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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. 49 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    So the girl's response to alleged repeated sexual assaults is to go out and buy and start taking contraceptive pills (which I can't find fault with under the circumstances), but not to report the assaults to the police, anyone in authority or even her own family?  The latter part is hard to understand....


    And beyond that, it's kind of curious how one lone school girl, in the middle of a school surrounded by teachers and fellow students, would somehow end up being alone and in a circumstance where she could be assaulted by the scumbag... Unless he was coming to her home or something...


    Assuming, of course, that she wasn't having sex with a boyfriend and then accused the janitor when Mum spotted the pill. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Humpy said:

    I suggest we sort out theses ' environmentally friendly products' first Mr PM. How am I supposed to buy 4 helpings of frog and  banana pudding at the local market if there are no Styrofoam trays ?  Maybe I'll take 4 china basins or perhaps a saucepan. How about brown paper bags for the wet fish Mr PM ?


    There are many on Google, Here's one


    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, somtumwrong said:

    'Thanks, a*****, for making us look stupid and low again.' Our reputation is set by the lowest scum found here. Drugs and little children, huh? Must be awful for the wife, from fame to complete loss of face and shame in just a few days. 

    I can't believe that anyone with even half a brain is paranoid enough to think like this. Do you judge all foreigners by his behaviour? Do you judge all Thais by the actions of murderers of Mr and Mrs Hogg in Phrae? Hard for your ego, but have you considered that Thais don't think about you at all?

  4. 17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Another enraged mother (name also withheld) disagreed: “I won’t forgive you,” she insisted. “Do you know my daughter has become so stressed and has been crying in bed? 


    “She was traumatised - who will be responsible for this?”

    Wait until she goes through hazing at Uni, then you'll have something to complain about, Mum.

    Then again, if this traumatized her, she won't make it to uni,

  5. 14 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

    I wish you were right but I don't think it will turn out that way. One way or another the junta intend to hold on and they are already, metaphorically speaking, mowing the public down. On the other thread I mention the peaceful action of mass, and it has to millions, signatures of a petition to show the government what they really think of them...it won't happen. They just can't be bothered...Mai pen rai....Some things are worth standing up and years ago I did it...if not for oneself, for one's children.

    Yes, there's no Hong Kong fever here because Napoleon's dogs are baying for blood. They will use protecting the Monarchy as their excuse and unfortunately the monarch that loved the people has passed on.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 44 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

    What a ridiculous over reaction, "dehumanisation", oh please. Look we live in a world with a rapidly increasing population and International travel becoming the norm. Human trafficking is a global issue (true dehumanising if you ask me) and a constant security risk looms over us all with crazy terrorists. What choice do we all have but tighten up security? I assume you have lost no loved ones in any kind of terrorist attack or had any of your family kidnaped and trafficked into a life of drugs and/or prostitution. Well many have and I suspect if you did suffer such a terrible event in your family you would probably be singing a different tune. Its a changing world, get used to it and stop reading Aldous Huxley novels if it takes away your ability to think logically for yourself.

    Besides, Boeing will probably kill you anyway.

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 hours ago, warrima said:

    Like anywhere a university degree only serves to get your foot in the door. A few years experience in your chosen profession soon overrules any qualifications on a resume.  If your willing to maybe start a rung lower on the ladder you will end up at the same position as your degree holding colleagues. Only difference is you get paid while they accumulate debt for 3 or 4 years. 


    If i had to do it over again i would skip university. Current president of the company i work at is a time served apprentice  

    Depends on the profession, of course.

    • Like 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    But, for clarity, as a smoker I agree that nobody should be smoking near children, from infants to teenagers.

    It's time to pack the children up and send them to live with the inlaws. The choice is a smooth, relaxing, satisfying Camel with the JW after work or a demanding kid who won't let you relax.:drunk:

  9. 6 minutes ago, Matzzon said:


    3 hours ago, jonclark said:

    And most people here on a two week holiday really couldn't care less what Thai people think of them. Your opinion is not that important. 

    That seems like a good way of thinking when you visit another country.

    Rubbish. Some of the unhappiest people in the world are those who worry about what other people think of them. They're in an imaginary prison of other people's opinions.

    Two weeks holiday is too short to have to live it by other people's thoughts.

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