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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. "How was your day, darling?"

    "Depressing, dear, depressing. All those reporters asking questions because that ding-dong fellow Srisuwan and his petition. Then that opposition wanting me to resign; all because of one sentence. Gee whiz, don't they realize that we had to finish everything before the chow bell. Time was at a premium."

    "Don't you worry your little mind, people throw stones at things that shine. You know very well that Ombi and CC will sort it all out for you. Lets just have some dinner and relax."

    "What's to eat?"

    "We're getting catered tonight. I ordered some Krapao Ruam Mit Khai Dao from Nakorn Ratchasima. It's all over Facebook. Then after dinner, we can sit down and watch "King of Scotland" together."

    "Wonderful. Where's my frog?"

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

    If you return home (your usual address) before 2 pm the next day, no report.

    The only problem in that situation would be the TM30 completed by the hotel.  [if you stayed at one]. For immigration your latest address would then be the hotel and not your usual home address.

    More knowledgeable posters can help here: I don't think the hotels tell immigration when you leave; only the arrival.

    That is probably why some IO's require the TM30s when you come home.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Isaanbiker said:

     And about you being a military person, that says it all. You need somebody who gives you orders, because you don't learn how to be independent in the States. 


       What's important for you is in no way important for Thai people and expats who live here longer.

    And why do Thais need military coups and military governments to tell them what to do? 

    Oh, I know!! It's because they're independent, critical thinkers!! ????

    • Confused 1
  4. 3 hours ago, jesimps said:

    The last few days here, just outside Pattaya, have been hot enough to boil a monkey's bum. Got the sprinkler working overtime. Hope we get a few drops.

    Outside Ayutthaya is the same. Thank goodness the meter has been broken for the last 6 months; new meter will come sometime in the future,

    PS: Many thanks to NCC1701A and Laza45 for all the maps and info you provide. They're really appreciated.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 2 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Was quoted in this topic here before: http://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/thai-immigration-act-temporary-stay-in-the-kingdom-sections-34-39/

    It's basically every foreigner who entered Thailand legally.

    How does a retired person come under S 34?


    Section 34

    Aliens entering into the kingdom for a temporary stay may enter for the below listed activities:

    1. Diplomatic or Consular Missions
    2. Performance of official duties
    3. Touring
    4. Sporting
    5. Business
    6. Investing under the concurrence of the Ministries and Departments concerned.
    7. Investing or other activities relating to investing subject to the provisions of the law on investment promotion.
    8. Transit journey.
    9. Being the person in charge of the crew of a conveyance coming to port, station, or area in the Kingdom.
    10. Study or observation.
    11. Mass media.
    12. Missionary work under the concurrence of the Ministries and departments concerned.
    13. Scientific research or training or teach in a Research Institute in the Kingdom.
    14. The practice of skilled handicraft or as a specialist
    15. Other activities as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    You use the title 'public service' and therein should lie the difference.  Yes, in the commercial world there are all kind of kickbacks, bribes, legal and illegal activity and shady dealing,  but "Public Servants" should be held by us all to a higher standard of conduct and propriety. if that is not so, then the whole of society is negatively impacted, weakened and development slowed or stopped altogether. In my country, the UK, but for a very few bad apples, this higher standard is generally accepted and followed. In many parts of the so called 'developing World', public service means very little  and is indistinguishable from the shady parts of the commercial World.  Those countries and societies will never amount to anything unless that is tackled and largely eradicated.  Here in LOS, this lack of proper public service is amply demonstrated by allowing the Military and the Police to officially engage in commercial activity and to own and run businesses, an utterly ludicrous idea and a blue print for all many of shady dealing and pocket lining.  The Thais have the solutions staring them in the face, they just don't care enough to get on with stamping it out.   

    Your last 2 sentences summed up Thailand very well, Pilotman.

    We look at everything from our Western morality [which in this case of the Public Service is right], but we can't impose this western morality on Thai officialdom.

    Seeing my personal opinion is irrevelant in this situation and because of the prevalence of acceptable kickbacks, I do not object to foreigners using any means whatsoever to prolong their stay here in Thailand.

    While everything can be bought with money here, the documents won't matter. Just listen as the money talks and walk accordingly.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    Quite right; some here will need to book their flights out of Thailand now to get the best deals for when their next extensions are refused.   

    You're assuming that they'll be refused. Kickbacks have been paid for yonks all over the world. Although they'll deny it, banks employ people to calculate and negotiate the best payment so that their client's business venture will be successful in certain countries.

    We may find this deplorable but that is the fact of doing business. Now if the upper echelons of society here thrive in getting "gifts" to do business, why would you deprive other levels of the public service from getting the same? 

    Shock horror! Corruption, bribery, criminal, graft etc etc! Yes, it is! But this is not our country. We are aliens here!

    And if this is the method they use to do business, then this is the way business is done. 69 million Thais in this country and if they're not jumping up and down about it, why should you?

    Even more, if it is acceptable for Thais, then the alien [or his/her agent] is perfectly entitled to do business the same way. If it is good for the goose, it is good for the gander.

    Many may find this abhorrent, however, as we are often reminded by some posters on TV, this is not our country. 

    We will fit into the Thai way of doing things....OR.......

    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, bowerboy said:


    Yes I am here. It is because of how pathetic they are that I get the salary I do, school fees paid and accommodation paid....if it wasn’t for that then there is no way in gods earth I would put up with living amongst these idiots. I can barely tolerate the people or place as it is and even with the kind of money I am making I am not sure how much longer I can handle being around these levels of apathy and laziness and everything it leads to (road deaths, stray dogs, shocking lack of quality, place looking like a hitehole with rubbish strewn everywhere, corruption as a way of life, inability to converse about anything other than lottery numbers or food...the list goes on).

    bowerboy, don't let it get you down or upset, cobber. Sometimes you have to stop climbing mountains for people who wouldn't cross the road for you. It's their country so don't own their problems. Do your job; take their money and enjoy your life.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, ALFREDO said:

    New information - I hear, never ending story -

    the young man tries again to get some money from him Bank in his home country and - tries to get a higher loan and is soon on the way back into Thailand - 

    If so - sure to meet my Gf - Ex? Gf 


    You are quite obsessed over this whole situation, aren't you?  Let him be! If he wants to come back, so be it! If your G/F wants to be with him, let her. She's not your possession...It doesn't matter if she is the mother of your children. Let her go. And you?/ You move on with your life, too!

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, the guest said:

    Scum like this give all foreigners a bad name. 

    Gee whiz, you're a bit up yourself, aren't you?

    Besides immigration, why would the average Joe Blow Thai think about you at all?

     Maybe, they're too busy thinking about what other Thais think of them. You're not that important in their eyes.

    Be happy; be yourself. People don't have to like us and we don't need to worry about that!

    • Thanks 1
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