fresh meat, seafood, fruit and vegies delivered, try searching for "Helping Hands fresh food delivery Bangkok" and you can order online. We use this service and they are fantastic, always arrive on time. The vegies and fruit are always really nice, I guess they handpick the best from the market stalls.

  11. Try the new Scan Deli in Bangkok. Inside Sukhumvit Soi 18 on the left just past the Rembrandt Hotel.

    Has anyone been and seen of they have it and if so how much is it ?

    Just google "scandeli bangkok" and you will find a link to their Facebook and website with contact details listed. Maybe you can call them and ask about their products.

  12. I'm interested to hear of this experience, because the treatment for someone with an acute drug induced psychosis is usually a fast acting medicine that is widely used around the world. It is on the WHO essential drugs list, is not expensive, and usually shows results within a few hours to a day, resulting in the patient being much calmer and less threatening.

    Hi TimA, yes sorry in fact they did give him something to calm him. I'm not sure if that is what you are referring to. It took a few doses and he very quickly went from raging to super-relaxed, almost comatose. For the remainder of the two weeks in hospital they spent time dosing him up with a couple of medications that require a gradual build-up in the system before they take effect. By all accounts before he became an addict he was a placid, lovely young man. Unfortunately it's easy to forget there is a person inside that needs help when he is raging and trying to harm others.

  13. I wonder why the police do not send him away to a mental hospital. \

    As we discovered with one of my in-laws (a former addict with ongoing mental health issues) it is extremely difficult to get a person admitted to a hospital here for psychiatric treatment even when they are out of control and violent. Hubby and his relatives were told repeatedly by social workers and doctors at a number of hospitals in Bangkok and Khon Kaen that drug-induced psychosis and any injuries resulting are not covered by the 30 baht scheme as they fall in the "self-harm" category. Also in Bangkok I believe there are only 2 government hospitals with specialised facilities to hold violent psych patients and it can be very hard to secure a place.

    Ultimately we managed to get our family member treatment at a government hospital. They had no psych ward so he was tied to a bed in the orthopedic ward for a couple of weeks until his medications started to take effect. Must have scared the daylights out of the other patients as he kept insisting he was a doctor and was going to heal them all by using his magical powers on them when he was untied! He is still paying off that hospital bill. In the second event he actually attacked and injured one of our labourers, claiming he was a giant man-eating lizard and we needed to be protected. Even with 2 police officers insisting he be admitted for assessment, the psych hospital (this time in Khon Kaen) would not accept him until relatives came up with a THB10,000 downpayment against treatment costs.

    I imagine the man you are talking about may not have relatives nearby, or perhaps does not have anyone who can advocate for him with the health care system.

  14. I have been looking for a big wall clock with Thai numerals for a couple of years now, to no avail. The style I am looking for is an extra large circular clock so I can use it as a major focal point on a wall, as well as a timepiece. I've been to the shop in JJ Mall mentioned above and they don't have anything BIG. Maybe I'll buy an English one and then paint the Thai numerals on the dial.

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