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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. 2 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Good job.  Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha has done alot over the past 4 years with numerous projects being fast tracked and many in tender phase.

    More infrustructure being constructed now than what has been done in the last ten years.

    BTS extension, airport rail link, china-thai HSRP, DonMuang,BKK,Utopia HSRL, Northern Thailand Highway expansion, Phitsanulok-Indo China Multi highway upgrade.

    Official statistics recently released by the Ministry of Finance of Thailand indicate that the Thai economy performed substantially better during the first quarter.

    GDP growth in the first quarter of this year reached 4.8 percent, which is the highest in 5 years.  This has in part been fueled by a strong 6 percent rise in the export of goods and services as well as an increase in both private sector and public sector investment, registering 3.1 percent and 4 percent respectively. The Ministry of Commerce also announced that Thai exports grew by 11 percent, which is the highest rate in 7 years.

    Various international institutions share the same positive outlook on Thailand. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has projected that the kingdom’s strong growth is expected to continue well into 2019. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recently revised upwards its projected growth estimates for Thailand, the only country in Southeast Asia to receive this distinction.




    They don't have cars, or fly but use buses/vans when they can afford to go somewhere; so how does all this help Joe Blow  Thai in Ayutthaya, Steven?

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Tonight watched  The Kid, a western about Billy the Kid,not all that good,

    and  The Poisoned Rose, with Morgan Freeman,and John Travolta,it should

    have been better.

    regards worgeordie

    Thanks for the review. I downloaded The Poisoned Rose solely because of the actors even though some of the reviews weren't too flattering.

  3. 10 hours ago, faraday said:

    Summer of Rockets - Stephen Poliakoff.


    Quite enjoying this; Timothy Spall is really rather good as a Lord.






    Nb - Keeley Hawes is in it!

    Thank you. I'll put her performance in "Bodyguard" down to it being bad TV and watch this.

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/12/2019 at 4:17 PM, wilailuk said:

    Been following many discussions here about the changes, and people whining and complaining, and IMO there´s massive trolling taking place..


    I don´t complain, I have always followed the rules and had the needed cash or transfer to show. If people don´t comply, and don´t have the dough, then find somewhere else to live, instead of trolling this forum like crying babies, what is wrong with you all??






    Maybe they just want the IO's to follow the rules too. If you'd read the OP, the dough is not the problem; rather the IO won't obey the rules.

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    I personally have April My Health International (not My Health Thailand but the international product issued out of their HQ in France). They just paid out the equivalent of 600K for me after an accident (hit by motorcycle crossing the street, 3 fractures, 2 surgeries, total of 14 days hospitalization in 2 separate admissions), direct payment to the hospital, approvals came through very fast, no issues at all, I couldn't be happier with it. I purchased it through AA brokers and also could not be happier with them both in advising me and in later assistance, they have been great throughout my hospitalization and aftermath and made sure I knew all my entitlements under the policy including for example cover for outpatient follow ups related to the hospitalization for 30 days.


    I have had very good reports of Cigna Global from TV members also, one member had a total of almost 6 million paid out over 2 hospitalizations in a 2 year period (lung cancer, aortic aneurysm, then unfortunately pancreatic cancer) all within first few years of getting the policy and no problems at all, directly paid to hospital, no effect on his premiums. Personally I in the past had some issues with Cigna, nothing sinister just found their customer service a bit ditzy and slow and one has to always call the UK to deal with them whereas April has an office in Bangkok.


    Seen some positive reports on Pacific Cross and David Shield as well.


    In addition to my main health insurance I have personal accident insurance with Bangkok Insurance which covers up to 200K in medical expenses due to accidents, and unlike my main health cover covers both in and outpatient. As it happened shortly after taking out the policy I suffered a cat bite that led to a nasty cellulitis on my hand that took over a month to resolve. They paid private hospital costs directly (labs, consult with a hand specialist) and reimbursed me in full for costs at local government hospital. No problem.


    One point to keep in mind is that the quality of an individual hospital's finance/insurance department plays a role in how well things go in terms of getting pre-approvals and direct payment from an insurer. There are paperwork requirements and if a hospital is not efficient with it, it will delay things. Government hospitals generally can't do this at all meaning one may have to pay first and be reimbursed, and getting the necessary detailed bills and medical summaries for reimbursement can be a bit of a headache.


    Another point is that I find that private Thai hospital staff  will soemtimes try to persuade a patient to pre-pay and claim from insurance later, or at least make a pre-payment of their own funds pending receipt of guarantee of payment from insurance company "to save time".  There are occasional circumstances where it may make sense to do this, e.g. if immediate surgery is needed and a delay of even an hour or two would have negative consequences, but most of the time they are wanting you to do this to save them work, and once they have your payment or agreement to pay they will be, shall we say, less than diligent in following up with the insurer. So unless there is a compelling medical reason to do otherwise, insist on waiting for the insurance company's GOP (Guarantee of Payment) and don't agree to pay upfront yourself.


    With the aforementioned PA insurance, after seeing specialist at the private hospital (I was concerned about possible nerve damage as hand function was still affected weeks after the bite, which had been very deep at the wrist) the hospital cashier tried very hard to get me to pay and claim later.  They told me the insurance company was slow in getting back to them and I might have to wait hours.  I said fine, I'll go have lunch and come back. But first let me call them myself to see what the issue is....and as soon as I pulled out my phone suddenly there was no problem, just sign here and be on your way. The hospital had not even called the insurer, they were just trying to save themselves work. As soon as they saw I wasn't going to fall for this the whole thing was settled in minutes. So watch out for that sort of thing.

    Thank you Sheryl for this advice.

  6. 1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

    "Tonight is not about me or it's not about even the Liberal party. Tonight is about every single Australian who depends on their government to put them first."

    Lets put the full quote in:

    "Tonight is about every single Australian who depends on their government to put them first. And that is exactly what we are going to do."

    26 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    Yes, from the depths of rural Thailand it was nice to watch a civilized democracy at work. A pleasant reminder of human possibilities.



    When the local junta leader here stands in Parliament [sadly, he'll be back], he won't be thinking "this is about every single Thai who depends on their government to put them first. And this is exactly what we are going to do."

    It certainly won't be the populous first in his mind.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, happy chappie said:

    It seems like the whole country of expats are being forced into paying out billions of baht because there's a couple of dozen incidents where a tourist has no insurance.i think I read that the hospitals were complaining that they lose 60 million baht a year in unpaid bills by tourists.A vary small amount of loss considering how much the tourist pour into the country.with this new rule they will probably lose 100 times much more trade to another destination but that's Thai thinking for you.how about sticking 50b on everyone who enters the country that are staying over a day in Thailand.that would easily cover the loses.

    There has been a few posters on here talking about the old expats skipping out on hospital bills (without any actual proof, of course). 

    Yet, the hospitals have clearly pointed the finger at the tourists and not the expats.

    Too many on TVF love to condemn others without even knowing them. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, JoePai said:

    Unless you are new to Thailand, everyone knows the Private Hospitals inflate the price of medicines. Therefore instead of moaning simply ask the Doctor for the prescription and buy the medicines at your local pharmacy !

    Note : these are Private Hospitals with shareholders that want returns (like any other company) so they should be able to charge what they want. If you do not like it then simply go to another hospital or use the Government hospitals – what can be simpler than that ?

    Nothing wrong with that at all; provided they fully disclose the price of all medicines and services before you buy. Lotus, Tops etc are all in the business of making profits, however the price of every single item is displayed so people can choose to accept or decline.

    • Thanks 1
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