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Posts posted by CWMcMurray

  1. I have to agree with others... the land department does not care about the Bank's lending criteria... at least they didnt in our case.

    My wife has her own store, and we submitted her info, but she did not make enough to qualify for the full loan amount on her own, so I co-signed... I work in Thailand: WP, pay taxes and all the rest ... we did not have a problem. Aproved for 90% through Siam City

  2. If you are looking to file applications for vat refund based upon export, then you will need to ensure that all exports are done via formal customs clearance (i.e. no thai post office or DHL,Fed Ex courier shipments). You will need these docs to "prove" the goods were exported.

    Also do to the fact that you will not be collecting any vat from customers (no local sales) you will not have any vat collections from customers.... only applications for vat refund that you have paid to suppliers. So from what I have heard the revenue department will be sticklers for the details... it is key to have a gook book keeper or accountant who knows the system or you could have problems in getting your refund based upon small details.

  3. There are many schools in BKK hat offer classes that can be taken on Sundays to finish her high school education. I believe that most of the people who attend these type of classes are adult learners and when they finish they will get a certificate for equivalency of M6.

    If you ask you wife about this, she is sure to know about them, as they are very well known. If she says she doesn't, it is very likely that she is not interested.

  4. I second Dasa Books... I sell my books there, not for cash but for store credit. I then get more books to read, then once those are done, I turn them in for more.

    Each time you get 50% of the price, so every time you trade in your books you end up with half as many books. I started out with about 100 books of my own, so I will end up with reading about 97 books more before they are all gone. I am ok with that as it will give me a couple of years of "Free Reading", after that I will start buying books again for a couple of years and then repeat the process.

  5. You could tell them that you need them for your visa extension (not sure if they know when your next visa is due) <br><br>-or-<br><br>You can tell them that you need them to file taxes in your home country.... they are unlikely to know about the tax regs and document requirements of your home country, but since these docs are needed to file for taxes in Thailand, it would be very believable to advise them that in order to avoid double taxation you need to submit proof of income and proof of taxes paid in Thailand to your origin country.<br><br>If they know about the filing deadline of your home country, you can tell tem that as an expat, you are automatically given an extension to file your taxes and are authorized for a further extension upon request...<br>

  6. I take my own cloth bags to Tesco, Carrefour, etc. They look at me like I'm crazy! And it's hard to tell the clerks at 7/11, etc., that you don't want a plastic bag. It's only a can of coke! I don't need a bag for it.

    My wife says it's a Thai thing...they feel if they don't get a bag, they are getting ripped off...go figure...

    Same, we have used our own cloth bags for over 16 years in various countries. Every little helps but we are definitely the oddities amongst the masses.

    Could simply charge for plastic bags as they did in HK and now China, that tends to make people think more-maybe! :whistling:

    I will agree that the chain stores may be pushing this because they are "Thinking Green", but the "green" that they are thinking about has nothing to do with helping the environment.

    The price of plastic bags is already accounted for in the current prices for all of these chain stores, so they should give you a discount if you use your own bag... not charge you more if you do not.

    I think that they are all likely to jump on this Bandwagon as it is a way to increase their profit margin while claiming to be "Green"..... I will let you decide for yourselves which of these two you think they are more interested in...

  7. Father Joe has been helping the kids in the slums of Bangkok for over 30 years. Their primary focus is on education of slums children and this seems to match with what you are looking for. They also have a progeam where you can sponsor a child which also sounds like something that you may be interested in.

    Check out some web pages below for more info...

    Human Developement Foundation

    Article about Father Joe

    The was also a book written about his work in the Bangkok slums, it really is a good read and it is clear from the stories that he is really committed to helping the kids in the slums. In some of the stories, it is clear that he is willing to fight and pressure government agencies when needed and has even put his own personal safety on the line to help many of these kids.

    Welcome to the Bangkok Slaughterhouse

  8. Yes.

    Por Ngor Dor 91 is annual personal tax return.

    Por Ngor Dor 1 is monthly company withholding tax return for salaries - so you will need papers for appropriate months.

    That sounds about right from my memory, but last year I think that they asked me to provide another letter from the company that had my starting date and salary as well.

    But then again last yr was my first yr extending with salary from my job and did not have tax returns from the yr before. I am not sure if this letter is needed again or if it was only needed last yr because I did not have tax returns, so they needed this letter to prove that I had only started after the new yr and that is why I did not have any tax returns.

  9. Its about that time again...

    I will be heading back for another extension next week and I know all of the docs that I will need to provide to prove the relationship for extension (Thai Wife), but I can not remember all of the docs needed from my job to "prove income". The HR manager changed since last year and the new one is not sure exactly what docs I need either.

    Does anyone have a link to a Thai version, that I can hand in to my HR department, so that they can get everything ready and provide me with all of the required docs that need to be issued by the company.

    Visa = Thai Wife

    Proof of income

    Thanks for yourt help.

  10. I have seen on some previous posts that many have ordered a Nisan March and are waiting for them to arrive in Thailand. We ordered ours at the Motor show and were advised middle to end of June...

    Sales person advise to call back first week of June and she would hopefully have more info...

    How about the rest of you who have ordered a Nisan March, any word on when you will get yours?

  11. Once the genie is out of the bottle it is hard to stuff him back in again and force everyone to forget he ever existed.... the poor masses have tasted the crumbs thrown to them by Taksin and nothing will be the same in Thailand ever again.

    The Red leadership may be using the masses (and I am sure many of them are aware of this), but many would rather than be used by a criminal than to be ignored and surpressed by the "benevolent" elite.

  12. The problem is that while it is good to "prevent people from breaking the law" it is import to also not lose sight of the affect non "non law breakers".

    Perphaps a better way to would be to work behind the scence in "following the money" of "Law Breakers" and then catch them rather than set a process that could have a very serious effect on "non law breakers".

    What would an expat who has not lived in the US for many years do if suddenly all his bank accounts both in the US and overseas were closed? Would it be fair that the only cause would be that he/she did not live within the USA?

  13. If I understand corrrectly...

    The employer adviertised to pay 30,000, but OP put salary expectation of 20,000 in with his CV and was oferred a job for aprox 20,000 and would now like to negociate for higher...

    Why not just ask them about the adviertised salary of 30,000 for the position?

    Also if they had advertised for 30,000, it may not have made a whole lot of sense to put your salary expectations at only 66% of the salary they were adertising that they were willing to pay.

    (negotiating 101)

  14. Pity they did'nt crackdown on the yellows previously, if they had of, maybe the reds would'nt have copied them. The two airports and government house were occupied without any resitance from the army or police. Double standards.

    *SIGH* where do they keep coming from? I thought it was LOW season now so all the tourists left...

    Regardless of polictal views; a lack of prosecution of criminals does make other criminals believe that they can commit the same or similar crimes without being punished as well.

    If all murders and rapists and drug dealers stopped being arrested and prosecuted, it stands to reason that there would be a whole lot more people commiting those crimes...

    So it is a valid argument that if the yellow leaders were currently sitting in a jail cell for their crimes, the red leaders may never have had the balls to begin the protests at all....

    Since the yellows were not prosecuted, the red leaders likely feel that they should not be afraid of prosecution as well, so no risk...

  15. I found that KTC was quite friendly when issuing my CC, seemed very accommodating and willing to be flexible with some of the documents needed.

    Took about 1.5 weeks from the time I turned in my application until I got a call to confirm my details and then the card arrived at the house by mail about two weeks later.

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