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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. I think the word you are are looking for is "Dam".... good idea, Thailand does need to build another Dam to help control the water issue. The problem is that no one wants to build one where there family has been living for generations

    So the question is... who do you kick off their family land to make room to build another dam?

  2. I got a call today from a long time friend who it seems has let his visa run out about 4 months ago...

    He is planning on going to Laos here in a couple of weeks and has said he was advised by one of the "visa run" companies that he wont have any problems as long as he has the 20 k on him at the border.

    I have seen posts on here about a recent crack down on overstays and not sure if they are just rumors or the truth. Anyone have any first hand experience in the last couple of months ?

  3. Save yourself the 500 bucks....

    Just advise details about you and your wife .... age, nationality, purpose of visit to Thailand and length of time planning on staying and someone will be by shortly to advise you everything you need to know about Thai visa regs for someone in your situation...

  4. If you are going to send stained glass via LCL I would pay special care to the packaging and also ensure that you get insurance.

    LCL is good and usually a whole lot cheaper than airfreight, but often times the handling can be a bit rough, especially if the co-loader is going to open the container at a transit point (like Singapore) and re-pack the container before heading to Thailand (which many do).

    Insurance premiums are fairly inexpensive aprox 0.8% of Value of goods and max insurable amount is 110% of CIF value.

  5. We are planning a family outing to Ayutthaya on Sunday and am looking for some ideas....

    We will be driving up ourselves, but would like to hire a tour guide (Thai Language). Does anyone know where we should go or does anyone have the number of a good guide we can book with?

    I imagine that the temple tours will take a few hours, but then also looking for some other ideas for places to go and see.

    Any recommendations or ideas?

  6. one more point.... once you check out the cost of buying your own shipping container, liner surcharge for shipping SOC, import duty and vat on container... you may actually find that you could have built a simple building (4 walls and a roof) for less (as long as you own the property).

    I saw that your girlfriend / wife lives in a Town house, so if she does not have any land, you also have to think about where to will put the container as most Townhouses I have seen in Thailand, do not generally have enough room to park a 20ft container.

  7. Not a problem to move a container up to KK, the trucking cost will obviously be higher than moving a container BKK, but that just makes sense....

    As others have stated, if you purchase the container and plan on permanently importing into Thailand, you will also need to pay import duty on the container. The reason why this is not done if you use container from the liner is because the liner's container does not remain in Thailand... every liner company has to place a bond with Thai customs and account for all container coming in and out of the country.

    You will also need to make sure that your forwarder realizes that you need to book freight via SOC (shipper's own container) as many liner's will actually charge a surcharge if you use your own container.

    You should also contact a customs broker in Thailand to determine if you would qualify for and duty privilege if you move your house hold goods to Thailand. Generally you will need a work permit and a non-im visa to qualify.

    Then even if you do qualify, it is not a blanket exemption... the standard is "what is reasonably required to move your household" and this standard can vary depending upon customs officer on duty at the time

    ... there is no exact measurement, but for example one tv not going to be a problem, but 5 tv may seem to be more than what is "reasonably required", so customs officer may say... first 2 no duty, the other 3 you need to pay duty...

  8. Yes, any freight forwarder can handle what you are describing.... a purchase under exworks terms.

    The more import question that you should be thinking about is, what are you planning on importing and have you checked with your customs broker about estimated import duty & vat and to ensure that no import permits are needed...

  9. I agree that you should be checking with your forwarder... what were the terms of the shipment ? EXW, FOB, CIF ?

    If freight was prepaid, that means that is was the shipper's responsibility to handle the freight and they would have nominated the freight forwarder. In that case, I would be on the phone with the shipper as this would be there responsibility to sort this out.

    If freight is collect, then you are the one to nominate the freight forwarder and you should nominate an agent that you know you can trust and they should be able to advise you what is going on....

    It is also true that it is likely that you have the HAWB, not the MAWB and the MAWB is what is required to track through the airline, but most forwarders will have the MAWB # noted on their HAWB. If you are not sure about which number is the MAWB, it contains a 3 number prefix (which annotates the airline) and then 8 more numbers (all airlines have the same format).

