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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. rather than changing currencies twice and paying the money changers for that service, wouldn't it just make more sense to get off the plane and hit up an ATM inside the airport before leaving?

    I trust that Istanbul Airport has ATM's , correct?

    Just check out the current fx rate so you don't accidentally pull out a ridiculously high or low amount...

  2. Naam, I understand from your above and previous posts that you are in multiple currencies / countries... just couriers how you picked those countries in the beginning.

    Was it based upon you actually living at those markets at some point in your life or just by doing research and choosing countries based upon your research and then expanding your positions over time?

    Did you enter into these markets on your own or did you initially start out using a Financial adviser?

  3. Of course it is possible to ship large expensive items to Thailand. Companies ship very large and very expensive items all of the time ... this is especially the case for very high tech items that are not available locally (think moving factories, entire product lines, specially designed machines etc...

    Power Plant Project

    In fact their is entire niche market for "Project Cargo" where freight forwarders specialize in moving very large items

    Sea is generally cheaper than air (except for small shipments), but for your specific case, you would need to see if the goods can be supplied locally and then crunch the numbers to see if it makes sense...

  4. not making any judgements about missionaries or their goals (to each his own), but the difference in simple...

    Teaching English is simply giving students another tool to use. It is the international language and as such allows the student to participate in any international venue or discussion. It is NOT a belief structure...

    Converting to a new religion requires the student to completely change their entire belief structure.

  5. He added that at the recent rally, the Democrat Party only expressed negative views of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was a member of the Pheu Thai Party Party, but did not attack the Pheu Thai Party itself.

    Banned politician, convicted criminal, party member...

    Where's the EC? Surely this is enough to dissolve the party and ban the execs (again)... we all know its coming, its just a question of WHEN?

    (my guess is July 2nd)

    I am sure the courts want to at least give the DEMs a chance to win on their own first... if not, they can always step in and dissolve the party after the election like last time...

  6. WOW 007 !!! your post is a bit over the top, don't ya think?

    I think its time for you to explore the idea of moving to another country, as you seem really burned out on this one...

    To the OP, I would not apologize to the security guard, he was in the wrong and abusing his position...

    I would say that if ever in the same position, just ask to speak to the a German Consular officer (not Thai). I do believe that if you just politely explain the situation, they would be able to assist you.

    Some times, some people get an over-inflated sense of self importance and get on a power trip... best to just go over their heads to solve the problem.

    Just remember to be polite, but firm.... after all, you did nothing wrong.

  7. I would guess that Foreigners on extension of stay based upon Foreign income earned would be an easy place to start... as they have already sworn that they have earned income from overseas.

    Which to me always seemed one good reason to go via the 800K deposit route.

    Thanks for the heads up sangfroid that's some really good intel. Should prove interesting when they get to the US retirees who have sworn to an income without ever needing to prove it in any way...

    Not everyone using the income letter from the US is Lying, I am sure most can provide proof if requested.

  8. Thanks for the responses so far...

    Latest update... I called them to confirm that the price in the email was correct and for Business class, to which they replied 'yes'.

    I then later received a draft of the Itinerary and it shows "Economy Class" on the tickets. I sent them an email asking them to check and confirm as my original request was for business class, the reply with rates showed business class and in our phone conversation they confirmed rates for Business class.

    We will see how they reply, but it may just end up being quote for a really expensive Economy tickets rather than a good deal on Business class...

    I have not paid any money and would not until I went down to see the office in person and received confirmation from the airline that the tickets are 'real' , but if they quoted the wrong service and their rates are really for Economy rather than business then it really is a non-issue...

  9. Has anyone ever used the below travel agent.

    I sent them a request for 2 Business class tickets from the USA to BKK and return and they came back with a really good price (almost to good to be true).

    They are located in Pattaya, so thought some folks may have heard of them and possibly used them...



    75/10-9 M.9 Pattaya sai2 Oposit Montien Hotel T.Nongprue Banglamung Chonburi 20260

    TAT License No. 11/5368

    Would be interested in any feedback if anyone has every heard them or used them...

  10. I guess it was only a matter of time....

    After all-it has been on the books for many years that anyone living in Thailand for more that 180 days (ish) is considered a tax resident in Thailand.

    It also states that tax payers need to pay income tax on any income generated overseas that are brought into Thailand the same calendar year as earned.

    I would guess that Foreigners on extension of stay based upon Foreign income earned would be an easy place to start... as they have already sworn that they have earned income from overseas.

