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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. 51 minutes ago, pornprong said:

    Anyone who would accept an appointed Senator position from the Junta has no credibility.

    Speaking of credibility, every time I see this Pornthip creature, I can't help but think of the GT2000.


    Pornthip Rojanasunand, Director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, also defended the use of the GT200 devices, claiming that they were effective when searching for bombs and even nails under water. She said: "I do not feel embarrassed if the bomb detector is proven ineffective. Personally, I have never handled the device myself. But my people have used it and it is accurate every time. Long long time ago, people believed that the Earth is flat and anyone who said otherwise faced execution. Things which are not visible does not necessarily mean they do not exist. The devices are there and no one has the right to ban their use. I will continue to use it."

    An  absolute disgrace in the scientific profession now a big mouth in the Senate. "I will continue to use it" should read "I will continue to sacrifice young soldiers' lives as they use it."

    Tried to make herself famous again in the Koh Tao but rightfully ignored.

    Now, into the Senate, for the money and to stroke her own ego.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Pannika said there was no way the pro-junta Phalang Pracharat Party would be able to form a stable government with just 150 seats in the lower house, which is why it was offering huge sums to many parties in exchange for votes. 

    She's only a tiny thing too.....the PPRP wouldn't need much concrete.

  3. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    We already had a democratic election, so you cannot say that this is somehow an extension of his power from before," party deputy spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said of Prayuth.


    "This is an extension of the aim to safeguard the nation, religion and monarchy, rather than an extension of the dictatorial power," Thanakorn said.

    Surely he didn't keep a straight face when he said that??

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, steven100 said:

    GREAT JOB .... he deserves the re-elected position as he has worked hard.

    Many farang may disagree but really who cares as it's for the people of Thailand and it's country not the whinging bitching farang who think thailand owes them a government of their likening and nobody else's. Simple ..if you don't like it in this country then go home. It's not your country, you are a guest, the same would apply in your home country and town so stop bitching and whining because nobody is listening.  Thailand is what it is and it is governed by Khun Prayuth Chan O Cha so like it or lump it ..that's what it is.  ????


    It's good to see that your true colours are being shown again..... Whinging bitching and whining about other farang. What right do you have to tell others where to live? 

    This is a forum where people are entitled to express their opinions without having no-hopers like you telling them to live elsewhere.


    • Thanks 2
  5. 2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Trump last Friday said he was considering pardons for a number of service members accused of war crimes, and Gallagher's case is widely believed to be one of the cases under review. (https://reut.rs/2QAJ9nx)

    That would set a terrible precedent. It doesn't matter if you've got a string of Purple Hearts, Medals of Honor, Victoria Crosses, Croixs de guerre etc; if you're a murderer you must be punished.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Thailand said:

    It does make you wonder how P will deal with opposition and their jibes and no doubt laughter in the coming months. Hopefully they will all turn up with their copies of Animal Farm for starters.

    If he does not have a 44 alternative we are going to see some wonderful tantrums.

    I don't think it will worry him too much. There was an article in the BP quoting a list MP and a Senator about the viability of a minority government because of the Constitution; how Prayut can pass laws through royal decrees and Senate votes; and a no confidence vote causing his defeat can result in him being simply nominated again.

    Because no one was allowed to debate the charter before the referendum many were in the dark about these provisions.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, Thaifriends said:

    She is correct as there are plenty of mentally constipated people in this forum who joke on people's misery, give opinions even without understanding the situation, have inferiority and superiority complex together. After giving useless opinions, then they kept on arguing on it like school bullys which reflects the childish nature even when having grey hairs.


    So ignore those idiots.

    Yeah, they're probably the vestiges from Ajarn.com forum

  8. 53 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    Agreed, absolutely. Thailand has been a good host to them, and to all of us.

    Despite all the corruption, idiocy and puffed-up buffoonery, there is a gentleness and essential civility to life in Thailand that no longer exists elsewhere. That is why we are all here. 

    Sure, the ending of the embassy letter loophole has inconvenienced a lot of people, but surely everyone always understood that it was just a loophole, not some sort of right.

    Are grown men really going to descend into a bitter persecution complex simply because a country tightens up a situation that would not have been affordable, for any country, as people continue to live longer and require more expensive care as they age?

    Thailand continues to be a remarkably soft universe. It has its problems, of course, but we are here because it is the land of a million loopholes, not least the one that allows elderly men to live like playboys. It is hypocritical to complain when they finally get organized enough to close the one loophole that could end up bankrupting their system ???? 


    So, after all those smooth, endearing words you're just basically here for the cheap sex. Why didn't you say so in the first place?

  9. So Boss Hogg will choose the hogs he will eat with at the trough.


    With thanks to Pink Floyd

    Big man, pig man
    Ha, ha, charade you are
    You well heeled big wheel
    Ha, ha, charade you are
    And when your hand is on your heart
    You're nearly a good laugh
    Almost a joker
    With your head down in the pig bin
    Saying 'Keep on digging'
    Pig stain on your fat chin
    What do you hope to find
    Down in the pig mine?
    You're nearly a laugh
    You're nearly a laugh
    But you're really a cry

    • Like 2
  10. "He said that the Democrat party’s decision, to join or not to join the Palang Pracharat-led coalition, would be based on valid reasoning, which the party can explain to its supporters. He also hinted that the party should be given economic portfolios so the party could implement its economic policies to help resolve farmers’ problems and other bread and butter issues."


    It's nothing to do with validity or honour; it's all about power. Why all this bulldusting around? We know which way they are going to go. They have no honour; they just want the power. They forget [or don't know] that with honour comes respect; then with respect comes the power.

    Maybe they'll continue their usual behaviour and walk out off Parliament when voting is to take place.

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