    Some one posted the site to BFS, but I am not sure how accurate their site is. You also have to remember that their are two cargo terminals at BKK airport , so BFS Cargo terminal only handles a little under half of the airlines coming into Thailand.

    I have posted the best tracking website I have found below... it allows you to sort wither by airline name or airline prefix number...

    Cargo tracking

    Also remeber that if the cargo ends up lost or damaged... the airline's maximum liability is USD 20 per kg or invoice value of goods (which ever is less), so if the goods are worth more, you should by insurance.... it is not that expensive... premiums are generally around 0.08% of value of goods, so it really is worth insuring your goods

  10. I agree with some of the others who have advised to contact the University directly...

    I studied at a Thai university and I never interacted with the Ministry of Education for anything....

    I contacted the University and asked for an application. I then completed and submitted all requested documents as a transfer student. From your above post, you have advised that you have completed one yr of university already, so I presume that you should do the same.

    Part of the requirements was a copy of my transcripts from my old University in the US along with course descriptions (so that the Thai University could determine if they would give credit for the courses taken at university in the USA).

    All - in- all everything went relatively smoothly, although had to negotiate with one of the department heads on getting credit for some of the classes.

  11. I agree with others that 15,000 thb a month should be fine for both mother and child.

    If I was the OP, I would probably go visit schools with the mother on his next trip to visit his kid in Thailand. With the understanding that he will pay the schools costs.

    By going to see the school himself, he can be assured that

    1. the school does provide the level of education that he wants for his child

    2. The actual costs of tuition, so as not to be "taken advantage of". He may even be able to coordinate with the school to allow him to transfers funds directly to the school if needed.

  12. Since the goods are coming from China, here is one more idea...

    Contact a customs broker and find out what the actual import duty of the goods would be under the general rate and under the Asean / China FTA rate.

    If any duty privilege can be gained under the FTA, find a supplier that can issue FORM E.

    Just as an Fyi ... many (but not all) items are covered under this FTA and there are a large number of items that will have a reduced import duty rate of 0%

  13. If you let anyone in the family know you are thinking about doing this... you could end up being the "bad guy" even though everything you are saying is true and even if the sister would be better off without him.

    You also have to realize that it may not actually solve the problem long term...

    He might get arrested, and may be deported, but he could immediately get a new passport and come back into Thailand. From what I have heard, people are generally not blacklisted for overstays...

    So it could cost him a couple of thousand in overstay fines, cost of new passport (if he actually doesn't have one). cost of a plane ticket back home, but he could then just hop back on a plane and could very well be sitting on the couch swilling beer within a couple of week's from the time is is taken in by immigration.

    You could cause yourself a whole lot of grief and not even get what your looking for in the end.... who knows, if you are doing well financially, your wife may even be hit up from her sister for a "loan" to help the deadbeat get his visa situation straightened out.

  14. Guesthouse...

    You advised that one of the other couples were the ones to "put out the invite" and that this "new couple"had never been out with you all before.

    Any chance that they were not advised about the expected "dress code", I would guess that if you invite him to a similar dinner engagement, he will either dress the same as everyone or may just come up with an excuse not to go out.

    Also, do you know what he does for a living? or is he retired? If he retired and moved to Thailand, it is entirely possible that he doesn't even own a suit any more...

  15. I have to admit that the legal arguments seem sound and that as long as all of the T's are crossed and all of the i's are dotted. It looks to be completely legal and meet all of the requirements of the law.

    For those who are freelancing or exploring business opportunities in Thailand, it seems like one way to explore the issue without jumping all the way in and opening up a business.

    It seems to offer a way to "test the waters" and still doing it legally with a WP.

    As many have said, there has not been any serious crack down on people keeping quite below the radar, but if there was a crackdown many may find themselves a whole lot more interested in this type of service.

    The risk is, if the business is very successful, you could always just fire the foreigner and start running the company your self. As you are the employer and the foreigner is the employee, what safe guards are in place that would prevent this? Not saying you are not ethical, but I don't know you, so I can't say you are ethical either...