    If this represents a change in the enforcement of tax regulations, then it appears that in order to avoid paying income tax, you would need to prove that the money was earned in a previous year or that you have already paid taxes on the money to a country that has a Tax treaty with Thailand that does not allow for double taxation of income.

  11. The below organization in the states is responsible for issuing ATA Carnet, but you can also contact your Freight forwarder to help arrange.

    USCIB (United States Council for International Business)

    ATA Carnet Department 1212 Avenue of the Americas

    New York, NY 10036

    Telephone: (866) 786-5625 or

    (800) 5DUTYFREE (538-8937)

    Fax: (212) 944-0012

    Email: [email protected]

    USCIB Website


    A simplified Customs Procedure for Temporary Admission of Goods into a Foreign Country.


    The ATA carnet is an international customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary import of goods for up to one year. The initials ATA are an acronym of the French and English word Admission Temporaire/Temporary Admission The ATA Carnet operates under the international Customs Conventions administered by the World Customs Organization (WCO).The four main categories of goods traded internationally:

    - commercial samples;

    - goods for presentation or use at trade , fairs , shows, exhibitions or similar


    - professional equipment

    - scientific equipment

    In view of the numerous advantages the system offers to Thailand.s expanding business communities, Thailand has joined the system with effect from the end of 1994 and The Board of Trade of Thailand has been appointed by Thai Government to issue Carnets under this Carnet Arrangement.

    For Thailand, the customs authorities shall accept goods be temporarily imported under the following Conventions:

    - ATA Carnet Convention 1961

    - Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment 1961

    - Customs Convention Concerning Facilities for the Importation of goods for display or use at Exhibitions ,Fairs ,Meetings or Similar Events 1961

    - International Convention to Facilitates the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material 1952

    - Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Scientific Equipment 1968


    - Simplifies and expedites formalities

    - Reduces the clearance time for goods on both importation and re-exportation

    - Removes the need to deposit bonds or pay duty on entry and drawback on reexport

    - Goods can be temporarily imported into multiple countries under the single


    - The Carnet has a life of 12 months


    The ATA Carnet is a simple international customs document with two sheets for presentation for each foreign country you wish to visit (import-re-exportation), and two sheets for presentation to customs when leaving and returning to Thailand (exportation < re-importation). You give importation sheet to the foreign customs officials when you enter their country and the re-exportation sheet when you leave it.


    Items such as paint, cleaning materials, food, oils, leaflets and brochures, which areconsidered as consumable items and intended to be given away, disposed of , or utilizedabroad, are excluded from the systems as they would not ordinarily be re-exported. Also excluded from the A.T.A. Carnet System are the following:

    1. Items already sold or offered for sale. Such items are not considered samples.

    2. Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and fuels, etc.

    3. Goods intended for procession or repair.

    4. Postal traffic.


    1. Commercial Sample 1 year

    2. Exhibition goods 1 year

    3. Professional equipment 1 year

    4. Scientific equipment 1 year

  13. OP What you are looking for is an ATA Carnet...

    This is designed for temporary imports. The premise is based upon the shipper (in the origin country) guaranteeing the import duty in the case that all items are not exported from the destination country within 1 yr.

    You would need to contact a Freight Forwarder at the origin country to arrange.

    There are 4 authorized uses for ATA Carnet, but I believe that the one you would be interested in is for "Professional Equipment".

    Member Countries

    Explanation of ATA Carnet (English)

  14. The question is will banks and investors actually take a stand in this and "play chicken" with US government to see who blinks first...

    they won't because they are scared shitless, especially those with an exposure in the U.S. as even a temporary ruling of a Federal Judge can halt their business for a few days and cause hundreds of millions losses.

    There will be a lot of complaining and hand wringing, but I agree that at the end of the day this is likely to be a done deal.

  15. They forgot about scenario # 4.... (which will occur if either scenario 1 or 2 from the OP comes about)

    Pheu Thai either gains a full majority or is able to make a coalition government, but certain folks can not allow that to happen... so a case is brought against Pheu Thai in the courts for doing something illegal in the election. They will of course be found guilty and the party will be disbanded and its leaders will not be allowed to hold office...

    This continues as many times as needed until the other parties realize that they are not allowed to form a coalition with Pueu Thai (or what they rename them selves to be) and they then form coalition with the Dems and they Dems take back the government.

    If other parties don't get the hint, maybe some of those other parties need to be found guilty of election crimes and disbanded and leader replaced... or the ultimate solution, the Army comes back out and kicks them out of government.

