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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. 25 minutes ago, scorecard said:



    So how about answering my question:


    So what do you think his (Khun Thanathorn's) democracy is?


    Maybe "his democracy" is basically getting rid of the Senate and the junta together with discarding this Constitution. I hope he has thought past these negative objectives to building a positive. To paraphrase a Biblical expression; "After you drive out the negatives, you have to put in positives else the negatives will return worse than before."

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  2. 15 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Many locals and villages attended and were just glad to see stability and security within Thailand, they expressed comment that before Khun Prayut Chan O Cha took control, Thailand was in bad shape with protests, road blocks, lawlessness and mayhem. They commented that now they just want to continue to get on with their work and daily lives.

    They remind me of Chamberlain's appeasement policy where the British believed that Herr Hitler was a reasonable man so they just laid down and let him do what he wanted. Why? Because they wanted peace at any price. Hitler realised, of course, that Britain wouldn't try to stop him, no matter what he did. 

    By the time the world knew that Hitler had hoodwinked them, he was ensconced in Europe.

    What happened? Appeasement led to war.

    Sadly, I believe that the future will be the same internally for this lovely country.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Cranky said:

    This is very confusing. All of a sudden the national bar-stool barristers have turned from Thai bashers to the great defenders of the faith just because a couple of Ozzies got poorly from eating Thai food. It happens, get over it.  Who gives a flying fig whether they got it from street food or just as probable in a poncy overpriced western restaurant. 

    Yes, people, from all over the world, can get sick on their holidays no matter where they go. Is it national news? NO Should it be national news? NO. [ not unless you're bringing home ebola etc]

    Is it going to hurt Thailand's reputation? NO! Travellers understand that getting sick can be part and parcel of eating in other countries. It's a risk you take! "Delhi bellies" have been talked about for years.

    These two shouldn't have carried on about it for their 15mins of fame.

    And Thailand should just ignore it.

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