  16. Not sure why this has upset you....

    I have filled up many a time when the fuel light turns on and 1,000 thb fills it up, this time it didn't and it seemed strange to me... If you drive the same car for a few years, it is not unusual to know how much it costs to fill the tank.

    She was obviously speaking in Thai, not English, but this is an English Forum.... believe it or not, a surprising number of foreigners actually can speak and understand Thai

    I am just telling my experience, if you do not believe me then just close your eyes and disregard it.

    I ran into this one at the Shell station on Srinakerin road by the Samitivet Hostipal...

    You pull up to the pump and they keep asking you to move further forward so that you are about level with the 2ns pump. They then go back to the first pump (that its almost impossible to read from in your car). That pump has about 100thb on it from the last motorcycle that filled up.

    I got caught on this one time... it seemed really strange why they would have me pull up to the second pump and then stretch the line all the way to my car from the first instead of using the pump right next to my car. Then when I pulled out and realized that my take was not as full as it should be... it finally made sense.

    About 100b ??

    100b is a few litres, you seem to be very intimate with your fuel gauge to be able to come to the conclusion you had been ripped off.

    I tend to avoid the station, but then a few months later, I was on fumes and needed to stop there to fill up. They started to do the same thing, but the attendant saw me roling down the window and sticking my head out to get a good look at the rear pump and she quickly told the other attendant, stop... dont use that one, use the first pump... there was thb 100 on the rear pump that they were about to use.

    I gave the atttendant a dirty look but that was about it...

    Wow, she has awesome english skills, interesting there was the same reading of 100b on the pump again........ go figure.

  17. I ran into this one at the Shell station on Srinakerin road by the Samitivet Hostipal...

    You pull up to the pump and they keep asking you to move further forward so that you are about level with the 2ns pump. They then go back to the first pump (that its almost impossible to read from in your car). That pump has about 100thb on it from the last motorcycle that filled up.

    I got caught on this one time... it seemed really strange why they would have me pull up to the second pump and then stretch the line all the way to my car from the first instead of using the pump right next to my car. Then when I pulled out and realized that my take was not as full as it should be... it finally made sense.

    I tend to avoid the station, but then a few months later, I was on fumes and needed to stop there to fill up. They started to do the same thing, but the attendant saw me roling down the window and sticking my head out to get a good look at the rear pump and she quickly told the other attendant, stop... dont use that one, use the first pump... there was thb 100 on the rear pump that they were about to use.

    I gave the atttendant a dirty look but that was about it...

    I had a different scam.

    I asked for 1000bht. I got out (cos the staff can't find my petrol cap!!!) standing there I see it roll over 1000bht and tell him to stop. he stops at 1121bht. I tell him I said 1000b he starts whinging saying I said fill the tank. I know three other staff heard be say it but they won't back me up so I say I only have this 1000b in my hand. He complains it will come out of his wage but I have no time for this B/S and leave to play my golf match. a week later when passing I gave them 121bht of diesel in a 5litre water bottle, cos I am not a thief. Idiots like him do my nut it! I was just not up for it that day. all he had to gain was selling me more gas than I asked for. I can't imagine they're on commission so I think it was stupidity rather than a scam to be fair...

    I won't miss it, that much if for sure. Twunts.

    That's pathetic. Because of a minor mistake and a trivial inconvenience to you, a gas attendant loses most of his wages for the day. You should be ashamed.

    For sure!!!!

    Check your attitude "Idiots like him do my nut" the guy is probably working 12 hours a day pumping gas, so he forgets, fill it up or 1000 baht, sorry this don't make him and idiot.

    But your attitude sure says allot about you!!

    Partly... but why would he have to pay for the stupidity of others.. In this case i would have paid.. but i don't like the principle of me having to pay up for other people's mistakes

  18. Based upon the above logic....

    If all monies earned are considered joint marital assets and belong 50% to each party... then so long as the joint income is more than double the mortgage payment couldn't it be argued that the wife's 50% was used to pay the mortgage and the husbands 50% was used for "other things".

    How could it be possible to prove otherwise?

    And more importantly, would the government even waste the time and money trying to ...

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