    (please note that I am not denying that the parties involved may very well be committing election crimes, in fact it is not hard to believe that most, if not all parties have likely done something that could allow them to get into 'hot water' )


    I personally do not think that Pheu Thai is the best party and genuinely hope that they do not win the election, but the reality of the matter is that the only way for this to truly end is for all parties to ACCEPT the results of the election... even if that means that Pheu Thai gets the next government...

    Then the Dems need to be a very very vocal opposition party and bring to light everything that the Pheu Thai are doing and campaign promises that are broken.

    Bottom line, in a democracy you need to allow the people get the government the vote for even if it may not be the "best government" in your view. You can then come back a few years later and show the voters all of the "Bad things" that the party in power did and convince them to elect you to government.

    So long as the powers that be continue to find ways not to let Pheu Thai form the next government (if they win) this will continue to play out over and over and over again. Better to uphold democracy and just to let them run the government for a few years.

  16. I would guess that if enough banks and fund managers around the world unified on this issue and made a united stand that they would pull all investment out of US stock market if this issue was pushed, the US would have no choice but to either back down or face economic meltdown...

    The question is will banks and investors actually take a stand in this and "play chicken" with US government to see who blinks first...

  17. Yes these types of "Step up Accounts" are very good for money that you are likely not going to need to dip into but want to have access "just in case". Most financial planners say that you should have 3 months expenses as a 'cash reserve' and this type of account is perfect for that.

    You start off with a low interest rate the first few months and then if you do not withdraw the money the interest raises at the end of each period, but if you need to withdraw the money you can do so at any time.

    You can also break up the amounts so that you do not have to loose the higher interest rates on all of the funds iff you have to withdraw a little bit. For example, if you have 200,000 thb, you can break it up into 4 chunks of 50,000, so if you need any funds you can pull out 50,000 and leave the other 150,000 in the step up account. Also even though you have what is in essence 4 chucks of 50,000 thb, you only need one bank book.

  18. I have to agree with Richard... it is possible to get a driver's license without having to pay any under the table. I went through the process twice, once for car license and then again for motorcycle license. In both cases no additional under the table money was requested. Once in Bangkok and the second time upcountry.

  19. I do not think there is really any issue with immigration asking for proof of funds, but the million dollar question is going to be what types of income they will accept and what types they will not accept.

    I am not sure if this is going to be an issue or not, but does the requirement specifically dictate that it must be pension income or can investment income qualify as well? From my understanding, they will not allow investment income from within Thailand to qualify, so it is certain that they will allow investment income from outside Thailand to qualify?

    Also I understand that some may use things like income generated from rental properties. Will they accept this? If you are considered a tax resident in Thailand ( I believe this is over 6 months) Would rental income generated from outside Thailand that is brought into Thailand the same year it was generated require the person to pay tax?

    How about if some folks are using other types of income generated from some sort of work.... their embassy wouldn't care about this issue, but would immigration? If you are getting income from working overseas, does that qualify for a retirement visa? Will immigration say, how can you get a "retirement visa" if you are still working?

    Or if you have a salary from overseas but live in Thailand 11 months out of the year, would they question how you can be working for an overseas company without ever leaving the country and without having a work permit?

    Maybe there will not be any issues with the points raised above... but like many other things in this world, in principle it sounds fine, but the devil may be in the details.

  20. Just make sure you are not wearing the same shirt as last years photo....

    A couple of years ago, I accidentally wore the same shirt as the year before (not that I remembered at the time) and then two days later after submitting my extension paperwork, I received a call from Immigration advising me that I needed to come in and submit a new picture.

    It was no use trying to explain that it was just random coincidence that I happened to grab the same color dress shirt for this years photo, they just said, "you are wearing the same shirt from last year, so must be the same picture".

    So I took another look at the picture made sure I grabbed a different color dress shirt, took another picture and went back down to immigration...

  21. 'Hangover' star Justin Bartha has revealed that he regrets having gone to Thai sex clubs for research of the film's sequel after seeing some "disgusting" things over there. The actor said he feels so "ashamed" about what he saw there, but refuses to talk about them for fear of offending people.


    This is to be expected... I am guessing he decided to go out and have a crazy night in Bangkok :burp: and somebody (maybe his wife or girlfriend ???) found out and then the :hit-the-fan:

    So then immediately made up the excuse that he was doing "research" for the film :whistling: and claimed that it was "So awful that he will be scarred for life" and that he can not even talk about it. :jerk:

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